import { Modal, Notice, Plugin, Setting, addIcon, setIcon, FileSystemAdapter, Platform, TFile, TFolder, } from "obsidian"; import cloneDeep from "lodash/cloneDeep"; import { createElement, RotateCcw, RefreshCcw, FileText } from "lucide"; import type { FileOrFolderMixedState, RemotelySavePluginSettings, SyncTriggerSourceType, } from "./baseTypes"; import { COMMAND_CALLBACK, COMMAND_CALLBACK_ONEDRIVE, COMMAND_CALLBACK_DROPBOX, COMMAND_URI, } from "./baseTypes"; import { importQrCodeUri } from "./importExport"; import { insertDeleteRecordByVault, insertRenameRecordByVault, insertSyncPlanRecordByVault, loadFileHistoryTableByVault, prepareDBs, InternalDBs, insertLoggerOutputByVault, clearExpiredLoggerOutputRecords, clearExpiredSyncPlanRecords, upsertLastSuccessSyncByVault, getLastSuccessSyncByVault, } from "./localdb"; import { RemoteClient } from "./remote"; import { DEFAULT_DROPBOX_CONFIG, getAuthUrlAndVerifier as getAuthUrlAndVerifierDropbox, sendAuthReq as sendAuthReqDropbox, setConfigBySuccessfullAuthInplace as setConfigBySuccessfullAuthInplaceDropbox, } from "./remoteForDropbox"; import { AccessCodeResponseSuccessfulType, DEFAULT_ONEDRIVE_CONFIG, sendAuthReq as sendAuthReqOnedrive, setConfigBySuccessfullAuthInplace as setConfigBySuccessfullAuthInplaceOnedrive, } from "./remoteForOnedrive"; import { DEFAULT_S3_CONFIG } from "./remoteForS3"; import { DEFAULT_WEBDAV_CONFIG } from "./remoteForWebdav"; import { RemotelySaveSettingTab } from "./settings"; import { fetchMetadataFile, parseRemoteItems, SyncStatusType } from "./sync"; import { doActualSync, getSyncPlan, isPasswordOk } from "./sync"; import { messyConfigToNormal, normalConfigToMessy } from "./configPersist"; import { ObsConfigDirFileType, listFilesInObsFolder } from "./obsFolderLister"; import { I18n } from "./i18n"; import type { LangType, LangTypeAndAuto, TransItemType } from "./i18n"; import { DeletionOnRemote, MetadataOnRemote } from "./metadataOnRemote"; import { SyncAlgoV2Modal } from "./syncAlgoV2Notice"; import { applyPresetRulesInplace } from "./presetRules"; import { applyLogWriterInplace, log } from "./moreOnLog"; import AggregateError from "aggregate-error"; import { exportVaultLoggerOutputToFiles, exportVaultSyncPlansToFiles, } from "./debugMode"; import { SizesConflictModal } from "./syncSizesConflictNotice"; const DEFAULT_SETTINGS: RemotelySavePluginSettings = { s3: DEFAULT_S3_CONFIG, webdav: DEFAULT_WEBDAV_CONFIG, dropbox: DEFAULT_DROPBOX_CONFIG, onedrive: DEFAULT_ONEDRIVE_CONFIG, password: "", serviceType: "s3", currLogLevel: "info", // vaultRandomID: "", // deprecated autoRunEveryMilliseconds: -1, initRunAfterMilliseconds: -1, syncOnSaveAfterMilliseconds: -1, agreeToUploadExtraMetadata: true, // as of 20240106, it's safe to assume every new user agrees with this concurrency: 5, syncConfigDir: false, syncUnderscoreItems: false, lang: "auto", logToDB: false, skipSizeLargerThan: -1, ignorePaths: [], enableStatusBarInfo: true, deleteToWhere: "system", }; interface OAuth2Info { verifier?: string; helperModal?: Modal; authDiv?: HTMLElement; revokeDiv?: HTMLElement; revokeAuthSetting?: Setting; } const iconNameSyncWait = `remotely-save-sync-wait`; const iconNameSyncRunning = `remotely-save-sync-running`; const iconNameLogs = `remotely-save-logs`; const getIconSvg = () => { const iconSvgSyncWait = createElement(RotateCcw); iconSvgSyncWait.setAttribute("width", "100"); iconSvgSyncWait.setAttribute("height", "100"); const iconSvgSyncRunning = createElement(RefreshCcw); iconSvgSyncRunning.setAttribute("width", "100"); iconSvgSyncRunning.setAttribute("height", "100"); const iconSvgLogs = createElement(FileText); iconSvgLogs.setAttribute("width", "100"); iconSvgLogs.setAttribute("height", "100"); const res = { iconSvgSyncWait: iconSvgSyncWait.outerHTML, iconSvgSyncRunning: iconSvgSyncRunning.outerHTML, iconSvgLogs: iconSvgLogs.outerHTML, }; iconSvgSyncWait.empty(); iconSvgSyncRunning.empty(); iconSvgLogs.empty(); return res; }; export default class RemotelySavePlugin extends Plugin { settings: RemotelySavePluginSettings; db: InternalDBs; syncStatus: SyncStatusType; statusBarElement: HTMLSpanElement; oauth2Info: OAuth2Info; currLogLevel: string; currSyncMsg?: string; syncRibbon?: HTMLElement; autoRunIntervalID?: number; syncOnSaveIntervalID?: number; i18n: I18n; vaultRandomID: string; debugServerTemp?: string; async syncRun(triggerSource: SyncTriggerSourceType = "manual") { const t = (x: TransItemType, vars?: any) => { return this.i18n.t(x, vars); }; const getNotice = (x: string, timeout?: number) => { // only show notices in manual mode // no notice in auto mode if (triggerSource === "manual" || triggerSource === "dry") { new Notice(x, timeout); } }; if (this.syncStatus !== "idle") { // here the notice is shown regardless of triggerSource new Notice( t("syncrun_alreadyrunning", { pluginName:, syncStatus: this.syncStatus, }) ); if (this.currSyncMsg !== undefined && this.currSyncMsg !== "") { new Notice(this.currSyncMsg); } return; } let originLabel = `${}`; if (this.syncRibbon !== undefined) { originLabel = this.syncRibbon.getAttribute("aria-label"); } try { `${ }-${}: start sync, triggerSource=${triggerSource}` ); if (this.syncRibbon !== undefined) { setIcon(this.syncRibbon, iconNameSyncRunning); this.syncRibbon.setAttribute( "aria-label", t("syncrun_syncingribbon", { pluginName:, triggerSource: triggerSource, }) ); } if (triggerSource === "dry") { if (this.settings.currLogLevel === "info") { getNotice(t("syncrun_shortstep0")); } else { getNotice(t("syncrun_step0")); } } //`huh ${this.settings.password}`) if (this.settings.currLogLevel === "info") { getNotice( t("syncrun_shortstep1", { serviceType: this.settings.serviceType, }) ); } else { getNotice( t("syncrun_step1", { serviceType: this.settings.serviceType, }) ); } this.syncStatus = "preparing"; if (this.settings.currLogLevel === "info") { // pass } else { getNotice(t("syncrun_step2")); } this.syncStatus = "getting_remote_files_list"; const self = this; const client = new RemoteClient( this.settings.serviceType, this.settings.s3, this.settings.webdav, this.settings.dropbox, this.settings.onedrive,, () => self.saveSettings() ); const remoteRsp = await client.listAllFromRemote(); // log.debug(remoteRsp); if (this.settings.currLogLevel === "info") { // pass } else { getNotice(t("syncrun_step3")); } this.syncStatus = "checking_password"; const passwordCheckResult = await isPasswordOk( remoteRsp.Contents, this.settings.password ); if (!passwordCheckResult.ok) { getNotice(t("syncrun_passworderr")); throw Error(passwordCheckResult.reason); } if (this.settings.currLogLevel === "info") { // pass } else { getNotice(t("syncrun_step4")); } this.syncStatus = "getting_remote_extra_meta"; const { remoteStates, metadataFile } = await parseRemoteItems( remoteRsp.Contents, this.db, this.vaultRandomID, client.serviceType, this.settings.password ); const origMetadataOnRemote = await fetchMetadataFile( metadataFile, client,, this.settings.password ); if (this.settings.currLogLevel === "info") { // pass } else { getNotice(t("syncrun_step5")); } this.syncStatus = "getting_local_meta"; const local =; const localHistory = await loadFileHistoryTableByVault( this.db, this.vaultRandomID ); let localConfigDirContents: ObsConfigDirFileType[] = undefined; if (this.settings.syncConfigDir) { localConfigDirContents = await listFilesInObsFolder(,, ); } //; //; if (this.settings.currLogLevel === "info") { // pass } else { getNotice(t("syncrun_step6")); } this.syncStatus = "generating_plan"; const { plan, sortedKeys, deletions, sizesGoWrong } = await getSyncPlan( remoteStates, local, localConfigDirContents, origMetadataOnRemote.deletions, localHistory, client.serviceType, triggerSource,, this.settings.syncConfigDir,, this.settings.syncUnderscoreItems, this.settings.skipSizeLargerThan, this.settings.ignorePaths, this.settings.password );; // for debugging await insertSyncPlanRecordByVault(this.db, plan, this.vaultRandomID); // The operations above are almost read only and kind of safe. // The operations below begins to write or delete (!!!) something. if (triggerSource !== "dry") { if (this.settings.currLogLevel === "info") { // pass } else { getNotice(t("syncrun_step7")); } this.syncStatus = "syncing"; await doActualSync( client, this.db, this.vaultRandomID,, plan, sortedKeys, metadataFile, origMetadataOnRemote, sizesGoWrong, deletions, (key: string) => self.trash(key), this.settings.password, this.settings.concurrency, (ss: FileOrFolderMixedState[]) => { new SizesConflictModal(, self, this.settings.skipSizeLargerThan, ss, this.settings.password !== "" ).open(); }, (i: number, totalCount: number, pathName: string, decision: string) => self.setCurrSyncMsg(i, totalCount, pathName, decision) ); } else { this.syncStatus = "syncing"; if (this.settings.currLogLevel === "info") { getNotice(t("syncrun_shortstep2skip")); } else { getNotice(t("syncrun_step7skip")); } } if (this.settings.currLogLevel === "info") { getNotice(t("syncrun_shortstep2")); } else { getNotice(t("syncrun_step8")); } this.syncStatus = "finish"; this.syncStatus = "idle"; const lastSuccessSyncMillis =; await upsertLastSuccessSyncByVault( this.db, this.vaultRandomID, lastSuccessSyncMillis ); if (this.syncRibbon !== undefined) { setIcon(this.syncRibbon, iconNameSyncWait); this.syncRibbon.setAttribute("aria-label", originLabel); } if (this.statusBarElement !== undefined) { this.updateLastSuccessSyncMsg(lastSuccessSyncMillis); } `${ }-${}: finish sync, triggerSource=${triggerSource}` ); } catch (error) { const msg = t("syncrun_abort", { manifestID:, theDate: `${}`, triggerSource: triggerSource, syncStatus: this.syncStatus, }); log.error(msg); log.error(error); getNotice(msg, 10 * 1000); if (error instanceof AggregateError) { for (const e of error.errors) { getNotice(e.message, 10 * 1000); } } else { getNotice(error.message, 10 * 1000); } this.syncStatus = "idle"; if (this.syncRibbon !== undefined) { setIcon(this.syncRibbon, iconNameSyncWait); this.syncRibbon.setAttribute("aria-label", originLabel); } } } async onload() {`loading plugin ${}`); const { iconSvgSyncWait, iconSvgSyncRunning, iconSvgLogs } = getIconSvg(); addIcon(iconNameSyncWait, iconSvgSyncWait); addIcon(iconNameSyncRunning, iconSvgSyncRunning); addIcon(iconNameLogs, iconSvgLogs); this.oauth2Info = { verifier: "", helperModal: undefined, authDiv: undefined, revokeDiv: undefined, revokeAuthSetting: undefined, }; // init this.currSyncMsg = ""; await this.loadSettings(); await this.checkIfPresetRulesFollowed(); // lang should be load early, but after settings this.i18n = new I18n(this.settings.lang, async (lang: LangTypeAndAuto) => { this.settings.lang = lang; await this.saveSettings(); }); const t = (x: TransItemType, vars?: any) => { return this.i18n.t(x, vars); }; if (this.settings.currLogLevel !