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import numpy as np
import gradio as gr
import math
from modules.ui_components import InputAccordion
import modules.scripts as scripts
class SoftInpaintingSettings:
def __init__(self, mask_blend_power, mask_blend_scale, inpaint_detail_preservation):
self.mask_blend_power = mask_blend_power
self.mask_blend_scale = mask_blend_scale
self.inpaint_detail_preservation = inpaint_detail_preservation
def add_generation_params(self, dest):
dest[enabled_gen_param_label] = True
dest[gen_param_labels.mask_blend_power] = self.mask_blend_power
dest[gen_param_labels.mask_blend_scale] = self.mask_blend_scale
dest[gen_param_labels.inpaint_detail_preservation] = self.inpaint_detail_preservation
# ------------------- Methods -------------------
def latent_blend(soft_inpainting, a, b, t):
Interpolates two latent image representations according to the parameter t,
where the interpolated vectors' magnitudes are also interpolated separately.
The "detail_preservation" factor biases the magnitude interpolation towards
the larger of the two magnitudes.
import torch
# NOTE: We use inplace operations wherever possible.
# [4][w][h] to [1][4][w][h]
t2 = t.unsqueeze(0)
# [4][w][h] to [1][1][w][h] - the [4] seem redundant.
t3 = t[0].unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
one_minus_t2 = 1 - t2
one_minus_t3 = 1 - t3
# Linearly interpolate the image vectors.
a_scaled = a * one_minus_t2
b_scaled = b * t2
image_interp = a_scaled
result_type = image_interp.dtype
del a_scaled, b_scaled, t2, one_minus_t2
# Calculate the magnitude of the interpolated vectors. (We will remove this magnitude.)
# 64-bit operations are used here to allow large exponents.
current_magnitude = torch.norm(image_interp, p=2, dim=1, keepdim=True).to(torch.float64).add_(0.00001)
# Interpolate the powered magnitudes, then un-power them (bring them back to a power of 1).
a_magnitude = torch.norm(a, p=2, dim=1, keepdim=True).to(torch.float64).pow_(
soft_inpainting.inpaint_detail_preservation) * one_minus_t3
b_magnitude = torch.norm(b, p=2, dim=1, keepdim=True).to(torch.float64).pow_(
soft_inpainting.inpaint_detail_preservation) * t3
desired_magnitude = a_magnitude
desired_magnitude.add_(b_magnitude).pow_(1 / soft_inpainting.inpaint_detail_preservation)
del a_magnitude, b_magnitude, t3, one_minus_t3
# Change the linearly interpolated image vectors' magnitudes to the value we want.
# This is the last 64-bit operation.
image_interp_scaling_factor = desired_magnitude
image_interp_scaling_factor =
image_interp_scaled = image_interp
del current_magnitude
del desired_magnitude
del image_interp
del image_interp_scaling_factor
del result_type
return image_interp_scaled
def get_modified_nmask(soft_inpainting, nmask, sigma):
Converts a negative mask representing the transparency of the original latent vectors being overlayed
to a mask that is scaled according to the denoising strength for this step.
0 = fully opaque, infinite density, fully masked
1 = fully transparent, zero density, fully unmasked
We bring this transparency to a power, as this allows one to simulate N number of blending operations
where N can be any positive real value. Using this one can control the balance of influence between
the denoiser and the original latents according to the sigma value.
NOTE: "mask" is not used
import torch
return torch.pow(nmask, (sigma ** soft_inpainting.mask_blend_power) * soft_inpainting.mask_blend_scale)
