const JSON_UPDATE_DEBOUNCE_TIME_MS = 250; const RESIZE_DEBOUNCE_TIME_MS = 250; // Collators used for sorting. const INT_COLLATOR = new Intl.Collator([], { numeric: true }); const STR_COLLATOR = new Intl.Collator("en", { numeric: true, sensitivity: "base" }); class InvalidCompressedJsonDataError extends Error { constructor(message, options) { super(message, options); } } const getComputedPropertyDims = (elem, prop) => { /** Returns the top/left/bottom/right float dimensions of an element for the specified property. */ const style = window.getComputedStyle(elem, null); return { top: parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue(`${prop}-top`)), left: parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue(`${prop}-left`)), bottom: parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue(`${prop}-bottom`)), right: parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue(`${prop}-right`)), }; } const getComputedMarginDims = elem => { /** Returns the width/height of the computed margin of an element. */ const dims = getComputedPropertyDims(elem, "margin"); return { width: dims.left + dims.right, height: + dims.bottom, }; } const getComputedPaddingDims = elem => { /** Returns the width/height of the computed padding of an element. */ const dims = getComputedPropertyDims(elem, "padding"); return { width: dims.left + dims.right, height: + dims.bottom, }; } const getComputedBorderDims = elem => { /** Returns the width/height of the computed border of an element. */ // computed border will always start with the pixel width so thankfully // the parseFloat() conversion will just give us the width and ignore the rest. // Otherwise we'd have to use border--width instead. const dims = getComputedPropertyDims(elem, "border"); return { width: dims.left + dims.right, height: + dims.bottom, }; } const getComputedDims = elem => { /** Returns the full width and height of an element including its margin, padding, and border. */ const width = elem.scrollWidth; const height = elem.scrollHeight; const margin = getComputedMarginDims(elem); const padding = getComputedPaddingDims(elem); const border = getComputedBorderDims(elem); return { width: width + margin.width + padding.width + border.width, height: height + margin.height + padding.height + border.height, } } async function decompress(base64string) { /** Decompresses a base64 encoded ZLIB compressed string. */ try { if (isNullOrUndefined(base64string) || base64string === "") { throw new Error("invalid base64 string"); } const ds = new DecompressionStream("deflate"); const writer = ds.writable.getWriter(); const bytes = Uint8Array.from(atob(base64string), c => c.charCodeAt(0)); writer.write(bytes); writer.close(); const arrayBuffer = await new Response(ds.readable).arrayBuffer(); return new TextDecoder().decode(arrayBuffer); } catch (error) { throw new InvalidCompressedJsonDataError(error); } } const htmlStringToElement = function (str) { /** Converts an HTML string into an Element type. */ let parser = new DOMParser(); let tmp = parser.parseFromString(str, "text/html"); return tmp.body.firstElementChild; } const getComputedValue = function (container, css_property) { /** Gets a property value for the computed style of an element. */ return parseInt( window.getComputedStyle(container, null) .getPropertyValue(css_property) .split("px")[0] ); }; const calcColsPerRow = function (parent, child) { /** Calculates the number of columns of children that can fit in a parent's visible width. */ const parent_inner_width = parent.offsetWidth - getComputedPaddingDims(parent).width; return parseInt(parent_inner_width / getComputedDims(child).width); } const calcRowsPerCol = function (parent, child) { /** Calculates the number of rows of children that can fit in a parent's visible height. */ const parent_inner_height = parent.offsetHeight - getComputedPaddingDims(parent).height; return parseInt(parent_inner_height / getComputedDims(child).height); } class ExtraNetworksClusterize { /** Base class for a clusterize list. Cannot be used directly. */ constructor( { data_id, scroll_id, content_id, txt_search_elem, rows_in_block = 10, blocks_in_cluster = 4, show_no_data_row = true, callbacks = {}, } = { rows_in_block: 10, blocks_in_cluster: 4, show_no_data_row: true, callbacks: {}, } ) { // Do not continue if any of the required parameters are invalid. if (!isStringLogError(data_id)) { return; } if (!isStringLogError(scroll_id)) { return; } if (!isStringLogError(content_id)) { return; } if (!isElementLogError(txt_search_elem)) { return; } this.data_id = data_id; this.scroll_id = scroll_id; this.content_id = content_id; this.txt_search_elem = txt_search_elem; this.rows_in_block = rows_in_block; this.blocks_in_cluster = blocks_in_cluster; this.show_no_data_row = show_no_data_row; this.callbacks = callbacks; this.clusterize = null; this.data_elem = null; this.scroll_elem = null; this.content_elem = null; this.resize_observer = null; this.resize_observer_timer = null; this.element_observer = null; this.data_update_timer = null // Used to control logic. Many functions immediately return when disabled. this.enabled = false; // Stores the current encoded string so we can compare against future versions. this.encoded_str = ""; this.no_data_text = "No results."; this.no_data_class = "clusterize-no-data"; this.n_rows = 1; this.n_cols = 1; this.data_obj = {}; this.data_obj_keys_sorted = []; this.sort_fn = this.sortByDivId; this.sort_reverse = false; // Setup our event handlers only after our elements exist in DOM. Promise.all([ waitForElement(`#${this.data_id}`).then((elem) => this.data_elem = elem), waitForElement(`#${this.scroll_id}`).then((elem) => this.scroll_elem = elem), waitForElement(`#${this.content_id}`).then((elem) => this.content_elem = elem), ]).then(() => { this.setupElementObservers(); this.setupResizeHandlers(); }); } enable(enabled) { /** Enables or disabled this instance. */ // All values other than `true` for `enabled` result in this.enabled=false. this.enabled = !(enabled !== true); } load() { /** promise */ /** Loads this instance into the view. * * Calling this function should be all that is needed in order to fully update * and display the clusterize list. */ return new Promise(resolve => { waitForElement(`#${this.data_id}`) .then((elem) => this.data_elem = elem) .then(() => this.parseJson(this.data_elem.dataset.json)) .then(() => { return resolve(); }); }); } parseJson(encoded_str) { /** promise */ /** Parses a base64 encoded and gzipped JSON string and sets up a clusterize instance. */ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Skip parsing if the string hasnt actually updated. if (this.encoded_str === encoded_str) { return resolve(); } Promise.resolve(encoded_str) .then(v => decompress(v)) .then(v => JSON.parse(v)) .then(v => { if (!isNullOrUndefined(this.clusterize)) { this.data_obj = {}; this.data_obj_keys_sorted = []; this.clear(); this.content_elem.innerHTML = "
"; } return v; }) .then(v => this.updateJson(v)) .then(() => { this.encoded_str = encoded_str; this.rebuild(); this.applyFilter(); return resolve(); }) .catch(error => { return reject(error); }); }); } updateJson(json) { /** promise */ console.error("Base class method called. Must be overridden by subclass."); return new Promise(resolve => { return resolve(); }); } sortByDivId() { /** Sort data_obj keys (div_id) as numbers. */ this.data_obj_keys_sorted = Object.keys(this.data_obj).sort((a, b) =>, b)); } applySort() { /** Sorts the rows using the instance's `sort_fn`. * * It is expected that a subclass will override this function to update the * instance's `sort_fn` then call `super.applySort()` to apply the sorting. */ this.sort_fn() if (this.sort_reverse) { this.data_obj_keys_sorted = this.data_obj_keys_sorted.reverse(); } } applyFilter() { /** Sorts then updates the rows. * * Should be overridden by subclass. Base class doesn't apply any filters. */ this.applySort(); this.updateRows(); } getRows(obj) { /** Returns an array of html strings of all active rows. */ var results = []; for (const div_id of this.data_obj_keys_sorted) { if (obj[div_id].active) { results.push(obj[div_id].html); } } return results; } updateDivContent(div_id, content) { /** Updates an element's html in the dataset. * * NOTE: This function only updates the dataset. Calling function must call * updateRows() to apply these changes to the view. Adding this call to this * function would be very slow in the case where many divs need their content * updated at the same time. */ if (!