== undefined) { log.setLevel(this.settings.currLogLevel as any); } await this.checkIfOauthExpires(); // MUST before prepareDB() // And, it's also possible to be an empty string, // which means the vaultRandomID is read from db later! const vaultRandomIDFromOldConfigFile = await this.getVaultRandomIDFromOldConfigFile(); // no need to await this this.tryToAddIgnoreFile(); const vaultBasePath = this.getVaultBasePath(); try { await this.prepareDBAndVaultRandomID( vaultBasePath, vaultRandomIDFromOldConfigFile ); } catch (err) { new Notice(err.message, 10 * 1000); throw err; } // must AFTER preparing DB this.addOutputToDBIfSet(); this.enableAutoClearOutputToDBHistIfSet(); // must AFTER preparing DB this.enableAutoClearSyncPlanHist(); this.syncStatus = "idle"; this.registerEvent("delete", async (fileOrFolder) => { await insertDeleteRecordByVault( this.db, fileOrFolder, this.vaultRandomID ); }) ); this.registerEvent("rename", async (fileOrFolder, oldPath) => { await insertRenameRecordByVault( this.db, fileOrFolder, oldPath, this.vaultRandomID ); }) ); function getMethods(obj: any) { var result = []; for (var id in obj) { try { if (typeof obj[id] == "function") { result.push(id + ": " + obj[id].toString()); } } catch (err) { result.push(id + ": inaccessible"); } } return result.join("\n"); } this.registerEvent("raw" as any, async (fileOrFolder) => { // special track on .obsidian folder const name = `${fileOrFolder}`; if (name.startsWith( { if (!(await { await insertDeleteRecordByVault(this.db, name, this.vaultRandomID); } } }) ); this.registerObsidianProtocolHandler(COMMAND_URI, async (inputParams) => { const parsed = importQrCodeUri(inputParams,; if (parsed.status === "error") { new Notice(parsed.message); } else { const copied = cloneDeep(parsed.result); // new Notice(JSON.stringify(copied)) this.settings = Object.assign({}, this.settings, copied); this.saveSettings(); new Notice( t("protocol_saveqr", { manifestName:, }) ); } }); this.registerObsidianProtocolHandler( COMMAND_CALLBACK, async (inputParams) => { new Notice( t("protocol_callbacknotsupported", { params: JSON.stringify(inputParams), }) ); } ); this.registerObsidianProtocolHandler( COMMAND_CALLBACK_DROPBOX, async (inputParams) => { if (inputParams.code !== undefined) { if (this.oauth2Info.helperModal !== undefined) { this.oauth2Info.helperModal.contentEl.empty(); t("protocol_dropbox_connecting") .split("\n") .forEach((val) => { this.oauth2Info.helperModal.contentEl.createEl("p", { text: val, }); }); } let authRes = await sendAuthReqDropbox( this.settings.dropbox.clientID, this.oauth2Info.verifier, inputParams.code ); const self = this; setConfigBySuccessfullAuthInplaceDropbox( this.settings.dropbox, authRes, () => self.saveSettings() ); const client = new RemoteClient( "dropbox", undefined, undefined, this.settings.dropbox, undefined,, () => self.saveSettings() ); const username = await client.getUser(); this.settings.dropbox.username = username; await this.saveSettings(); new Notice( t("protocol_dropbox_connect_succ", { username: username, }) ); this.oauth2Info.verifier = ""; // reset it this.oauth2Info.helperModal?.close(); // close it this.oauth2Info.helperModal = undefined; this.oauth2Info.authDiv?.toggleClass( "dropbox-auth-button-hide", this.settings.dropbox.username !== "" ); this.oauth2Info.authDiv = undefined; this.oauth2Info.revokeAuthSetting?.setDesc( t("protocol_dropbox_connect_succ_revoke", { username: this.settings.dropbox.username, }) ); this.oauth2Info.revokeAuthSetting = undefined; this.oauth2Info.revokeDiv?.toggleClass( "dropbox-revoke-auth-button-hide", this.settings.dropbox.username === "" ); this.oauth2Info.revokeDiv = undefined; } else { new Notice(t("protocol_dropbox_connect_fail")); throw Error( t("protocol_dropbox_connect_unknown", { params: JSON.stringify(inputParams), }) ); } } ); this.registerObsidianProtocolHandler( COMMAND_CALLBACK_ONEDRIVE, async (inputParams) => { if (inputParams.code !