import { expect } from "chai"; import { JSDOM } from "jsdom"; import * as misc from "../src/misc"; describe("Misc: hidden file", () => { it("should find hidden file correctly", () => { let item = ""; expect(misc.isHiddenPath(item)); item = "."; expect(misc.isHiddenPath(item)); item = ".."; expect(misc.isHiddenPath(item)); item = "/x/y/z/../././../a/b/c"; expect(misc.isHiddenPath(item)); item = ".hidden"; expect(misc.isHiddenPath(item)); item = "_hidden_loose"; expect(misc.isHiddenPath(item)); expect(misc.isHiddenPath(item, true, false)); item = "/sdd/_hidden_loose"; expect(misc.isHiddenPath(item)); item = "what/../_hidden_loose/what/what/what"; expect(misc.isHiddenPath(item)); item = "what/../_hidden_loose/what/what/what"; expect(misc.isHiddenPath(item, true, false)); item = "what/../_hidden_loose/../.hidden/what/what/what"; expect(misc.isHiddenPath(item, true, false)); item = "what/../_hidden_loose/../.hidden/what/what/what"; expect(misc.isHiddenPath(item, false, true)); item = "what/_hidden_loose/what/what/what"; expect(misc.isHiddenPath(item, false, true)); expect(misc.isHiddenPath(item, true, false)); item = "what/.hidden/what/what/what"; expect(misc.isHiddenPath(item, false, true)); expect(misc.isHiddenPath(item, true, false)); }); }); describe("Misc: get folder levels", () => { it("should ignore empty path", () => { const item = ""; expect(misc.getFolderLevels(item)); }); it("should ignore single file", () => { const item = "xxx"; expect(misc.getFolderLevels(item)); }); it("should detect path ending with /", () => { const item = "xxx/"; const res = ["xxx"]; expect(misc.getFolderLevels(item)).to.deep.equal(res); }); it("should correctly split folders and files", () => { const item = "xxx/yyy/"; const res = ["xxx", "xxx/yyy"]; expect(misc.getFolderLevels(item)).to.deep.equal(res); const item2 = "xxx/yyy/zzz"; const res2 = ["xxx", "xxx/yyy"]; expect(misc.getFolderLevels(item2)).to.deep.equal(res2); const item3 = "xxx/yyy/zzz/"; const res3 = ["xxx", "xxx/yyy", "xxx/yyy/zzz"]; expect(misc.getFolderLevels(item3)).to.deep.equal(res3); }); it("should correctly add ending slash if required", () => { const item = "xxx/yyy/"; const res = ["xxx/", "xxx/yyy/"]; expect(misc.getFolderLevels(item, true)).to.deep.equal(res); const item2 = "xxx/yyy/zzz"; const res2 = ["xxx/", "xxx/yyy/"]; expect(misc.getFolderLevels(item2, true)).to.deep.equal(res2); const item3 = "xxx/yyy/zzz/"; const res3 = ["xxx/", "xxx/yyy/", "xxx/yyy/zzz/"]; expect(misc.getFolderLevels(item3, true)).to.deep.equal(res3); }); it("should treat path starting with / correctly", () => { const item = "/xxx/yyy/"; const res = ["/xxx", "/xxx/yyy"]; expect(misc.getFolderLevels(item)).to.deep.equal(res); const item2 = "/xxx/yyy/zzz"; const res2 = ["/xxx", "/xxx/yyy"]; expect(misc.getFolderLevels(item2)).to.deep.equal(res2); const item3 = "/xxx/yyy/zzz/"; const res3 = ["/xxx", "/xxx/yyy", "/xxx/yyy/zzz"]; expect(misc.getFolderLevels(item3)).to.deep.equal(res3); const item4 = "/xxx"; const res4 = [] as string[]; expect(misc.getFolderLevels(item4)).to.deep.equal(res4); const item5 = "/"; const res5 = [] as string[]; expect(misc.getFolderLevels(item5)).to.deep.equal(res5); }); }); describe("Misc: get parent folder", () => { it("should treat empty path correctly", () => { const item = ""; expect(misc.getParentFolder(item)).equals("/"); }); it("should treat one level path correctly", () => { let item = "abc/"; expect(misc.getParentFolder(item)).equals("/"); item = "/efg/"; expect(misc.getParentFolder(item)).equals("/"); }); it("should