(div_id in this.data_obj)) { console.error("div_id not in data_obj:", div_id); } else if (isElement(content)) { this.data_obj[div_id].html = content.outerHTML; return true; } else if (isString(content)) { this.data_obj[div_id].html = content; return true; } else { console.error("Invalid content:", div_id, content); } return false; } updateRows() { /** Updates the instance using the stored rows in our data object. * * Should be called whenever we change order or number of rows. */ // If we don't have any entries in the dataset, then just return. if (this.data_obj_keys_sorted.length === 0 || Object.keys(this.data_obj).length === 0) { return; } this.refresh(true); // Rebuild with `force=false` so we only rebuild if dimensions change. this.rebuild(false); } getMaxRowWidth() { console.error("getMaxRowWidth:: Not implemented in base class. Must be overridden."); return; } recalculateDims() { /** Recalculates the number of rows and columns that can fit within the scroll view. * * Returns whether the rows/columns have changed indicating that we need to rebuild. */ let rebuild_required = false; let clear_before_return = false; if (!this.enabled) { // Inactive list is not displayed on screen. Would error if trying to resize. return false; } if (Object.keys(this.data_obj).length === 0 || this.data_obj_keys_sorted.length === 0) { // If there is no data then just skip. return false; } // If no rows exist, we need to add one so we can calculate rows/cols. // We remove this row before returning. if (this.rowCount() === 0) {// || this.content_elem.innerHTML === "") { this.clear(); this.update([this.data_obj[this.data_obj_keys_sorted[0]].html]); clear_before_return = true; } const child = this.content_elem.querySelector(":not(.clusterize-extra-row)"); if (isNullOrUndefined(child)) { if (clear_before_return) { this.clear(); return rebuild_required; } } // Calculate the visible rows and colums for the clusterize-content area. let n_cols = calcColsPerRow(this.content_elem, child); let n_rows = calcRowsPerCol(this.scroll_elem, child); n_cols = (isNaN(n_cols) || n_cols <= 0) ? 1 : n_cols; n_rows = (isNaN(n_rows) || n_rows <= 0) ? 1 : n_rows; // Add two extra rows to account for partial row visibility on top and bottom // of the content element view region. n_rows += 2; if (n_cols != this.n_cols || n_rows != this.n_rows) { // Sizes have changed. Update the instance values. this.n_cols = n_cols; this.n_rows = n_rows; this.rows_in_block = this.n_rows; rebuild_required = true; } // If we added a temporary row earlier, remove before returning. if (clear_before_return) { this.clear(); } return rebuild_required; } repair() { /** Fixes element association in DOM. Returns whether a fix was performed. */ // If association for elements is broken, replace them with instance version. if (!this.scroll_elem.isConnected || !this.content_elem.isConnected) { gradioApp().getElementById(this.scroll_id).replaceWith(this.scroll_elem); // Fix resize observers since they are bound to each element individually. if (!isNullOrUndefined(this.resize_observer)) { this.resize_observer.disconnect(); this.resize_observer.observe(this.scroll_elem); this.resize_observer.observe(this.content_elem); } // Make sure to refresh forcefully after updating the dom. this.refresh(true); return true; } return false; } rebuild(force) { /** Rebuilds, updates, or initializes a clusterize instance. * * TODO: Possibly rename this function to make its purpose more clear. * * Performs one of the following: * 1. Initializes a new instance if we haven't already. * 2. Destroys and reinitializes an instance if we pass `force=true` or if * the size of the elements has changed causing the number of items * that we can show on screen to be updated. * 3. Simply updates the clusterize instance's rows with our current data * if none of the other conditions are met. * */ // Only accept boolean values for `force` parameter. Default to false. if (force !