== undefined) { if (this.oauth2Info.helperModal !== undefined) { this.oauth2Info.helperModal.contentEl.empty(); t("protocol_onedrive_connecting") .split("\n") .forEach((val) => { this.oauth2Info.helperModal.contentEl.createEl("p", { text: val, }); }); } let rsp = await sendAuthReqOnedrive( this.settings.onedrive.clientID, this.settings.onedrive.authority, inputParams.code, this.oauth2Info.verifier ); if ((rsp as any).error !== undefined) { throw Error(`${JSON.stringify(rsp)}`); } const self = this; setConfigBySuccessfullAuthInplaceOnedrive( this.settings.onedrive, rsp as AccessCodeResponseSuccessfulType, () => self.saveSettings() ); const client = new RemoteClient( "onedrive", undefined, undefined, undefined, this.settings.onedrive,, () => self.saveSettings() ); this.settings.onedrive.username = await client.getUser(); await this.saveSettings(); this.oauth2Info.verifier = ""; // reset it this.oauth2Info.helperModal?.close(); // close it this.oauth2Info.helperModal = undefined; this.oauth2Info.authDiv?.toggleClass( "onedrive-auth-button-hide", this.settings.onedrive.username !== "" ); this.oauth2Info.authDiv = undefined; this.oauth2Info.revokeAuthSetting?.setDesc( t("protocol_onedrive_connect_succ_revoke", { username: this.settings.onedrive.username, }) ); this.oauth2Info.revokeAuthSetting = undefined; this.oauth2Info.revokeDiv?.toggleClass( "onedrive-revoke-auth-button-hide", this.settings.onedrive.username === "" ); this.oauth2Info.revokeDiv = undefined; } else { new Notice(t("protocol_onedrive_connect_fail")); throw Error( t("protocol_onedrive_connect_unknown", { params: JSON.stringify(inputParams), }) ); } } ); this.syncRibbon = this.addRibbonIcon( iconNameSyncWait, `${}`, async () => this.syncRun("manual") ); // Create Status Bar Item (not supported on mobile) if (!Platform.isMobileApp && this.settings.enableStatusBarInfo === true) { const statusBarItem = this.addStatusBarItem(); this.statusBarElement = statusBarItem.createEl("span"); this.statusBarElement.setAttribute("aria-label-position", "top"); this.updateLastSuccessSyncMsg( await getLastSuccessSyncByVault(this.db, this.vaultRandomID) ); // update statusbar text every 30 seconds this.registerInterval( window.setInterval(async () => { this.updateLastSuccessSyncMsg( await getLastSuccessSyncByVault(this.db, this.vaultRandomID) ); }, 1000 * 30) ); } this.addCommand({ id: "start-sync", name: t("command_startsync"), icon: iconNameSyncWait, callback: async () => { this.syncRun("manual"); }, }); this.addCommand({ id: "start-sync-dry-run", name: t("command_drynrun"), icon: iconNameSyncWait, callback: async () => { this.syncRun("dry"); }, }); this.addCommand({ id: "export-sync-plans-json", name: t("command_exportsyncplans_json"), icon: iconNameLogs, callback: async () => { await exportVaultSyncPlansToFiles( this.db,, this.vaultRandomID, "json" ); new Notice(t("settings_syncplans_notice")); }, }); this.addCommand({ id: "export-sync-plans-table", name: t("command_exportsyncplans_table"), icon: iconNameLogs, callback: async () => { await exportVaultSyncPlansToFiles( this.db,, this.vaultRandomID, "table" ); new Notice(t("settings_syncplans_notice")); }, }); this.addCommand({ id: "export-logs-in-db", name: t("command_exportlogsindb"), icon: iconNameLogs, callback: async () => { await exportVaultLoggerOutputToFiles( this.db,, this.vaultRandomID ); new Notice(t("settings_logtodbexport_notice")); }, }); this.addSettingTab(new RemotelySaveSettingTab(, this)); // this.registerDomEvent(document, "click", (evt: MouseEvent) => { //"click", evt); // }); if (!this.settings.agreeToUploadExtraMetadata) { const syncAlgoV2Modal = new SyncAlgoV2Modal(, this);; } else { this.enableAutoSyncIfSet(); this.enableInitSyncIfSet(); this.enableSyncOnSaveIfSet(); } } async onunload() {`unloading plugin ${}`); this.syncRibbon = undefined; if (this.oauth2Info !