treat more levels path correctly", () => { let item = "abc/efg"; expect(misc.getParentFolder(item)).equals("abc/"); item = "/hij/klm/"; expect(misc.getParentFolder(item)).equals("/hij/"); }); }); describe("Misc: vaild file name tests", () => { it("should treat no ascii correctly", async () => { const x = misc.isVaildText("😄🍎 apple 苹果"); // console.log(x) expect(x); }); it("should find not-printable chars correctly", async () => { const x = misc.isVaildText("😄🍎 apple 苹果\u0000"); // console.log(x) expect(x); }); it("should allow spaces/slashes/...", async () => { const x = misc.isVaildText("😄🍎 apple 苹果/-_=/\\*%^&@#$`"); expect(x); }); }); describe("Misc: get dirname", () => { it("should return itself for folder", async () => { const x = misc.getPathFolder("ssss/"); // console.log(x) expect(x).to.equal("ssss/"); }); it("should return folder for file", async () => { const x = misc.getPathFolder("sss/yyy"); // console.log(x) expect(x).to.equal("sss/"); }); it("should treat / specially", async () => { const x = misc.getPathFolder("/"); expect(x).to.equal("/"); const y = misc.getPathFolder("/abc"); expect(y).to.equal("/"); }); }); describe("Misc: extract svg", () => { beforeEach(function () { const fakeBrowser = new JSDOM(""); global.window = fakeBrowser.window as any; }); it("should extract rect from svg correctly", () => { const x = ""; const y = misc.extractSvgSub(x); // console.log(x) expect(y).to.equal(""); }); }); describe("Misc: get split ranges", () => { it("should deal with big parts", () => { const k = misc.getSplitRanges(10, 20); const k2: misc.SplitRange[] = [ { partNum: 1, start: 0, end: 10, }, ]; expect(k).to.deep.equal(k2); }); it("should deal with 0 remainder", () => { const k = misc.getSplitRanges(20, 10); const k2: misc.SplitRange[] = [ { partNum: 1, start: 0, end: 10, }, { partNum: 2, start: 10, end: 20, }, ]; expect(k).to.deep.equal(k2); }); it("should deal with not-0 remainder", () => { const k = misc.getSplitRanges(25, 10); const k2: misc.SplitRange[] = [ { partNum: 1, start: 0, end: 10, }, { partNum: 2, start: 10, end: 20, }, { partNum: 3, start: 20, end: 25, }, ]; expect(k).to.deep.equal(k2); }); }); describe("Misc: at which level", () => { it("should throw error on some parameters", () => { expect(() => misc.atWhichLevel(undefined)).to.throw(); expect(() => misc.atWhichLevel("")).to.throw(); expect(() => misc.atWhichLevel("..")).to.throw(); expect(() => misc.atWhichLevel(".")).to.throw(); expect(() => misc.atWhichLevel("/")).to.throw(); expect(() => misc.atWhichLevel("/xxyy")).to.throw(); }); it("should treat folders correctly", () => { expect(misc.atWhichLevel("x/")); expect(misc.atWhichLevel("x/y/")); }); it("should treat files correctly", () => { expect(misc.atWhichLevel("")); expect(misc.atWhichLevel("x/")); expect(misc.atWhichLevel("x/y/")); }); }); describe("Misc: special char for dir", () => { it("should return false for normal string", () => { expect(misc.checkHasSpecialCharForDir("")); expect(misc.checkHasSpecialCharForDir("xxx")); expect(misc.checkHasSpecialCharForDir("yyy_xxx")); expect(misc.checkHasSpecialCharForDir("")); expect(misc.checkHasSpecialCharForDir("yyy?xxx")); }); it("should return true for special cases", () => { expect(misc.checkHasSpecialCharForDir("?")); expect(misc.checkHasSpecialCharForDir("/")); expect(misc.checkHasSpecialCharForDir("\\")); expect(misc.checkHasSpecialCharForDir("xxx/yyy")); expect(misc.checkHasSpecialCharForDir("xxx\\yyy")); expect(misc.checkHasSpecialCharForDir("xxx?yyy")); }); });