== true) { force = false; } if (isNullOrUndefined(this.clusterize)) { this.init(); } else if (this.recalculateDims() || force) { this.destroy(); this.clusterize = null; this.init(); } else { this.update(); } } init(rows) { /** Initializes a Clusterize.js instance. */ if (!isNullOrUndefined(this.clusterize)) { // If we have already initialized, don't do it again. return; } if (isNullOrUndefined(rows) && isNullOrUndefined(this.data_obj)) { // data hasnt been loaded yet and we arent provided any. skip. return; } if (isNullOrUndefined(rows)) { // if we aren't passed any rows, use the instance's data object. rows = this.data_obj; } else if (Array.isArray(rows) && !(rows.every(row => isString(row)))) { console.error("Invalid data type for rows. Expected array[string]."); return; } this.clusterize = new Clusterize( { rows: this.getRows(rows), scrollId: this.scroll_id, contentId: this.content_id, rows_in_block: this.rows_in_block, tag: "div", blocks_in_cluster: this.blocks_in_cluster, show_no_data_row: this.show_no_data_row, no_data_text: this.no_data_text, no_data_class: this.no_data_class, callbacks: this.callbacks, } ); } onResize(elem_id) { /** Callback whenever one of our visible elements is resized. */ this.updateRows(); } onElementDetached(elem_id) { /** Callback whenever one of our elements has become detached from the DOM. */ switch (elem_id) { case this.data_id: waitForElement(`#${this.data_id}`).then((elem) => this.data_elem = elem); break; case this.scroll_id:; break; case this.content_id:; break; default: break; } } onDataChanged(elem) { /** Callback whenever the data element is modified. */ return new Promise((resolve) => { this.parseJson(elem.dataset.json) .then(() => { return resolve(); }) .catch(error => { if (error instanceof InvalidCompressedJsonDataError) { // on error, roll back to the previous data string. // this prevents an infinite loop whenever the data string // is invalid. console.error("rolling back json data due to invalid data:", error); elem.dataset.json = this.encoded_str; } else { console.error("unhandled error caused by updated json data field:", error); } return resolve(); }); }); } setupElementObservers() { /** Listens for changes to the data, scroll, and content elements. * * During testing, the scroll/content elements would frequently get removed from * the DOM. Our clusterize instance stores a reference to these elements * which breaks whenever these elements are removed from the DOM. To fix this, * we need to check for these changes and re-attach our stores elements by * replacing the ones in the DOM with the ones in our clusterize instance. * * We also use an observer to detect whenever the data element gets a new set * of JSON data so that we can update our dataset. */ this.element_observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { // don't waste time if this object isn't enabled. if (!this.enabled) { return; } let data_elem = gradioApp().getElementById(this.data_id); if (data_elem && data_elem !== this.data_elem) { this.onElementDetached(; } else if (data_elem && data_elem.dataset.json !== this.encoded_str) { // we don't want to get blasted with data updates so just wait for // the data to settle down before updating. clearTimeout(this.data_update_timer); this.data_update_timer = setTimeout(() => { this.onDataChanged(data_elem); }, JSON_UPDATE_DEBOUNCE_TIME_MS); } let scroll_elem = gradioApp().getElementById(this.scroll_id); if (scroll_elem && scroll_elem !== this.scroll_elem) { this.onElementDetached(; } let content_elem = gradioApp().getElementById(this.content_id); if (content_elem && content_elem !