import { Buffer } from "buffer"; import { Platform, Vault, requestUrl } from "obsidian"; import { Queue } from "@fyears/tsqueue"; import chunk from "lodash/chunk"; import flatten from "lodash/flatten"; import cloneDeep from "lodash/cloneDeep"; import { getReasonPhrase } from "http-status-codes"; import { Entity, UploadedType, VALID_REQURL, WebdavConfig } from "./baseTypes"; import { bufferToArrayBuffer, getPathFolder, mkdirpInVault } from "./misc"; import { Cipher } from "./encryptUnified"; import type { FileStat, WebDAVClient, RequestOptionsWithState, // Response, // ResponseDataDetailed, } from "webdav"; /** * * @param str * @returns true if all are iso 8859 1 chars */ function onlyAscii(str: string) { return !/[^\u0000-\u00ff]/g.test(str); } /** * * @param obj * @returns */ function objKeyToLower(obj: Record) { return Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(obj).map(([k, v]) => [k.toLowerCase(), v]) ); } // @ts-ignore import { getPatcher } from "webdav/dist/web/index.js"; if (VALID_REQURL) { getPatcher().patch( "request", async (options: RequestOptionsWithState): Promise => { const transformedHeaders = objKeyToLower({ ...options.headers }); delete transformedHeaders["host"]; delete transformedHeaders["content-length"]; const reqContentType = transformedHeaders["accept"] ?? transformedHeaders["content-type"]; const retractedHeaders = { ...transformedHeaders }; if (retractedHeaders.hasOwnProperty("authorization")) { retractedHeaders["authorization"] = ""; } console.debug(`before request:`); console.debug(`url: ${options.url}`); console.debug(`method: ${options.method}`); console.debug(`headers: ${JSON.stringify(retractedHeaders, null, 2)}`); console.debug(`reqContentType: ${reqContentType}`); let r = await requestUrl({ url: options.url, method: options.method, body: as string | ArrayBuffer, headers: transformedHeaders, contentType: reqContentType, throw: false, }); if ( r.status === 401 && Platform.isIosApp && !options.url.endsWith("/") && !options.url.endsWith(".md") && options.method.toUpperCase() === "PROPFIND" ) { // don't ask me why, // some webdav servers have some mysterious behaviours, // if a folder doesn't exist without slash, the servers return 401 instead of 404 // here is a dirty hack that works console.debug(`so we have 401, try appending request url with slash`); r = await requestUrl({ url: `${options.url}/`, method: options.method, body: as string | ArrayBuffer, headers: transformedHeaders, contentType: reqContentType, throw: false, }); } console.debug(`after request:`); const rspHeaders = objKeyToLower({ ...r.headers }); console.debug(`rspHeaders: ${JSON.stringify(rspHeaders, null, 2)}`); for (let key in rspHeaders) { if (rspHeaders.hasOwnProperty(key)) { // avoid the error: // Failed to read the 'headers' property from 'ResponseInit': String contains non ISO-8859-1 code point. // const possibleNonAscii = [ // "Content-Disposition", // "X-Accel-Redirect", // "X-Outfilename", // "X-Sendfile" // ]; // for (const p of possibleNonAscii) { // if (key === p || key === p.toLowerCase()) { // rspHeaders[key] = encodeURIComponent(rspHeaders[key]); // } // } if (!onlyAscii(rspHeaders[key])) { console.debug(`rspHeaders[key] needs encode: ${key}`); rspHeaders[key] = encodeURIComponent(rspHeaders[key]); } } } let r2: Response | undefined = undefined; const statusText = getReasonPhrase(r.status); console.debug(`statusText: ${statusText}`); if ([101, 103, 204, 205, 304].includes(r.status)) { // A null body status is a status that is 101, 103, 204, 205, or 304. // // fix this: Failed to construct 'Response': Response with null body status cannot have body r2 = new Response(null, { status: r.status, statusText: statusText, headers: rspHeaders, }); } else { r2 = new Response(r.arrayBuffer, { status: r.status, statusText: statusText, headers: rspHeaders, }); } return r2; } ); } // @ts-ignore import { AuthType, BufferLike, createClient } from "webdav/dist/web/index.js"; export type { WebDAVClient } from "webdav"; export const DEFAULT_WEBDAV_CONFIG = { address: "", username: "", password: "", authType: "basic", manualRecursive: true, depth: "manual_1", remoteBaseDir: "", } as WebdavConfig; const getWebdavPath = (fileOrFolderPath: string, remoteBaseDir: string) => { let key = fileOrFolderPath; if (fileOrFolderPath === "/" || fileOrFolderPath === "") { // special key = `/${remoteBaseDir}/`; } else if (fileOrFolderPath.startsWith("/")) { console.warn( `why the path ${fileOrFolderPath} starts with '/'? but we just go on.` ); key = `/${remoteBaseDir}${fileOrFolderPath}`; } else { key = `/${remoteBaseDir}/${fileOrFolderPath}`; } return key; }; const getNormPath = (fileOrFolderPath: string, remoteBaseDir: string) => { if ( !( fileOrFolderPath === `/${remoteBaseDir}` || fileOrFolderPath.startsWith(`/${remoteBaseDir}/`) ) ) { throw Error( `"${fileOrFolderPath}" doesn't starts with "/${remoteBaseDir}/"` ); } return fileOrFolderPath.slice(`/${remoteBaseDir}/`.length); }; const fromWebdavItemToEntity = (x: FileStat, remoteBaseDir: string) => { let key = getNormPath(x.filename, remoteBaseDir); if (x.type === "directory" && !key.endsWith("/")) { key = `${key}/`; } const mtimeSvr = Date.parse(x.lastmod).valueOf(); return { keyRaw: key, mtimeSvr: mtimeSvr, mtimeCli: mtimeSvr, // no universal way to set mtime in webdav sizeRaw: x.size, etag: x.etag, } as Entity; }; export class WrappedWebdavClient { webdavConfig: WebdavConfig; remoteBaseDir: string; client!: WebDAVClient; vaultFolderExists: boolean; saveUpdatedConfigFunc: () => Promise; constructor( webdavConfig: WebdavConfig, remoteBaseDir: string, saveUpdatedConfigFunc: () => Promise ) { this.webdavConfig = cloneDeep(webdavConfig); this.webdavConfig.address = encodeURI(this.webdavConfig.address); this.remoteBaseDir = remoteBaseDir; this.vaultFolderExists = false; this.saveUpdatedConfigFunc = saveUpdatedConfigFunc; } init = async () => { // init client if not inited if (this.client !== undefined) { return; } if (Platform.isIosApp && !this.webdavConfig.address.startsWith("https")) { throw Error( `Your webdav address could only be https, not http, because of the iOS restriction.` ); } const headers = { "Cache-Control": "no-cache", }; if ( this.webdavConfig.username !== "" && this.webdavConfig.password !== "" ) { this.client = createClient(this.webdavConfig.address, { username: this.webdavConfig.username, password: this.webdavConfig.password, headers: headers, authType: this.webdavConfig.authType === "digest" ? AuthType.Digest : AuthType.Password, }); } else {"no password"); this.client = createClient(this.webdavConfig.address, { headers: headers, }); } // check vault folder if (this.vaultFolderExists) { // pass } else { const res = await this.client.exists(`/${this.remoteBaseDir}/`); if (res) { //"remote vault folder exits!"); this.vaultFolderExists = true; } else {"remote vault folder not exists, creating"); await this.client.createDirectory(`/${this.remoteBaseDir}/`);"remote vault folder created!"); this.vaultFolderExists = true; } } // adjust depth parameter if ( this.webdavConfig.depth === "auto" || this.webdavConfig.depth === "auto_1" || this.webdavConfig.depth === "auto_infinity" || this.webdavConfig.depth === "auto_unknown" ) { this.webdavConfig.depth = "manual_1"; this.webdavConfig.manualRecursive = true; if (this.saveUpdatedConfigFunc !