def apply_adaptive_masks(
width, height,
import torch
import modules.processing as proc
import modules.images as images
from PIL import Image, ImageOps, ImageFilter
# TODO: Bias the blending according to the latent mask, add adjustable parameter for bias control.
# latent_mask = p.nmask[0].float().cpu()
# convert the original mask into a form we use to scale distances for thresholding
# mask_scalar = 1-(torch.clamp(latent_mask, min=0, max=1) ** (p.mask_blend_scale / 2))
# mask_scalar = mask_scalar / (1.00001-mask_scalar)
# mask_scalar = mask_scalar.numpy()
latent_distance = torch.norm(latent_processed - latent_orig, p=2, dim=1)
kernel, kernel_center = get_gaussian_kernel(stddev_radius=1.5, max_radius=2)
masks_for_overlay = []
for i, (distance_map, overlay_image) in enumerate(zip(latent_distance, overlay_images)):
converted_mask = distance_map.float().cpu().numpy()
converted_mask = weighted_histogram_filter(converted_mask, kernel, kernel_center,
percentile_min=0.9, percentile_max=1, min_width=1)
converted_mask = weighted_histogram_filter(converted_mask, kernel, kernel_center,
percentile_min=0.25, percentile_max=0.75, min_width=1)
# The distance at which opacity of original decreases to 50%
# half_weighted_distance = 1 # * mask_scalar
# converted_mask = converted_mask / half_weighted_distance
converted_mask = 1 / (1 + converted_mask ** 2)
converted_mask = smootherstep(converted_mask)
converted_mask = 1 - converted_mask
converted_mask = 255. * converted_mask
converted_mask = converted_mask.astype(np.uint8)
converted_mask = Image.fromarray(converted_mask)
converted_mask = images.resize_image(2, converted_mask, width, height)
converted_mask = proc.create_binary_mask(converted_mask, round=False)
# Remove aliasing artifacts using a gaussian blur.
converted_mask = converted_mask.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=4))
# Expand the mask to fit the whole image if needed.
if paste_to is not None:
converted_mask = proc.uncrop(converted_mask,
(overlay_image.width, overlay_image.height),
image_masked ='RGBa', (overlay_image.width, overlay_image.height))
overlay_images[i] = image_masked.convert('RGBA')
return masks_for_overlay
def apply_masks(
width, height,
import torch
import modules.processing as proc
import modules.images as images
from PIL import Image, ImageOps, ImageFilter
converted_mask = nmask[0].float()
converted_mask = torch.clamp(converted_mask, min=0, max=1).pow_(soft_inpainting.mask_blend_scale / 2)
converted_mask = 255. * converted_mask
converted_mask = converted_mask.cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8)
converted_mask = Image.fromarray(converted_mask)
converted_mask = images.resize_image(2, converted_mask, width, height)
converted_mask = proc.create_binary_mask(converted_mask, round=False)
# Remove aliasing artifacts using a gaussian blur.
converted_mask = converted_mask.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=4))
# Expand the mask to fit the whole image if needed.
if paste_to is not None:
converted_mask = proc.uncrop(converted_mask,
(width, height),
masks_for_overlay = []
for i, overlay_image in enumerate(overlay_images):
masks_for_overlay[i] = converted_mask
image_masked ='RGBa', (overlay_image.width, overlay_image.height))
overlay_images[i] = image_masked.convert('RGBA')
return masks_for_overlay
def weighted_histogram_filter(img, kernel, kernel_center, percentile_min=0.0, percentile_max=1.0, min_width=1.0):
Generalization convolution filter capable of applying
weighted mean, median, maximum, and minimum filters
parametrically using an arbitrary kernel.
img (nparray):
The image, a 2-D array of floats, to which the filter is being applied.
kernel (nparray):
The kernel, a 2-D array of floats.
kernel_center (nparray):
The kernel center coordinate, a 1-D array with two elements.
percentile_min (float):
The lower bound of the histogram window used by the filter,
from 0 to 1.
percentile_max (float):
The upper bound of the histogram window used by the filter,
from 0 to 1.
min_width (float):
The minimum size of the histogram window bounds, in weight units.
Must be greater than 0.
(nparray): A filtered copy of the input image "img", a 2-D array of floats.
# Converts an index tuple into a vector.
def vec(x):
return np.array(x)
kernel_min = -kernel_center
kernel_max = vec(kernel.shape) - kernel_center
def weighted_histogram_filter_single(idx):
idx = vec(idx)
min_index = np.maximum(0, idx + kernel_min)
max_index = np.minimum(vec(img.shape), idx + kernel_max)
window_shape = max_index - min_index
class WeightedElement:
An element of the histogram, its weight
and bounds.
