# OpenSSL enc format If a password is set, the files are encrypted before being sent to the cloud. ## Warning **ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR VAULT MANUALLY!!!** If you switch between RClone Crypt format and OpenSSL enc format, you have to delete the cloud vault files **manually** and **fully**, so that the plugin can re-sync (i.e. re-upload) the newly encrypted versions to the cloud. ## Comparation between encryption formats See the doc [Comparation](./comparation.md). ## Interoperability with official OpenSSL This encryption algorithm is delibrately designed to be aligned with openssl format. 1. The encryption algorithm is implemented using web-crypto. Using AES-256-CBC. 2. The file content is encrypted using openssl format. Assuming a file named `sometext.txt`, a password `somepassword`, then the encryption is equivalent to the following command: ```bash # file content encryption (ignoring file path encryption) openssl enc -p -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -iter 20000 -pass pass:somepassword -in ./sometext.txt -out ./sometext.txt.enc # file content decryption (ignoring file path decryption) openssl enc -d -p -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -iter 20000 -pass pass:somepassword -in ./sometext.txt.enc -out ./sometext.txt ``` 3. The file/directory path strings, are encrypted using openssl in binary mode and then `base64url without padding` is applied. Assuming the file path is `a-folder-文件夹/a-file-文件.md`, then the following commands are equivilent: ```bash # prepare the functions # https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/628842 base64url::encode () { base64 -w0 | tr '+/' '-_' | tr -d '='; } base64url::decode () { awk '{ if (length($0) % 4 == 3) print $0"="; else if (length($0) % 4 == 2) print $0"=="; else print $0; }' | tr -- '-_' '+/' | base64 -d; } # pure string encryption then base32 echo -n 'a-folder-文件夹/a-file-文件.md' | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -iter 20000 -pass pass:mylongpassword | base64url::encode # pure string base64url then decryption echo -n 'U2FsdGVkX19tNkdFL5rZeHxbe7FL-Pp5mkZJkDNFJWFT6lldZlfa57j0C_cKn0I3PZ9YDvOkyoKqfF6lbn0_yg' | base64url::decode | openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -iter 20000 -pass pass:mylongpassword ``` 4. The directory is considered as special "0-byte" object on remote s3. So this meta infomation may be easily guessed if some third party can access the remote bucket.