
This commit is contained in:
fyears 2024-04-21 10:31:53 +00:00
parent 152fc46819
commit 85512de18e
1 changed files with 885 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -1,37 +1,914 @@
import {
} from "./baseTypes";
import { FakeFs, FakeStats } from "./fsAll";
import { bufferToArrayBuffer } from "./misc";
import { request, requestUrl } from "obsidian";
import { CryptoProvider } from "@azure/msal-node/dist/crypto/CryptoProvider";
import { PublicClientApplication } from "@azure/msal-node/dist/client/PublicClientApplication";
import {
} from "@microsoft/microsoft-graph-types";
import { AuthenticationProvider } from "@microsoft/microsoft-graph-client/lib/src/IAuthenticationProvider";
import cloneDeep from "lodash/cloneDeep";
const SCOPES = ["User.Read", "Files.ReadWrite.AppFolder", "offline_access"];
export const DEFAULT_ONEDRIVE_CONFIG: OnedriveConfig = {
accessToken: "",
clientID: process.env.DEFAULT_ONEDRIVE_CLIENT_ID ?? "",
authority: process.env.DEFAULT_ONEDRIVE_AUTHORITY ?? "",
refreshToken: "",
accessTokenExpiresInSeconds: 0,
accessTokenExpiresAtTime: 0,
deltaLink: "",
username: "",
credentialsShouldBeDeletedAtTime: 0,
// Onedrive authorization using PKCE
export async function getAuthUrlAndVerifier(
clientID: string,
authority: string
) {
const cryptoProvider = new CryptoProvider();
const { verifier, challenge } = await cryptoProvider.generatePkceCodes();
const pkceCodes = {
challengeMethod: "S256", // Use SHA256 Algorithm
verifier: verifier,
challenge: challenge,
const authCodeUrlParams = {
redirectUri: REDIRECT_URI,
scopes: SCOPES,
codeChallenge: pkceCodes.challenge, // PKCE Code Challenge
codeChallengeMethod: pkceCodes.challengeMethod, // PKCE Code Challenge Method
const pca = new PublicClientApplication({
auth: {
clientId: clientID,
authority: authority,
const authCodeUrl = await pca.getAuthCodeUrl(authCodeUrlParams);
return {
authUrl: authCodeUrl,
verifier: verifier,
* Check doc from
* https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-auth-code-flow
* https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/getting-started/graph-oauth?view=odsp-graph-online#code-flow
export interface AccessCodeResponseSuccessfulType {
token_type: "Bearer" | "bearer";
expires_in: number;
ext_expires_in?: number;
scope: string;
access_token: string;
refresh_token?: string;
id_token?: string;
export interface AccessCodeResponseFailedType {
error: string;
error_description: string;
error_codes: number[];
timestamp: string;
trace_id: string;
correlation_id: string;
export const sendAuthReq = async (
clientID: string,
authority: string,
authCode: string,
verifier: string,
errorCallBack: any
) => {
// // original code snippets for references
// const authResponse = await pca.acquireTokenByCode({
// redirectUri: REDIRECT_URI,
// scopes: SCOPES,
// code: authCode,
// codeVerifier: verifier, // PKCE Code Verifier
// });
// console.info('authResponse')
// console.info(authResponse)
// return authResponse;
// Because of the CORS problem,
// we need to construct raw request using Obsidian request,
// instead of using msal
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-auth-code-flow
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/getting-started/graph-oauth?view=odsp-graph-online#code-flow
try {
const rsp1 = await request({
url: `${authority}/oauth2/v2.0/token`,
method: "POST",
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
body: new URLSearchParams({
tenant: "consumers",
client_id: clientID,
scope: SCOPES.join(" "),
code: authCode,
redirect_uri: REDIRECT_URI,
grant_type: "authorization_code",
code_verifier: verifier,
const rsp2 = JSON.parse(rsp1);
// console.info(rsp2);
if (rsp2.error !== undefined) {
return rsp2 as AccessCodeResponseFailedType;
} else {
return rsp2 as AccessCodeResponseSuccessfulType;
} catch (e) {
await errorCallBack(e);
export const sendRefreshTokenReq = async (
clientID: string,
authority: string,
refreshToken: string
) => {
// also use Obsidian request to bypass CORS issue.