def __init__(self, value, weight):
self.value: float = value
self.weight: float = weight
self.window_min: float = 0.0
self.window_max: float = 1.0
# Collect the values in the image as WeightedElements,
# weighted by their corresponding kernel values.
values = []
for window_tup in np.ndindex(tuple(window_shape)):
window_index = vec(window_tup)
image_index = window_index + min_index
centered_kernel_index = image_index - idx
kernel_index = centered_kernel_index + kernel_center
element = WeightedElement(img[tuple(image_index)], kernel[tuple(kernel_index)])
def sort_key(x: WeightedElement):
return x.value
# Calculate the height of the stack (sum)
# and each sample's range they occupy in the stack
sum = 0
for i in range(len(values)):
values[i].window_min = sum
sum += values[i].weight
values[i].window_max = sum
# Calculate what range of this stack ("window")
# we want to get the weighted average across.
window_min = sum * percentile_min
window_max = sum * percentile_max
window_width = window_max - window_min
# Ensure the window is within the stack and at least a certain size.
if window_width < min_width:
window_center = (window_min + window_max) / 2
window_min = window_center - min_width / 2
window_max = window_center + min_width / 2
if window_max > sum:
window_max = sum
window_min = sum - min_width
if window_min < 0:
window_min = 0
window_max = min_width
value = 0
value_weight = 0
# Get the weighted average of all the samples
# that overlap with the window, weighted
# by the size of their overlap.
for i in range(len(values)):
if window_min >= values[i].window_max:
if window_max <= values[i].window_min:
s = max(window_min, values[i].window_min)
e = min(window_max, values[i].window_max)
w = e - s
value += values[i].value * w
value_weight += w
return value / value_weight if value_weight != 0 else 0
img_out = img.copy()
# Apply the kernel operation over each pixel.
for index in np.ndindex(img.shape):
img_out[index] = weighted_histogram_filter_single(index)
return img_out
def smoothstep(x):
The smoothstep function, input should be clamped to 0-1 range.
Turns a diagonal line (f(x) = x) into a sigmoid-like curve.
return x * x * (3 - 2 * x)
def smootherstep(x):
The smootherstep function, input should be clamped to 0-1 range.
Turns a diagonal line (f(x) = x) into a sigmoid-like curve.
return x * x * x * (x * (6 * x - 15) + 10)
def get_gaussian_kernel(stddev_radius=1.0, max_radius=2):
Creates a Gaussian kernel with thresholded edges.
stddev_radius (float):
Standard deviation of the gaussian kernel, in pixels.
max_radius (int):
The size of the filter kernel. The number of pixels is (max_radius*2+1) ** 2.
The kernel is thresholded so that any values one pixel beyond this radius
is weighted at 0.
(nparray, nparray): A kernel array (shape: (N, N)), its center coordinate (shape: (2))
# Evaluates a 0-1 normalized gaussian function for a given square distance from the mean.
def gaussian(sqr_mag):
return math.exp(-sqr_mag / (stddev_radius * stddev_radius))
# Helper function for converting a tuple to an array.
def vec(x):
return np.array(x)
Since a gaussian is unbounded, we need to limit ourselves
to a finite range.
We taper the ends off at the end of that range so they equal zero
while preserving the maximum value of 1 at the mean.
zero_radius = max_radius + 1.0
gauss_zero = gaussian(zero_radius * zero_radius)
gauss_kernel_scale = 1 / (1 - gauss_zero)
def gaussian_kernel_func(coordinate):
x = coordinate[0] ** 2.0 + coordinate[1] ** 2.0
x = gaussian(x)
x -= gauss_zero
x *= gauss_kernel_scale
x = max(0.0, x)
return x
size = max_radius * 2 + 1
kernel_center = max_radius
kernel = np.zeros((size, size))
for index in np.ndindex(kernel.shape):
kernel[index] = gaussian_kernel_func(vec(index) - kernel_center)
return kernel, kernel_center
# ------------------- Constants -------------------
default = SoftInpaintingSettings(1, 0.5, 4)
enabled_ui_label = "Soft inpainting"
enabled_gen_param_label = "Soft inpainting enabled"
enabled_el_id = "soft_inpainting_enabled"
ui_labels = SoftInpaintingSettings(
"Schedule bias",
"Preservation strength",
"Transition contrast boost")
ui_info = SoftInpaintingSettings(
"Shifts when preservation of original content occurs during denoising.",
"How strongly partially masked content should be preserved.",
"Amplifies the contrast that may be lost in partially masked regions.")