== undefined) { this.oauth2Info.helperModal = undefined; this.oauth2Info = undefined; } } async loadSettings() { this.settings = Object.assign( {}, cloneDeep(DEFAULT_SETTINGS), messyConfigToNormal(await this.loadData()) ); if (this.settings.dropbox.clientID === "") { this.settings.dropbox.clientID = DEFAULT_SETTINGS.dropbox.clientID; } if (this.settings.dropbox.remoteBaseDir === undefined) { this.settings.dropbox.remoteBaseDir = ""; } if (this.settings.onedrive.clientID === "") { this.settings.onedrive.clientID = DEFAULT_SETTINGS.onedrive.clientID; } if (this.settings.onedrive.authority === "") { this.settings.onedrive.authority = DEFAULT_SETTINGS.onedrive.authority; } if (this.settings.onedrive.remoteBaseDir === undefined) { this.settings.onedrive.remoteBaseDir = ""; } if (this.settings.webdav.manualRecursive === undefined) { this.settings.webdav.manualRecursive = false; } if (this.settings.webdav.depth === undefined) { this.settings.webdav.depth = "auto_unknown"; } if (this.settings.webdav.remoteBaseDir === undefined) { this.settings.webdav.remoteBaseDir = ""; } if (this.settings.s3.partsConcurrency === undefined) { this.settings.s3.partsConcurrency = 20; } if (this.settings.s3.forcePathStyle === undefined) { this.settings.s3.forcePathStyle = false; } if (this.settings.s3.remotePrefix === undefined) { this.settings.s3.remotePrefix = ""; } if (this.settings.ignorePaths === undefined) { this.settings.ignorePaths = []; } if (this.settings.enableStatusBarInfo === undefined) { this.settings.enableStatusBarInfo = true; } if (this.settings.syncOnSaveAfterMilliseconds === undefined) { this.settings.syncOnSaveAfterMilliseconds = -1; } if (this.settings.deleteToWhere === undefined) { this.settings.deleteToWhere = "system"; } } async checkIfPresetRulesFollowed() { const res = applyPresetRulesInplace(this.settings); if (res.changed) { await this.saveSettings(); } } async saveSettings() { await this.saveData(normalConfigToMessy(this.settings)); } async checkIfOauthExpires() { let needSave: boolean = false; const current =; // fullfill old version settings if ( this.settings.dropbox.refreshToken !== "" && this.settings.dropbox.credentialsShouldBeDeletedAtTime === undefined ) { // It has a refreshToken, but not expire time. // Likely to be a setting from old version. // we set it to a month. this.settings.dropbox.credentialsShouldBeDeletedAtTime = current + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30; needSave = true; } if ( this.settings.onedrive.refreshToken !== "" && this.settings.onedrive.credentialsShouldBeDeletedAtTime === undefined ) { this.settings.onedrive.credentialsShouldBeDeletedAtTime = current + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30; needSave = true; } // check expired or not let dropboxExpired = false; if ( this.settings.dropbox.refreshToken !== "" && current >= this.settings.dropbox.credentialsShouldBeDeletedAtTime ) { dropboxExpired = true; this.settings.dropbox = cloneDeep(DEFAULT_DROPBOX_CONFIG); needSave = true; } let onedriveExpired = false; if ( this.settings.onedrive.refreshToken !== "" && current >= this.settings.onedrive.credentialsShouldBeDeletedAtTime ) { onedriveExpired = true; this.settings.onedrive = cloneDeep(DEFAULT_ONEDRIVE_CONFIG); needSave = true; } // save back if (needSave) { await this.saveSettings(); } // send notice if (dropboxExpired && onedriveExpired) { new Notice( `${}: You haven't manually auth Dropbox and OneDrive for a while, you need to re-auth them again.