# JianGuoYun/NutStore English | [中文](./README.zh-cn.md) ## Link ## Attentions!!! JianGuoYun/NutStore has api limits. The plugin may generate many queries, and it's possible to reach the api limits if there are many files, then do not work properly. It's not a bug and there's no way to fix this situation. ## Steps 1. **Be aware that JianGuoYun/NutStore has api limits, and the plugin may not work properly because of this.** 2. Register an account. 3. Go to "settings"->"Security", click "Add Application", then obtain the WebDAV account (email), and WebDAV password (a string different from web site password). ![](./webdav_jianguoyun.cn.png) 4. Input the WebDAV address, account, password, **Depth Header Sent To Servers="only supports depth='1'"** in remotely-save settings. ![](./webdav_jianguoyun_rs_settting.cn.png) 5. In remotely-save setting page, click "Check Connectivity". 6. Sync!