gen_param_labels = SoftInpaintingSettings(
"Soft inpainting schedule bias",
"Soft inpainting preservation strength",
"Soft inpainting transition contrast boost")
el_ids = SoftInpaintingSettings(
# -----
class Script(scripts.Script):
def __init__(self):
self.masks_for_overlay = None
self.overlay_images = None
def title(self):
return "Soft Inpainting"
def show(self, is_img2img):
return scripts.AlwaysVisible if is_img2img else False
def ui(self, is_img2img):
if not is_img2img:
with InputAccordion(False, label=enabled_ui_label, elem_id=enabled_el_id) as soft_inpainting_enabled:
with gr.Group():
Soft inpainting allows you to **seamlessly blend original content with inpainted content** according to the mask opacity.
**High _Mask blur_** values are recommended!
result = SoftInpaintingSettings(
with gr.Accordion("Help", open=False):
### {ui_labels.mask_blend_power}
The blending strength of original content is scaled proportionally with the decreasing noise level values at each step (sigmas).
This ensures that the influence of the denoiser and original content preservation is roughly balanced at each step.
This balance can be shifted using this parameter, controlling whether earlier or later steps have stronger preservation.
- **Below 1**: Stronger preservation near the end (with low sigma)
- **1**: Balanced (proportional to sigma)
- **Above 1**: Stronger preservation in the beginning (with high sigma)
### {ui_labels.mask_blend_scale}
Skews whether partially masked image regions should be more likely to preserve the original content or favor inpainted content.
This may need to be adjusted depending on the {ui_labels.mask_blend_power}, CFG Scale, prompt and Denoising strength.
- **Low values**: Favors generated content.
- **High values**: Favors original content.
### {ui_labels.inpaint_detail_preservation}
This parameter controls how the original latent vectors and denoised latent vectors are interpolated.
With higher values, the magnitude of the resulting blended vector will be closer to the maximum of the two interpolated vectors.
This can prevent the loss of contrast that occurs with linear interpolation.
- **Low values**: Softer blending, details may fade.
- **High values**: Stronger contrast, may over-saturate colors.
self.infotext_fields = [(soft_inpainting_enabled, enabled_gen_param_label),
(result.mask_blend_power, gen_param_labels.mask_blend_power),
(result.mask_blend_scale, gen_param_labels.mask_blend_scale),
(result.inpaint_detail_preservation, gen_param_labels.inpaint_detail_preservation)]
self.paste_field_names = []
for _, field_name in self.infotext_fields:
return [soft_inpainting_enabled,
def process(self, p, enabled, power, scale, detail_preservation):
if not enabled:
# Shut off the rounding it normally does.
p.mask_round = False
settings = SoftInpaintingSettings(power, scale, detail_preservation)
# p.extra_generation_params["Mask rounding"] = False
def on_mask_blend(self, p, mba: scripts.MaskBlendArgs, enabled, power, scale, detail_preservation):
if not enabled:
if mba.sigma is None:
mba.blended_latent = mba.current_latent
settings = SoftInpaintingSettings(power, scale, detail_preservation)
# todo: Why is sigma 2D? Both values are the same.
mba.blended_latent = latent_blend(settings,
get_modified_nmask(settings, mba.nmask, mba.sigma[0]))
def post_sample(self, p, ps: scripts.PostSampleArgs, enabled, power, scale, detail_preservation):
if not enabled:
settings = SoftInpaintingSettings(power, scale, detail_preservation)
from modules import images
from modules.shared import opts
# since the original code puts holes in the existing overlay images,
# we have to rebuild them.
self.overlay_images = []
for img in p.init_images:
image = images.flatten(img, opts.img2img_background_color)
if p.paste_to is None and p.resize_mode != 3:
image = images.resize_image(p.resize_mode, image, p.width, p.height)
if getattr(ps.samples, 'already_decoded', False):
self.masks_for_overlay = apply_masks(soft_inpainting=settings,
self.masks_for_overlay = apply_adaptive_masks(latent_orig=p.init_latent,
def postprocess_maskoverlay(self, p, ppmo: scripts.PostProcessMaskOverlayArgs, enabled, power, scale, detail_preservation):
if not enabled:
ppmo.mask_for_overlay = self.masks_for_overlay[ppmo.index]
2023-12-07 21:30:30 +00:00
ppmo.overlay_image = self.overlay_images[ppmo.index]