`, 6000 ); } else if (dropboxExpired) { new Notice( `${}: You haven't manually auth Dropbox for a while, you need to re-auth it again.`, 6000 ); } else if (onedriveExpired) { new Notice( `${}: You haven't manually auth OneDrive for a while, you need to re-auth it again.`, 6000 ); } } async getVaultRandomIDFromOldConfigFile() { let vaultRandomID = ""; if (this.settings.vaultRandomID !== undefined) { // In old version, the vault id is saved in data.json // But we want to store it in localForage later if (this.settings.vaultRandomID !== "") { // a real string was assigned before vaultRandomID = this.settings.vaultRandomID; } log.debug("vaultRandomID is no longer saved in data.json"); delete this.settings.vaultRandomID; await this.saveSettings(); } return vaultRandomID; } async trash(x: string) { if (this.settings.deleteToWhere === "obsidian") { await; } else { // "system" if (!(await { await; } } } getVaultBasePath() { if ( instanceof FileSystemAdapter) { // in desktop return"?")[0]; } else { // in mobile return"").split("?")[0]; } } async prepareDBAndVaultRandomID( vaultBasePath: string, vaultRandomIDFromOldConfigFile: string ) { const { db, vaultRandomID } = await prepareDBs( vaultBasePath, vaultRandomIDFromOldConfigFile ); this.db = db; this.vaultRandomID = vaultRandomID; } enableAutoSyncIfSet() { if ( this.settings.autoRunEveryMilliseconds !== undefined && this.settings.autoRunEveryMilliseconds !== null && this.settings.autoRunEveryMilliseconds > 0 ) { => { const intervalID = window.setInterval(() => { this.syncRun("auto"); }, this.settings.autoRunEveryMilliseconds); this.autoRunIntervalID = intervalID; this.registerInterval(intervalID); }); } } enableInitSyncIfSet() { if ( this.settings.initRunAfterMilliseconds !== undefined && this.settings.initRunAfterMilliseconds !== null && this.settings.initRunAfterMilliseconds > 0 ) { => { window.setTimeout(() => { this.syncRun("autoOnceInit"); }, this.settings.initRunAfterMilliseconds); }); } } enableSyncOnSaveIfSet() { if ( this.settings.syncOnSaveAfterMilliseconds !== undefined && this.settings.syncOnSaveAfterMilliseconds !== null && this.settings.syncOnSaveAfterMilliseconds > 0 ) { let runScheduled = false; => { const intervalID = window.setInterval(() => { const currentFile =; if (currentFile) { // get the last modified time of the current file // if it has been modified within the last syncOnSaveAfterMilliseconds // then schedule a run for syncOnSaveAfterMilliseconds after it was modified const lastModified = currentFile.stat.mtime; const currentTime =; // log.debug( // `Checking if file was modified within last ${ // this.settings.syncOnSaveAfterMilliseconds / 1000 // } seconds, last modified: ${ // (currentTime - lastModified) / 1000 // } seconds ago` // ); if ( currentTime - lastModified < this.settings.syncOnSaveAfterMilliseconds ) { if (!runScheduled) { const scheduleTimeFromNow = this.settings.syncOnSaveAfterMilliseconds - (currentTime - lastModified); `schedule a run for ${scheduleTimeFromNow} milliseconds later` ); runScheduled = true; setTimeout(() => { this.syncRun("auto_sync_on_save"); runScheduled = false; }, scheduleTimeFromNow); } } } }, this.settings.syncOnSaveAfterMilliseconds); this.syncOnSaveIntervalID = intervalID; this.registerInterval(intervalID); }); } } async saveAgreeToUseNewSyncAlgorithm() { this.settings.agreeToUploadExtraMetadata = true; await this.saveSettings(); } async setCurrSyncMsg( i: number, totalCount: number, pathName: string, decision: string ) { const msg = `syncing progress=${i}/${totalCount},decision=${decision},path=${pathName}`; this.currSyncMsg = msg; } updateLastSuccessSyncMsg(lastSuccessSyncMillis?: number) { if (this.statusBarElement === undefined) return; const t = (x: TransItemType, vars?: any) => { return this.i18n.t(x, vars); }; let lastSyncMsg = t("statusbar_lastsync_never"); let lastSyncLabelMsg = t("statusbar_lastsync_never_label"); if (lastSuccessSyncMillis !