try {
const rsp1 = await request({
url: `${authority}/oauth2/v2.0/token`,
method: "POST",
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
body: new URLSearchParams({
tenant: "consumers",
client_id: clientID,
scope: SCOPES.join(" "),
refresh_token: refreshToken,
grant_type: "refresh_token",
const rsp2 = JSON.parse(rsp1);
// console.info(rsp2);
if (rsp2.error !== undefined) {
return rsp2 as AccessCodeResponseFailedType;
} else {
return rsp2 as AccessCodeResponseSuccessfulType;
} catch (e) {
throw e;
export const setConfigBySuccessfullAuthInplace = async (
config: OnedriveConfig,
authRes: AccessCodeResponseSuccessfulType,
saveUpdatedConfigFunc: () => Promise<any> | undefined
) => {
console.info("start updating local info of OneDrive token");
config.accessToken = authRes.access_token;
config.accessTokenExpiresAtTime =
Date.now() + authRes.expires_in - 5 * 60 * 1000;
config.accessTokenExpiresInSeconds = authRes.expires_in;
config.refreshToken = authRes.refresh_token!;
// manually set it expired after 80 days;
config.credentialsShouldBeDeletedAtTime =
if (saveUpdatedConfigFunc !== undefined) {
await saveUpdatedConfigFunc();
console.info("finish updating local info of Onedrive token");
// Other usual common methods
const getOnedrivePath = (fileOrFolderPath: string, remoteBaseDir: string) => {
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/concepts/special-folders-appfolder?view=odsp-graph-online
const prefix = `/drive/special/approot:/${remoteBaseDir}`;
let key = fileOrFolderPath;
if (fileOrFolderPath === "/" || fileOrFolderPath === "") {
// special
return prefix;
if (key.endsWith("/")) {
key = key.slice(0, key.length - 1);
if (key.startsWith("/")) {
console.warn(`why the path ${key} starts with '/'? but we just go on.`);
key = `${prefix}${key}`;
} else {
key = `${prefix}/${key}`;
return key;
const constructFromDriveItemToFakeStatsError = (x: DriveItem) => {
return `parentPath="${
x.parentReference?.path ?? "(no parentReference or path)"
}", selfName="${x.name}"`;
const fromDriveItemToFakeStats = (
x: DriveItem,
remoteBaseDir: string
): FakeStats => {
let key = "";
// possible prefix:
// pure english: /drive/root:/Apps/remotely-save/${remoteBaseDir}
// or localized, e.g.: /drive/root:/应用/remotely-save/${remoteBaseDir}
const FIRST_COMMON_PREFIX_REGEX = /^\/drive\/root:\/[^\/]+\/remotely-save\//g;
// why?? /drive/root:/Apps/Graph
const FIFTH_COMMON_PREFIX_REGEX = /^\/drive\/root:\/[^\/]+\/Graph\//g;
// or the root is absolute path /Livefolders,
// e.g.: /Livefolders/应用/remotely-save/${remoteBaseDir}
const SECOND_COMMON_PREFIX_REGEX = /^\/Livefolders\/[^\/]+\/remotely-save\//g;
// another report, why???
// /drive/root:/something/app/remotely-save/${remoteBaseDir}
// another possibile prefix
const FOURTH_COMMON_PREFIX_RAW = `/drive/items/`;
if (
x.parentReference === undefined ||
x.parentReference === null ||
x.parentReference.path === undefined ||
x.parentReference.path === null
) {
throw Error("x.parentReference.path is undefinded or null");
const fullPathOriginal = `${x.parentReference.path}/${x.name}`;
const matchFirstPrefixRes = fullPathOriginal.match(FIRST_COMMON_PREFIX_REGEX);
const matchFifthPrefixRes = fullPathOriginal.match(FIFTH_COMMON_PREFIX_REGEX);
const matchSecondPrefixRes = fullPathOriginal.match(
const matchThirdPrefixRes = fullPathOriginal.match(THIRD_COMMON_PREFIX_REGEX);
if (
matchFirstPrefixRes !== null &&
) {
const foundPrefix = `${matchFirstPrefixRes[0]}${remoteBaseDir}`;
key = fullPathOriginal.substring(foundPrefix.length + 1);
} else if (
matchFifthPrefixRes !== null &&
) {
const foundPrefix = `${matchFifthPrefixRes[0]}${remoteBaseDir}`;
key = fullPathOriginal.substring(foundPrefix.length + 1);
} else if (
matchSecondPrefixRes !== null &&
) {
const foundPrefix = `${matchSecondPrefixRes[0]}${remoteBaseDir}`;
key = fullPathOriginal.substring(foundPrefix.length + 1);
} else if (
matchThirdPrefixRes !== null &&
) {
const foundPrefix = `${matchThirdPrefixRes[0]}${remoteBaseDir}`;
key = fullPathOriginal.substring(foundPrefix.length + 1);
} else if (x.parentReference.path.startsWith(FOURTH_COMMON_PREFIX_RAW)) {
// it's something like
// /drive/items/<some_id>!<another_id>:/${remoteBaseDir}/<subfolder>
// with uri encoded!