== undefined) { await this.saveUpdatedConfigFunc(); `webdav depth="auto_???" is changed to ${this.webdavConfig.depth}` ); } } }; } export const getWebdavClient = ( webdavConfig: WebdavConfig, remoteBaseDir: string, saveUpdatedConfigFunc: () => Promise ) => { return new WrappedWebdavClient( webdavConfig, remoteBaseDir, saveUpdatedConfigFunc ); }; /** * * @param client * @param remotePath It should be prefix-ed already * @returns */ export const getRemoteMeta = async ( client: WrappedWebdavClient, remotePath: string ) => { await client.init(); console.debug(`getRemoteMeta remotePath = ${remotePath}`); const res = (await client.client.stat(remotePath, { details: false, })) as FileStat; console.debug(`getRemoteMeta res=${JSON.stringify(res)}`); return fromWebdavItemToEntity(res, client.remoteBaseDir); }; export const uploadToRemote = async ( client: WrappedWebdavClient, fileOrFolderPath: string, vault: Vault | undefined, isRecursively: boolean, cipher: Cipher, remoteEncryptedKey: string = "", uploadRaw: boolean = false, rawContent: string | ArrayBuffer = "" ): Promise => { await client.init(); let uploadFile = fileOrFolderPath; if (!cipher.isPasswordEmpty()) { if (remoteEncryptedKey === undefined || remoteEncryptedKey === "") { throw Error( `uploadToRemote(webdav) you have password but remoteEncryptedKey is empty!` ); } uploadFile = remoteEncryptedKey; } uploadFile = getWebdavPath(uploadFile, client.remoteBaseDir); const isFolder = fileOrFolderPath.endsWith("/"); if (isFolder && isRecursively) { throw Error("upload function doesn't implement recursive function yet!"); } else if (isFolder && !isRecursively) { if (uploadRaw) { throw Error(`you specify uploadRaw, but you also provide a folder key!`); } // folder if (cipher.isPasswordEmpty() || cipher.isFolderAware()) { // if not encrypted, || encrypted isFolderAware, mkdir a remote folder await client.client.createDirectory(uploadFile, { recursive: true, }); const res = await getRemoteMeta(client, uploadFile); return { entity: res, }; } else { // if encrypted && !isFolderAware(), // upload a fake file with the encrypted file name await client.client.putFileContents(uploadFile, "", { overwrite: true, onUploadProgress: (progress: any) => { //`Uploaded ${progress.loaded} bytes of ${}`); }, }); return { entity: await getRemoteMeta(client, uploadFile), }; } } else { // file // we ignore isRecursively parameter here let localContent: ArrayBuffer | undefined = undefined; let mtimeCli: number | undefined = undefined; if (uploadRaw) { if (typeof rawContent === "string") { localContent = new TextEncoder().encode(rawContent).buffer; } else { localContent = rawContent; } } else { if (vault == undefined) { throw new Error( `the vault variable is not passed but we want to read ${fileOrFolderPath} for webdav` ); } localContent = await vault.adapter.readBinary(fileOrFolderPath); mtimeCli = (await vault.adapter.stat(fileOrFolderPath))?.mtime; } let remoteContent = localContent; if (!cipher.isPasswordEmpty()) { remoteContent = await cipher.encryptContent(localContent); } // updated 20220326: the algorithm guarantee this // // we need to create folders before uploading // const dir = getPathFolder(uploadFile); // if (dir !== "/" && dir !== "") { // await client.client.createDirectory(dir, { recursive: true }); // } await client.client.putFileContents(uploadFile, remoteContent, { overwrite: true, onUploadProgress: (progress: any) => {`Uploaded ${progress.loaded} bytes of ${}`); }, }); return { entity: await getRemoteMeta(client, uploadFile), mtimeCli: mtimeCli, }; } }; export const listAllFromRemote = async (client: WrappedWebdavClient) => { await client.init(); let contents = [] as FileStat[]; if ( client.webdavConfig.depth === "auto" || client.webdavConfig.depth === "auto_unknown" || client.webdavConfig.depth === "auto_1" || client.webdavConfig.depth === "auto_infinity" /* don't trust auto now */ || client.webdavConfig.depth === "manual_1" ) { // the remote doesn't support infinity propfind, // we need to do a bfs here const q = new Queue([`/${client.remoteBaseDir}`]); const CHUNK_SIZE = 10; while (q.length > 0) { const itemsToFetch: string[] = []; while (q.length > 0) { itemsToFetch.push(q.pop()!); } const itemsToFetchChunks = chunk(itemsToFetch, CHUNK_SIZE); // console.debug(itemsToFetchChunks); const