import { App, Modal, Notice, PluginSettingTab, Setting } from "obsidian"; import type RemotelySavePlugin from "./main"; // unavoidable import type { TransItemType } from "./i18n"; import { stringToFragment } from "./misc"; export class SyncAlgoV3Modal extends Modal { agree: boolean; manualBackup: boolean; requireUpdateAllDev: boolean; readonly plugin: RemotelySavePlugin; constructor(app: App, plugin: RemotelySavePlugin) { super(app); this.plugin = plugin; this.agree = false; this.manualBackup = false; this.requireUpdateAllDev = false; } onOpen() { let { contentEl } = this; const t = (x: TransItemType, vars?: any) => { return this.plugin.i18n.t(x, vars); }; contentEl.createEl("h2", { text: t("syncalgov3_title"), }); const ul = contentEl.createEl("ul"); t("syncalgov3_texts") .split("\n") .forEach((val) => { ul.createEl("li", { text: stringToFragment(val), }); }); // code modified partially from BART released under MIT License contentEl.createDiv("modal-button-container", (buttonContainerEl) => { let agreeBtn: HTMLButtonElement | undefined = undefined; buttonContainerEl.createEl( "label", { cls: "mod-checkbox", }, (labelEl) => { const checkboxEl = labelEl.createEl("input", { attr: { tabindex: -1 }, type: "checkbox", }); checkboxEl.checked = this.manualBackup; checkboxEl.addEventListener("click", () => { this.manualBackup = checkboxEl.checked; if (agreeBtn !== undefined) { if (this.manualBackup && this.requireUpdateAllDev) { agreeBtn.removeAttribute("disabled"); } else { agreeBtn.setAttr("disabled", true); } } }); labelEl.appendText(t("syncalgov3_checkbox_manual_backup")); } ); buttonContainerEl.createEl( "label", { cls: "mod-checkbox", }, (labelEl) => { const checkboxEl = labelEl.createEl("input", { attr: { tabindex: -1 }, type: "checkbox", }); checkboxEl.checked = this.requireUpdateAllDev; checkboxEl.addEventListener("click", () => { this.requireUpdateAllDev = checkboxEl.checked; if (agreeBtn !== undefined) { if (this.manualBackup && this.requireUpdateAllDev) { agreeBtn.removeAttribute("disabled"); } else { agreeBtn.setAttr("disabled", true); } } }); labelEl.appendText(t("syncalgov3_checkbox_requiremultidevupdate")); } ); agreeBtn = buttonContainerEl.createEl("button", { attr: { type: "button" }, cls: "mod-cta", text: t("syncalgov3_button_agree"), }); agreeBtn.setAttr("disabled", true); agreeBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { this.agree = true; this.close(); }); buttonContainerEl .createEl("button", { attr: { type: "submit" }, text: t("syncalgov3_button_disagree"), }) .addEventListener("click", () => { this.close(); }); }); } onClose() { let { contentEl } = this; contentEl.empty(); if (this.agree) {"agree to use the new algorithm"); this.plugin.saveAgreeToUseNewSyncAlgorithm(); this.plugin.enableAutoSyncIfSet(); this.plugin.enableInitSyncIfSet(); this.plugin.toggleSyncOnSaveIfSet(); } else {"do not agree to use the new algorithm"); this.plugin.unload(); } } }