if (x.name === undefined || x.name === null) {
throw Error(
`OneDrive item no name variable while matching ${FOURTH_COMMON_PREFIX_RAW}`
const parPath = decodeURIComponent(x.parentReference.path);
key = parPath.substring(parPath.indexOf(":") + 1);
if (key.startsWith(`/${remoteBaseDir}/`)) {
key = key.substring(`/${remoteBaseDir}/`.length);
key = `${key}/${x.name}`;
} else if (key === `/${remoteBaseDir}`) {
key = x.name;
} else {
throw Error(
`we meet file/folder and do not know how to deal with it:\n${constructFromDriveItemToFakeStatsError(
} else {
throw Error(
`we meet file/folder and do not know how to deal with it:\n${constructFromDriveItemToFakeStatsError(
const isFolder = "folder" in x;
if (isFolder) {
key = `${key}/`;
const mtimeSvr = Date.parse(x?.fileSystemInfo!.lastModifiedDateTime!);
const mtimeCli = Date.parse(x?.fileSystemInfo!.lastModifiedDateTime!);
return {
key: key,
mtimeSvr: mtimeSvr,
mtimeCli: mtimeCli,
size: isFolder ? 0 : x.size!,
// hash: ?? // TODO
// The client.
// to adapt to the required interface
class MyAuthProvider implements AuthenticationProvider {
onedriveConfig: OnedriveConfig;
saveUpdatedConfigFunc: () => Promise<any>;
onedriveConfig: OnedriveConfig,
saveUpdatedConfigFunc: () => Promise<any>
) {
this.onedriveConfig = onedriveConfig;
this.saveUpdatedConfigFunc = saveUpdatedConfigFunc;
async getAccessToken() {
if (
this.onedriveConfig.accessToken === "" ||
this.onedriveConfig.refreshToken === ""
) {
throw Error("The user has not manually auth yet.");
const currentTs = Date.now();
if (this.onedriveConfig.accessTokenExpiresAtTime > currentTs) {
return this.onedriveConfig.accessToken;
} else {
// use refreshToken to refresh
const r = await sendRefreshTokenReq(
if ((r as any).error !== undefined) {
const r2 = r as AccessCodeResponseFailedType;
throw Error(
`Error while refreshing accessToken: ${r2.error}, ${r2.error_codes}: ${r2.error_description}`
const r2 = r as AccessCodeResponseSuccessfulType;
this.onedriveConfig.accessToken = r2.access_token;
this.onedriveConfig.refreshToken = r2.refresh_token!;
this.onedriveConfig.accessTokenExpiresInSeconds = r2.expires_in;
this.onedriveConfig.accessTokenExpiresAtTime =
currentTs + r2.expires_in * 1000 - 60 * 2 * 1000;
await this.saveUpdatedConfigFunc();
console.info("Onedrive accessToken updated");
return this.onedriveConfig.accessToken;
export class FakeFsOnedrive extends FakeFs {
kind: "onedrive";
onedriveConfig: OnedriveConfig;
remoteBaseDir: string;
vaultFolderExists: boolean;
authGetter: MyAuthProvider;
saveUpdatedConfigFunc: () => Promise<any>;
foldersCreatedBefore: Set<string>;
constructor() {
onedriveConfig: OnedriveConfig,
remoteBaseDir: string,
saveUpdatedConfigFunc: () => Promise<any>
) {
this.kind = "onedrive";
this.onedriveConfig = onedriveConfig;
this.remoteBaseDir = remoteBaseDir;
this.vaultFolderExists = false;
this.saveUpdatedConfigFunc = saveUpdatedConfigFunc;
this.authGetter = new MyAuthProvider(onedriveConfig, saveUpdatedConfigFunc);
this.foldersCreatedBefore = new Set();
async _init() {
// check token
if (
this.onedriveConfig.accessToken === "" ||
this.onedriveConfig.refreshToken === ""
) {
throw Error("The user has not manually auth yet.");