== this.content_elem) { this.onElementDetached(; } }); this.element_observer.observe(gradioApp(), { subtree: true, childList: true, attributes: true }); } setupResizeHandlers() { /** Handles any updates to the size of both the Scroll and Content elements. */ this.resize_observer = new ResizeObserver((entries) => { for (const entry of entries) { if ( === this.scroll_id || === this.content_id) { // debounce the event clearTimeout(this.resize_observer_timer); this.resize_observer_timer = setTimeout(() => this.onResize(, RESIZE_DEBOUNCE_TIME_MS); } } }); this.resize_observer.observe(this.scroll_elem); this.resize_observer.observe(this.content_elem); } /* ==== Clusterize.Js FUNCTION WRAPPERS ==== */ refresh(force) { /** Refreshes the clusterize instance so that it can recalculate its dims. * `force` [boolean]: If true, tells clusterize to refresh regardless of whether * its dimensions have changed. */ if (isNullOrUndefined(this.clusterize)) { return; } // Only allow boolean variables. default to false. if (force !== true) { force = false; } this.clusterize.refresh(force); } rowCount() { /** Gets the total (not only visible) row count in the clusterize instance. */ return this.clusterize.getRowsAmount(); } clear() { /** Removes all rows from the clusterize dataset. */ this.clusterize.clear(); } update(rows) { /** Adds rows from a list of element strings. */ if (rows === undefined || rows === null) { // If not passed, use the default method of getting rows. rows = this.getRows(this.data_obj); } else if (!Array.isArray(rows) || !(rows.every(row => typeof row === "string"))) { console.error("Invalid data type for rows. Expected array[string]."); return; } this.clusterize.update(rows); } destroy() { /** Destroys a clusterize instance and removes its rows from the page. */ // Passing `true` prevents clusterize from dumping every row in its dataset // to the DOM. This kills performance so we never want to do this. this.clusterize.destroy(true); } } class ExtraNetworksClusterizeTreeList extends ExtraNetworksClusterize { /** Subclass used to display a directories/files in the Tree View. */ constructor(...args) { super(...args); this.no_data_text = "No directories/files"; this.selected_div_id = null; } getBoxShadow(depth) { /** Generates style for a multi-level box shadow for vertical indentation lines. * This is used to indicate the depth of a directory/file within a directory tree. */ let res = ""; var style = getComputedStyle(document.body); let bg = style.getPropertyValue("--body-background-fill"); let fg = style.getPropertyValue("--border-color-primary"); let text_size = style.getPropertyValue("--button-large-text-size"); for (let i = 1; i <= depth; i++) { res += `calc((${i} * ${text_size}) - (${text_size} * 0.6)) 0 0 ${bg} inset,`; res += `calc((${i} * ${text_size}) - (${text_size} * 0.4)) 0 0 ${fg} inset`; res += (i + 1 > depth) ? "" : ", "; } return res; } updateJson(json) { /** Processes JSON object and adds each entry to our data object. */ return new Promise(resolve => { var style = getComputedStyle(document.body); let text_size = style.getPropertyValue("--button-large-text-size"); for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(json)) { let div_id = k; let parsed_html = htmlStringToElement(v); // parent_id = -1 if item is at root level let parent_id = "parentId" in parsed_html.dataset ? parsed_html.dataset.parentId : -1; let expanded = "expanded" in parsed_html.dataset; let selected = "selected" in parsed_html.dataset; let depth = Number(parsed_html.dataset.depth); = `calc(${depth} * ${text_size})`; = this.getBoxShadow(depth); // Add the updated html to the data object. this.data_obj[div_id] = { html: parsed_html.outerHTML, active: parent_id === -1, // always show root expanded: expanded || (parent_id === -1), // always expand root selected: selected, parent: parent_id, children: [], // populated later }; // maybe not necessary. parsed_html = null; } // Build list of children for each element in dataset. for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(this.data_obj)) { if (v.parent === -1) { continue; } else if (!