subContents = [] as FileStat[]; for (const singleChunk of itemsToFetchChunks) { const r = => { return client.client.getDirectoryContents(x, { deep: false, details: false /* no need for verbose details here */, // TODO: to support .obsidian, // we need to load all files including dot, // anyway to reduce the resources? // glob: "/**" /* avoid dot files by using glob */, }) as Promise; }); const r2 = flatten(await Promise.all(r)); subContents.push(...r2); } for (let i = 0; i < subContents.length; ++i) { const f = subContents[i]; contents.push(f); if (f.type === "directory") { q.push(f.filename); } } } } else { // the remote supports infinity propfind contents = (await client.client.getDirectoryContents( `/${client.remoteBaseDir}`, { deep: true, details: false /* no need for verbose details here */, // TODO: to support .obsidian, // we need to load all files including dot, // anyway to reduce the resources? // glob: "/**" /* avoid dot files by using glob */, } )) as FileStat[]; } return => fromWebdavItemToEntity(x, client.remoteBaseDir)); }; const downloadFromRemoteRaw = async ( client: WrappedWebdavClient, remotePath: string ) => { await client.init(); //`getWebdavPath=${remotePath}`); const buff = (await client.client.getFileContents(remotePath)) as BufferLike; if (buff instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return buff; } else if (buff instanceof Buffer) { return bufferToArrayBuffer(buff); } throw Error(`unexpected file content result with type ${typeof buff}`); }; export const downloadFromRemote = async ( client: WrappedWebdavClient, fileOrFolderPath: string, vault: Vault, mtime: number, cipher: Cipher, remoteEncryptedKey: string = "", skipSaving: boolean = false ) => { await client.init(); const isFolder = fileOrFolderPath.endsWith("/"); if (!skipSaving) { await mkdirpInVault(fileOrFolderPath, vault); } // the file is always local file // we need to encrypt it if (isFolder) { // mkdirp locally is enough // do nothing here return new ArrayBuffer(0); } else { let downloadFile = fileOrFolderPath; if (!cipher.isPasswordEmpty()) { downloadFile = remoteEncryptedKey; } downloadFile = getWebdavPath(downloadFile, client.remoteBaseDir); //`downloadFile=${downloadFile}`); const remoteContent = await downloadFromRemoteRaw(client, downloadFile); let localContent = remoteContent; if (!cipher.isPasswordEmpty()) { localContent = await cipher.decryptContent(remoteContent); } if (!skipSaving) { await vault.adapter.writeBinary(fileOrFolderPath, localContent, { mtime: mtime, }); } return localContent; } }; export const deleteFromRemote = async ( client: WrappedWebdavClient, fileOrFolderPath: string, cipher: Cipher, remoteEncryptedKey: string = "" ) => { if (fileOrFolderPath === "/") { return; } let remoteFileName = fileOrFolderPath; if (!cipher.isPasswordEmpty()) { remoteFileName = remoteEncryptedKey; } remoteFileName = getWebdavPath(remoteFileName, client.remoteBaseDir); await client.init(); try { await client.client.deleteFile(remoteFileName); //`delete ${remoteFileName} succeeded`); } catch (err) { console.error("some error while deleting"); console.error(err); } }; export const checkConnectivity = async ( client: WrappedWebdavClient, callbackFunc?: any ) => { if ( !( client.webdavConfig.address.startsWith("http://") || client.webdavConfig.address.startsWith("https://") ) ) { const err = "Error: the url should start with http(s):// but it does not!"; console.error(err); if (callbackFunc !== undefined) { callbackFunc(err); } return false; } try { await client.init(); const results = await getRemoteMeta(client, `/${client.remoteBaseDir}/`); if (results === undefined) { const err = "results is undefined"; console.error(err); if (callbackFunc !== undefined) { callbackFunc(err); } return false; } return true; } catch (err) { console.error(err); if (callbackFunc !== undefined) { callbackFunc(err); } return false; } };