// check vault folder
// console.info(`checking remote has folder /${this.remoteBaseDir}`);
if (this.vaultFolderExists) {
// console.info(`already checked, /${this.remoteBaseDir} exist before`)
} else {
const k = await this._getJson("/drive/special/approot/children");
// console.debug(k);
this.vaultFolderExists =
(k.value as DriveItem[]).filter((x) => x.name === this.remoteBaseDir)
.length > 0;
if (!this.vaultFolderExists) {
console.info(`remote does not have folder /${this.remoteBaseDir}`);
await this._postJson("/drive/special/approot/children", {
name: `${this.remoteBaseDir}`,
folder: {},
"@microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior": "replace",
console.info(`remote folder /${this.remoteBaseDir} created`);
this.vaultFolderExists = true;
} else {
// console.info(`remote folder /${this.remoteBaseDir} exists`);
_buildUrl(pathFragOrig: string) {
const API_PREFIX = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0";
let theUrl = "";
if (
pathFragOrig.startsWith("http://") ||
) {
theUrl = pathFragOrig;
} else {
const pathFrag = encodeURI(pathFragOrig);
theUrl = `${API_PREFIX}${pathFrag}`;
// we want to support file name with hash #
// because every url we construct here do not contain the # symbol
// thus it should be safe to directly replace the character
theUrl = theUrl.replace(/#/g, "%23");
// console.debug(`building url: [${pathFragOrig}] => [${theUrl}]`)
return theUrl;
async _getJson(pathFragOrig: string) {
const theUrl = this._buildUrl(pathFragOrig);
console.debug(`getJson, theUrl=${theUrl}`);
return JSON.parse(
await request({
url: theUrl,
method: "GET",
contentType: "application/json",
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${await this.authGetter.getAccessToken()}`,
"Cache-Control": "no-cache",
async _postJson(pathFragOrig: string, payload: any) {
const theUrl = this._buildUrl(pathFragOrig);
console.debug(`postJson, theUrl=${theUrl}`);
return JSON.parse(
await request({
url: theUrl,
method: "POST",
contentType: "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify(payload),
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${await this.authGetter.getAccessToken()}`,
async _patchJson(pathFragOrig: string, payload: any) {
const theUrl = this._buildUrl(pathFragOrig);
console.debug(`patchJson, theUrl=${theUrl}`);
return JSON.parse(
await request({
url: theUrl,
method: "PATCH",
contentType: "application/json",
body: JSON.stringify(payload),
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${await this.authGetter.getAccessToken()}`,
async _deleteJson(pathFragOrig: string) {
const theUrl = this._buildUrl(pathFragOrig);
console.debug(`deleteJson, theUrl=${theUrl}`);
await requestUrl({
url: theUrl,
method: "DELETE",
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${await this.authGetter.getAccessToken()}`,
} else {
await fetch(theUrl, {
method: "DELETE",
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${await this.authGetter.getAccessToken()}`,
async _putArrayBuffer(pathFragOrig: string, payload: ArrayBuffer) {
const theUrl = this._buildUrl(pathFragOrig);
console.debug(`putArrayBuffer, theUrl=${theUrl}`);
// TODO:
// 20220401: On Android, requestUrl has issue that text becomes base64.