(v.parent in this.data_obj)) { console.error("parent not in data:", v.parent); } else { this.data_obj[v.parent].children.push(k); } } // Handle expanding of rows on initial load for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(this.data_obj)) { if (v.parent === -1) { // Always show root level. this.data_obj[k].active = true; } else if (this.data_obj[v.parent].expanded && this.data_obj[v.parent].active) { // Parent is both active and expanded. show child this.data_obj[k].active = true; } else { this.data_obj[k].active = false; } } return resolve(); }); } removeChildRows(div_id) { /** Removes rows from the list that are children of the passed div. * The rows aren't removed from the data object, just set to active=false * so they aren't displayed. */ for (const child_id of this.data_obj[div_id].children) { this.data_obj[child_id].active = false; if (this.data_obj[child_id].selected) { // deselect the child only if it is selected. let elem = htmlStringToElement(this.data_obj[child_id].html); delete elem.dataset.selected; this.data_obj[child_id].selected = false; this.updateDivContent(child_id, elem); } this.removeChildRows(child_id); } } addChildRows(div_id) { /** Adds rows to the list that are children of the passed div. * The rows aren't added to the data object, just set to active=true * so they are displayed. */ for (const child_id of this.data_obj[div_id].children) { this.data_obj[child_id].active = true; if (this.data_obj[child_id].expanded) { this.addChildRows(child_id); } } } onRowExpandClick(div_id, elem) { /** Toggles expand/collapse of a row's children. */ if ("expanded" in elem.dataset) { this.data_obj[div_id].expanded = false; delete elem.dataset.expanded; this.removeChildRows(div_id) } else { this.data_obj[div_id].expanded = true; elem.dataset.expanded = ""; this.addChildRows(div_id) } this.updateDivContent(div_id, elem); this.updateRows(); } _setRowSelectedState(div_id, elem, new_state) { if (new_state) { elem.dataset.selected = ""; } else { delete elem.dataset.selected; } this.data_obj[div_id].selected = new_state; this.updateDivContent(div_id, elem); } onRowSelected(div_id, elem, override) { /** Selects a row and deselects all others. */ if (!isElementLogError(elem)) { return; } if (!(div_id in this.data_obj)) { console.error("div_id not in dataset:", div_id); return; } if (!isNullOrUndefined(override)) { override = (override === true); } if (!isNullOrUndefined(this.selected_div_id) && div_id !== this.selected_div_id) { // deselect the current selected row let prev_elem = htmlStringToElement(this.data_obj[this.selected_div_id].html); this._setRowSelectedState(this.selected_div_id, prev_elem, false); // select the new row this._setRowSelectedState(div_id, elem, true); this.selected_div_id = div_id; } else { // toggle the passed row's selected state. if (this.data_obj[div_id].selected) { this._setRowSelectedState(div_id, elem, false); this.selected_div_id = null; } else { this._setRowSelectedState(div_id, elem, true); this.selected_div_id = div_id; } } this.updateRows(); } getMaxRowWidth() { /** Calculates the width of the widest row in the list. */ if (!this.enabled) { // Inactive list is not displayed on screen. Can't calculate size. return false; } if (this.rowCount() === 0) { // If there is no data then just skip. return false; } let max_width = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.content_elem.children.length; i += this.n_cols) { let row_width = 0; for (let j = 0; j < this.n_cols; j++) { const child = this.content_elem.children[i + j]; const child_style = window.getComputedStyle(child, null); const prev_style =; const n_cols = child_style.getPropertyValue("grid-template-columns").split(" ").length; = `repeat(${n_cols}, max-content)`; row_width += getComputedDims(child).width; // Re-apply previous style. = prev_style; } max_width = Math.max(max_width, row_width); } if (max_width <= 0) { return; } // Add the container's padding to the result. max_width += getComputedPaddingDims(this.content_elem).width; // Add the scrollbar's width to the result. Will add 0 if scrollbar isnt present. max_width += this.scroll_elem.offsetWidth - this.scroll_elem.clientWidth; return max_width; } } class ExtraNetworksClusterizeCardsList extends ExtraNetworksClusterize { /** Subclass used to display cards in the Cards View. */ constructor(...args) { super(...args); this.no_data_text = "No files matching filter."; this.sort_mode_str = "path"; this.sort_dir_str = "ascending"; this.filter_str = ""; } updateJson(json) { /** Processes JSON object and adds each entry to our data object. */ return new Promise(resolve => { this.data_obj = {}; for (const [i, [k, v]] of Object.entries(Object.entries(json))) { let div_id = k; let parsed_html = htmlStringToElement(v); let search_only = isElement(parsed_html.querySelector(".search_only")); let search_terms_elem = parsed_html.querySelector(".search_terms"); let search_terms = ""; if (isElement(search_terms_elem)) { search_terms = parsed_html.querySelectorAll(".search_terms"), (elem) => { return elem.textContent.toLowerCase(); } ).join(" "); } // Add the updated html to the data object. this.data_obj[div_id] = { active: true, html: v, sort_name: parsed_html.dataset.sortName, sort_path: parsed_html.dataset.sortPath, sort_created: parsed_html.dataset.sortCreated, sort_modified: parsed_html.dataset.sortModified, search_only: search_only, search_terms: search_terms, }; // maybe not necessary parsed_html = null; } return resolve(); }); } getRows(obj) { /** Returns array of rows as html strings after combining into pseudo-columns. * Since Clusterize.js doesn't support columns, we need to manually calculate * the number of columns that can fit in our view space then combine those * elements into a single entry as a "row" string to pass to Clusterize.js. */ let rows = super.getRows(obj); let res = []; for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i += this.n_cols) { res.push(rows.slice(i, i + this.n_cols).join("")); } return res; } sortByName() { this.data_obj_keys_sorted = Object.keys(this.data_obj).sort((a, b) => { return this.data_obj[a].sort_name, this.data_obj[b].sort_name, ); }); } sortByPath() { this.data_obj_keys_sorted = Object.keys(this.data_obj).sort((a, b) => { return this.data_obj[a].sort_path, this.data_obj[b].sort_path, ); }); } sortByCreated() { this.data_obj_keys_sorted = Object.keys(this.data_obj).sort((a, b) => { return this.data_obj[a].sort_created, this.data_obj[b].sort_created, ); }); } sortByModified() { this.data_obj_keys_sorted = Object.keys(this.data_obj).sort((a, b) => { return this.data_obj[a].sort_modified, this.data_obj[b].sort_modified, ); }); } setSortMode(sort_mode_str) { this.sort_mode_str = sort_mode_str; } setSortDir(sort_dir_str) { this.sort_dir_str = sort_dir_str; } applySort() { this.sort_reverse = this.sort_dir_str === "descending"; switch (this.sort_mode_str) { case "name": this.sort_fn = this.sortByName; break; case "path": this.sort_fn = this.sortByPath; break; case "created": this.sort_fn = this.sortByCreated; break; case "modified": this.sort_fn = this.sortByModified; break; default: this.sort_fn = this.sortByDivId; break; } super.applySort(); } applyFilter(filter_str) { /** Filters our data object by setting each member's `active` attribute then sorts the result. */ if (filter_str !== undefined && filter_str !== null) { this.filter_str = filter_str.toLowerCase(); } else { this.filter_str = this.txt_search_elem.value.toLowerCase(); } for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(this.data_obj)) { let visible = v.search_terms.indexOf(this.filter_str) != -1; if (v.search_only && this.filter_str.length < 4) { visible = false; } this.data_obj[k].active = visible; } this.applySort(); this.updateRows(); } getMaxRowWidth() { /** Calculates the width of the widest pseudo-row in the list. */ if (!this.enabled) { // Inactive list is not displayed on screen. Can't calculate size. return false; } if (this.rowCount() === 0) { // If there is no data then just skip. return false; } let max_width = 0; for (let i = 0; i < this.content_elem.children.length; i += this.n_cols) { let row_width = 0; for (let j = 0; j < this.n_cols; j++) { row_width += getComputedDims(this.content_elem.children[i + j]).width; } max_width = Math.max(max_width, row_width); } if (max_width <= 0) { return; } // Add the container's padding to the result. max_width += getComputedPaddingDims(this.content_elem).width; // Add the scrollbar's width to the result. Will add 0 if scrollbar isnt present. max_width += this.scroll_elem.offsetWidth - this.scroll_elem.clientWidth; return max_width; } }