import { strict as assert } from "assert"; import * as fs from "fs"; import * as path from "path"; import { decryptArrayBuffer, decryptBase32ToString, encryptArrayBuffer, encryptStringToBase32, encryptStringToBase64url, getSizeFromEncToOrig, getSizeFromOrigToEnc, } from "../src/encryptOpenSSL"; import { base64ToBase64url, bufferToArrayBuffer } from "../src/misc"; describe("Encryption OpenSSL tests", () => { beforeEach(function () { global.window = { crypto: require("crypto").webcrypto, } as any; }); it("should encrypt string", async () => { const k = "dkjdhkfhdkjgsdklxxd"; const password = "hey"; assert.notEqual(await encryptStringToBase32(k, password), k); }); it("should encrypt string and return different results each time", async () => { const k = "dkjdhkfhdkjgsdklxxd"; const password = "hey"; const res1 = await encryptStringToBase32(k, password); const res2 = await encryptStringToBase32(k, password); assert.notEqual(res1, res2); }); it("should raise error using different password", async () => { const k = "secret text"; const password = "hey"; const password2 = "hey2"; const enc = await encryptStringToBase32(k, password); await assert.rejects(decryptBase32ToString(enc, password2)); }); it("should encrypt and decrypt string and get the same result returned", async () => { const k = "jfkkjkjbce7983ycdeknkkjckooAIUHIDIBIE((*BII)njD/d/dd/d/sjxhux"; const password = "hfiuibec989###oiu982bj1`"; const enc = await encryptStringToBase32(k, password); // console.log(enc); const dec = await decryptBase32ToString(enc, password); // console.log(dec); assert.equal(dec, k); }); it("should encrypt text file and get the same result as openssl", async () => { const fileContent = ( await fs.readFileSync( path.join(__dirname, "static_assets", "sometext.txt") ) ).toString("utf-8"); const password = "somepassword"; const saltHex = "8302F586FAB491EC"; const enc = await encryptStringToBase64url( fileContent, password, undefined, saltHex ); // two command returns same result: // cat ./sometext.txt | openssl enc -p -aes-256-cbc -S 8302F586FAB491EC -pbkdf2 -iter 20000 -base64 -pass pass:somepassword // openssl enc -p -aes-256-cbc -S 8302F586FAB491EC -pbkdf2 -iter 20000 -base64 -pass pass:somepassword -in ./sometext.txt const opensslBase64Res = "U2FsdGVkX1+DAvWG+rSR7BPXMnlvSSVGMdjsx7kE1CTH+28P+yAZRdDGgFWMGkMd"; // we output base32, so we need some transformation const opensslBase64urlRes = base64ToBase64url(opensslBase64Res); assert.equal(enc, opensslBase64urlRes); }); it("should encrypt binary file and get the same result as openssl", async () => { const testFolder = path.join(__dirname, "static_assets", "mona_lisa"); const testFileName = "1374px-Mona_Lisa,_by_Leonardo_da_Vinci,_from_C2RMF_retouched.jpg"; const fileArrBuf = bufferToArrayBuffer( await fs.readFileSync(path.join(testFolder, testFileName)) ); const password = "somepassword"; const saltHex = "8302F586FAB491EC"; const enc = await encryptArrayBuffer( fileArrBuf, password, undefined, saltHex ); const opensslArrBuf = bufferToArrayBuffer( await fs.readFileSync(path.join(testFolder, testFileName + ".enc")) ); // openssl enc -p -aes-256-cbc -S 8302F586FAB491EC -pbkdf2 -iter 20000 -pass pass:somepassword -in mona_lisa/1374px-Mona_Lisa,_by_Leonardo_da_Vinci,_from_C2RMF_retouched.jpg -out mona_lisa/1374px-Mona_Lisa,_by_Leonardo_da_Vinci,_from_C2RMF_retouched.jpg.enc assert.ok(Buffer.from(enc).equals(Buffer.from(opensslArrBuf))); }); it("should encrypt binary file not deterministically", async () => { const testFolder = path.join(__dirname, "static_assets", "mona_lisa"); const testFileName = "1374px-Mona_Lisa,_by_Leonardo_da_Vinci,_from_C2RMF_retouched.jpg"; const fileArrBuf = bufferToArrayBuffer( await fs.readFileSync(path.join(testFolder, testFileName)) ); const password = "somepassword"; const res1 = await encryptArrayBuffer(fileArrBuf, password); const res2 = await encryptArrayBuffer(fileArrBuf, password); assert.ok(!Buffer.from(res1).equals(Buffer.from(res2))); }); it("should decrypt binary file and get the same result as openssl", async () => { const testFolder = path.join(__dirname, "static_assets", "mona_lisa"); const testFileName = "1374px-Mona_Lisa,_by_Leonardo_da_Vinci,_from_C2RMF_retouched.jpg"; const fileArrBuf = bufferToArrayBuffer( await fs.readFileSync(path.join(testFolder, testFileName + ".enc")) ); const password = "somepassword"; const dec = await decryptArrayBuffer(fileArrBuf, password); const opensslArrBuf = bufferToArrayBuffer( await fs.readFileSync(path.join(testFolder, testFileName)) ); assert.deepEqual(Buffer.from(dec), Buffer.from(opensslArrBuf)); }); it("should get size from origin to encrypted correctly", () => { assert.throws(() => getSizeFromOrigToEnc(-1)); assert.throws(() => getSizeFromOrigToEnc(0.5)); assert.equal(getSizeFromOrigToEnc(0), 32); assert.equal(getSizeFromOrigToEnc(15), 32); assert.equal(getSizeFromOrigToEnc(16), 48); assert.equal(getSizeFromOrigToEnc(31), 48); assert.equal(getSizeFromOrigToEnc(32), 64); assert.equal(getSizeFromOrigToEnc(14787203), 14787232); }); it("should get size from encrypted to origin correctly", () => { assert.throws(() => getSizeFromEncToOrig(-1)); assert.throws(() => getSizeFromEncToOrig(30)); assert.deepEqual(getSizeFromEncToOrig(32), { minSize: 0, maxSize: 15, }); assert.deepEqual(getSizeFromEncToOrig(48), { minSize: 16, maxSize: 31, }); assert.throws(() => getSizeFromEncToOrig(14787231)); let { minSize, maxSize } = getSizeFromEncToOrig(14787232); assert.ok(minSize <= 14787203 && 14787203 <= maxSize); }); });