// Use fetch everywhere instead!
if (false /*VALID_REQURL*/) {
const res = await requestUrl({
url: theUrl,
method: "PUT",
body: payload,
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${await this.authGetter.getAccessToken()}`,
return res.json as DriveItem | UploadSession;
} else {
const res = await fetch(theUrl, {
method: "PUT",
body: payload,
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${await this.authGetter.getAccessToken()}`,
return (await res.json()) as DriveItem | UploadSession;
* A specialized function to upload large files by parts
* @param pathFragOrig
* @param payload
* @param rangeMin
* @param rangeEnd the end, exclusive
* @param size
async _putUint8ArrayByRange(
pathFragOrig: string,
payload: Uint8Array,
rangeStart: number,
rangeEnd: number,
size: number
) {
const theUrl = this._buildUrl(pathFragOrig);
`putUint8ArrayByRange, theUrl=${theUrl}, range=${rangeStart}-${
rangeEnd - 1
}, len=${rangeEnd - rangeStart}, size=${size}`
// TODO:
// 20220401: On Android, requestUrl has issue that text becomes base64.
// Use fetch everywhere instead!
if (false /*VALID_REQURL*/) {
const res = await requestUrl({
url: theUrl,
method: "PUT",
body: bufferToArrayBuffer(payload.subarray(rangeStart, rangeEnd)),
headers: {
// no "Content-Length" allowed here
"Content-Range": `bytes ${rangeStart}-${rangeEnd - 1}/${size}`,
/* "Cache-Control": "no-cache", not allowed here!!! */
return res.json as DriveItem | UploadSession;
} else {
const res = await fetch(theUrl, {
method: "PUT",
body: payload.subarray(rangeStart, rangeEnd),
headers: {
"Content-Length": `${rangeEnd - rangeStart}`,
"Content-Range": `bytes ${rangeStart}-${rangeEnd - 1}/${size}`,
/* "Cache-Control": "no-cache", not allowed here!!! */
return (await res.json()) as DriveItem | UploadSession;
* Use delta api to list all files and folders
* https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/driveitem_delta?view=odsp-graph-online
async walk(): Promise<FakeStats[]> {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
await this._init();
const NEXT_LINK_KEY = "@odata.nextLink";
const DELTA_LINK_KEY = "@odata.deltaLink";
let res = await this._getJson(
let driveItems = res.value as DriveItem[];
// console.debug(driveItems);
while (NEXT_LINK_KEY in res) {
res = await this._getJson(res[NEXT_LINK_KEY]);
driveItems.push(...cloneDeep(res.value as DriveItem[]));
// lastly we should have delta link?
if (DELTA_LINK_KEY in res) {
this.onedriveConfig.deltaLink = res[DELTA_LINK_KEY];
await this.saveUpdatedConfigFunc();
// unify everything to Entity
const unifiedContents = driveItems
.map((x) => fromDriveItemToFakeStats(x, this.remoteBaseDir))
.filter((x) => x.key !== "/");
return unifiedContents;
async stat(key: string): Promise<FakeStats> {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
await this._init();
return await this._statFromRoot(getOnedrivePath(key, this.remoteBaseDir));
async _statFromRoot(key: string): Promise<FakeStats> {
// console.info(`remotePath=${remotePath}`);
const rsp = await this._getJson(
// console.info(rsp);
const driveItem = rsp as DriveItem;
const res = fromDriveItemToFakeStats(driveItem, this.remoteBaseDir);
// console.info(res);
return res;
async mkdir(key: string, mtime: number, ctime: number): Promise<FakeStats> {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
if (!key.endsWith("/")) {
throw Error(`you should not call mkdir on ${key}`);
await this._init();
const uploadFolder = getOnedrivePath(key, this.remoteBaseDir);
console.debug(`mkdir upLoadFile=${uploadFolder}`);
return await this._mkdirFromRoot(key, mtime, ctime);
async _mkdirFromRoot(
key: string,
mtime: number,
ctime: number
): Promise<FakeStats> {
if (this.foldersCreatedBefore.has(key)) {
// created, pass
} else {
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56479865/creating-nested-folders-in-one-go-onedrive-api
// use PATCH to create folder recursively!!!