== undefined && lastSuccessSyncMillis > 0) { const deltaTime = - lastSuccessSyncMillis; // create human readable time const years = Math.floor(deltaTime / 31556952000); const months = Math.floor(deltaTime / 2629746000); const weeks = Math.floor(deltaTime / 604800000); const days = Math.floor(deltaTime / 86400000); const hours = Math.floor(deltaTime / 3600000); const minutes = Math.floor(deltaTime / 60000); let timeText = ""; if (years > 0) { timeText = t("statusbar_time_years", { time: years }); } else if (months > 0) { timeText = t("statusbar_time_months", { time: months }); } else if (weeks > 0) { timeText = t("statusbar_time_weeks", { time: weeks }); } else if (days > 0) { timeText = t("statusbar_time_days", { time: days }); } else if (hours > 0) { timeText = t("statusbar_time_hours", { time: hours }); } else if (minutes > 0) { timeText = t("statusbar_time_minutes", { time: minutes }); } else { timeText = t("statusbar_time_lessminute"); } let dateText = new Date(lastSuccessSyncMillis).toLocaleTimeString( navigator.language, { weekday: "long", year: "numeric", month: "long", day: "numeric", } ); lastSyncMsg = t("statusbar_lastsync", { time: timeText }); lastSyncLabelMsg = t("statusbar_lastsync_label", { date: dateText }); } this.statusBarElement.setText(lastSyncMsg); this.statusBarElement.setAttribute("aria-label", lastSyncLabelMsg); } /** * Because data.json contains sensitive information, * We usually want to ignore it in the version control. * However, if there's already a an ignore file (even empty), * we respect the existing configure and not add any modifications. * @returns */ async tryToAddIgnoreFile() { const pluginConfigDir = this.manifest.dir || `${}/plugins/${this.manifest.dir}`; const pluginConfigDirExists = await; if (!pluginConfigDirExists) { // what happened? return; } const ignoreFile = `${pluginConfigDir}/.gitignore`; const ignoreFileExists = await; const contentText = "data.json\n"; try { if (!ignoreFileExists) { // not exists, directly create // no need to await, contentText); } } catch (error) { // just skip } } addOutputToDBIfSet() { if (this.settings.logToDB) { applyLogWriterInplace((...msg: any[]) => { insertLoggerOutputByVault(this.db, this.vaultRandomID, ...msg); }); } } enableAutoClearOutputToDBHistIfSet() { const initClearOutputToDBHistAfterMilliseconds = 1000 * 45; const autoClearOutputToDBHistAfterMilliseconds = 1000 * 60 * 5; => { // init run window.setTimeout(() => { if (this.settings.logToDB) { clearExpiredLoggerOutputRecords(this.db); } }, initClearOutputToDBHistAfterMilliseconds); // scheduled run const intervalID = window.setInterval(() => { if (this.settings.logToDB) { clearExpiredLoggerOutputRecords(this.db); } }, autoClearOutputToDBHistAfterMilliseconds); this.registerInterval(intervalID); }); } enableAutoClearSyncPlanHist() { const initClearSyncPlanHistAfterMilliseconds = 1000 * 45; const autoClearSyncPlanHistAfterMilliseconds = 1000 * 60 * 5; => { // init run window.setTimeout(() => { clearExpiredSyncPlanRecords(this.db); }, initClearSyncPlanHistAfterMilliseconds); // scheduled run const intervalID = window.setInterval(() => { clearExpiredSyncPlanRecords(this.db); }, autoClearSyncPlanHistAfterMilliseconds); this.registerInterval(intervalID); }); } }