let playload: any = {
folder: {},
"@microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior": "replace",
if (mtime !== 0 && ctime !== 0) {
const ctimeStr = new Date(ctime).toISOString();
const mtimeStr = new Date(mtime).toISOString();
playload = {
folder: {},
"@microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior": "replace",
fileSystemInfo: {
lastModifiedDateTime: mtimeStr,
createdDateTime: ctimeStr,
} as FileSystemInfo,
await this._patchJson(key, playload);
const res = await this._statFromRoot(key);
return res;
async writeFile(
key: string,
content: ArrayBuffer,
mtime: number,
ctime: number
): Promise<FakeStats> {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
if (key.endsWith("/")) {
throw Error(`you should not call writeFile on ${key}`);
await this._init();
const uploadFile = getOnedrivePath(key, this.remoteBaseDir);
return await this._writeFileFromRoot(
async _writeFileFromRoot(
key: string,
content: ArrayBuffer,
mtime: number,
ctime: number,
origKey: string
): Promise<FakeStats> {
if (content.byteLength === 0) {
throw Error(
`${origKey}: Empty file is not allowed in OneDrive, and please write something in it.`
const ctimeStr = new Date(ctime).toISOString();
const mtimeStr = new Date(mtime).toISOString();
// no need to create parent folders firstly, cool!
// hard code range size
const MIN_UNIT = 327680; // bytes in msft doc, about 0.32768 MB
const RANGE_SIZE = MIN_UNIT * 20; // about 6.5536 MB
const DIRECT_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE = 1000 * 1000 * 4; // 4 Megabyte
if (content.byteLength < DIRECT_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE) {
// directly using put!
await this._putArrayBuffer(
`${key}:/content?${new URLSearchParams({
"@microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior": "replace",
if (mtime !== 0 && ctime !== 0) {
await this._patchJson(key, {
fileSystemInfo: {
lastModifiedDateTime: mtimeStr,
createdDateTime: ctimeStr,
} as FileSystemInfo,
} else {
// upload large files!
// ref: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive/developer/rest-api/api/driveitem_createuploadsession?view=odsp-graph-online
// 1. create uploadSession
// uploadFile already starts with /drive/special/approot:/${remoteBaseDir}
let playload: any = {
item: {
"@microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior": "replace",
if (mtime !== 0 && ctime !== 0) {
playload = {
item: {
"@microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior": "replace",
// this is only possible using uploadSession
fileSystemInfo: {
lastModifiedDateTime: mtimeStr,
createdDateTime: ctimeStr,
} as FileSystemInfo,
const s: UploadSession = await this._postJson(
const uploadUrl = s.uploadUrl!;
console.debug("uploadSession = ");
// 2. upload by ranges
// convert to uint8
const uint8 = new Uint8Array(content);
// upload the ranges one by one
let rangeStart = 0;
while (rangeStart < uint8.byteLength) {
await this._putUint8ArrayByRange(
Math.min(rangeStart + RANGE_SIZE, uint8.byteLength),
rangeStart += RANGE_SIZE;
const res = await this._statFromRoot(key);
return res;
async readFile(key: string): Promise<ArrayBuffer> {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
await this._init();
if (key.endsWith("/")) {
throw new Error(`you should not call readFile on folder ${key}`);
const downloadFile = getOnedrivePath(key, this.remoteBaseDir);
return await this._readFileFromRoot(downloadFile);
async _readFileFromRoot(key: string): Promise<ArrayBuffer> {
const rsp = await this._getJson(
const downloadUrl: string = rsp["@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl"];
const content = (
await requestUrl({
url: downloadUrl,
headers: { "Cache-Control": "no-cache" },
return content;
} else {
// cannot set no-cache here, will have cors error
const content = await (await fetch(downloadUrl)).arrayBuffer();
return content;
async rm(key: string): Promise<void> {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
if (key === "" || key === "/") {
const remoteFileName = getOnedrivePath(key, this.remoteBaseDir);
await this._init();
await this._deleteJson(remoteFileName);
async checkConnect(callbackFunc?: any): Promise<boolean> {
throw new Error("Method not implemented.");
try {
const k = await this.getUserDisplayName();
return k !== "<unknown display name>";
} catch (err) {
return false;
async getUserDisplayName() {
await this._init();
const res: User = await this._getJson("/me?$select=displayName");
return res.displayName || "<unknown display name>";
* https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-protocols-oidc#send-a-sign-out-request
* https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-revokesigninsessions
* https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-invalidateallrefreshtokens
async revokeAuth() {
await this._init();
await this._postJson("/me/revokeSignInSessions", {});
async getRevokeAddr() {
return "https://account.live.com/consent/Manage";