// Collators used for sorting. const INT_COLLATOR = new Intl.Collator([], { numeric: true }); const STR_COLLATOR = new Intl.Collator("en", { numeric: true, sensitivity: "base" }); function compress(string) { /** Compresses a string into a base64 encoded GZipped string. */ const cs = new CompressionStream('gzip'); const writer = cs.writable.getWriter(); const blobToBase64 = blob => new Promise((resolve, _) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onloadend = () => resolve(reader.result.split(',')[1]); reader.readAsDataURL(blob); }); const byteArray = new TextEncoder().encode(string); writer.write(byteArray); writer.close(); return new Response(cs.readable).blob().then(blobToBase64); }; function decompress(base64string) { /** Decompresses a base64 encoded GZipped string. */ const ds = new DecompressionStream('gzip'); const writer = ds.writable.getWriter(); const bytes = Uint8Array.from(atob(base64string), c => c.charCodeAt(0)); writer.write(bytes); writer.close(); return new Response(ds.readable).arrayBuffer().then(function (arrayBuffer) { return new TextDecoder().decode(arrayBuffer); }); } const parseHtml = function (str) { const tmp = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(''); tmp.body.innerHTML = str; return [...tmp.body.childNodes]; } const getComputedValue = function (container, css_property) { return parseInt( window.getComputedStyle(container, null) .getPropertyValue(css_property) .split("px")[0] ); }; const calcColsPerRow = function (parent) { // Returns the number of columns in a row of a flexbox. //const parent = document.querySelector(selector); const parent_width = getComputedValue(parent, "width"); const parent_padding_left = getComputedValue(parent, "padding-left"); const parent_padding_right = getComputedValue(parent, "padding-right"); const child = parent.firstElementChild; const child_width = getComputedValue(child, "width"); const child_margin_left = getComputedValue(child, "margin-left"); const child_margin_right = getComputedValue(child, "margin-right"); var parent_width_no_padding = parent_width - parent_padding_left - parent_padding_right; const child_width_with_margin = child_width + child_margin_left + child_margin_right; parent_width_no_padding += child_margin_left + child_margin_right; return parseInt(parent_width_no_padding / child_width_with_margin); } const calcRowsPerCol = function (container, parent) { // Returns the number of columns in a row of a flexbox. //const parent = document.querySelector(selector); const parent_height = getComputedValue(container, "height"); const parent_padding_top = getComputedValue(container, "padding-top"); const parent_padding_bottom = getComputedValue(container, "padding-bottom"); const child = parent.firstElementChild; const child_height = getComputedValue(child, "height"); const child_margin_top = getComputedValue(child, "margin-top"); const child_margin_bottom = getComputedValue(child, "margin-bottom"); var parent_height_no_padding = parent_height - parent_padding_top - parent_padding_bottom; const child_height_with_margin = child_height + child_margin_top + child_margin_bottom; parent_height_no_padding += child_margin_top + child_margin_bottom; return parseInt(parent_height_no_padding / child_height_with_margin); } class ExtraNetworksClusterize { /** Base class for a clusterize list. Cannot be used directly. */ constructor( { scroll_id, content_id, txt_search_elem, rows_in_block = 10, blocks_in_cluster = 4, show_no_data_row = true, callbacks = {}, } = { rows_in_block: 10, blocks_in_cluster: 4, show_no_data_row: true, callbacks: {}, } ) { if (scroll_id === undefined) { console.error("scroll_id is undefined!"); } if (content_id === undefined) { console.error("content_id is undefined!"); } this.scroll_id = scroll_id; this.content_id = content_id; this.txt_search_elem = txt_search_elem; this.rows_in_block = rows_in_block; this.blocks_in_cluster = blocks_in_cluster; this.show_no_data_row = show_no_data_row; this.callbacks = callbacks; this.enabled = false; this.encoded_str = ""; this.no_data_text = "Directory is empty."; this.no_data_class = "nocards"; this.scroll_elem = document.getElementById(this.scroll_id); this.content_elem = document.getElementById(this.content_id); this.n_rows = 1; this.n_cols = 1; this.sort_fn = this.sortByDivId; this.sort_reverse = false; this.data_obj = {}; this.data_obj_keys_sorted = []; this.clusterize = new Clusterize( { rows: [], scrollId: this.scroll_id, contentId: this.content_id, rows_in_block: this.rows_in_block, blocks_in_cluster: this.blocks_in_cluster, show_no_data_row: this.show_no_data_row, callbacks: this.callbacks, } ); } enable(enabled) { if (enabled === undefined || enabled === null) { this.enabled = true; } else if (typeof enabled !== "boolean") { console.error("Invalid type. Expected boolean, got", typeof enabled); } else { this.enabled = enabled; } } parseJson(encoded_str) { // Skip parsing if the string hasnt actually updated. if (this.encoded_str === encoded_str) { return; } Promise.resolve(encoded_str) .then(v => decompress(v)) .then(v => JSON.parse(v)) .then(v => this.updateJson(v)) .then(() => this.encoded_str = encoded_str); } updateJson(json) { /** Must be overridden by inherited class. */ return; } sortByDivId() { // Sort data_obj keys (div_id) as numbers. this.data_obj_keys_sorted = Object.keys(this.data_obj).sort((a, b) => INT_COLLATOR.compare(a, b)); } applySort() { this.sort_fn() if (this.sort_reverse) { this.data_obj_keys_sorted = this.data_obj_keys_sorted.reverse(); } this.updateRows(); } applyFilter() { // the base class filter just sorts the values and updates the rows. this.applySort(); } filterRows(obj) { var results = []; for (const div_id of this.data_obj_keys_sorted) { if (obj[div_id].active) { results.push(obj[div_id].element.outerHTML); } } return results; } updateDivContent(div_id, content) { /** Updates an element in the dataset. Does not call update_rows(). */ if (!(div_id in this.data_obj)) { console.error("div_id not in data_obj:", div_id); } else if (typeof content === "object") { this.data_obj[div_id].element = parseHtml(content.outerHTML)[0]; return true; } else if (typeof content === "string") { this.data_obj[div_id].element = parseHtml(content)[0]; return true; } else { console.error("Invalid content:", div_id, content); } return false; } fixElementDOM() { /** Fixes element association in DOM. Returns true if element was replaced in DOM. */ // If association for elements is broken, replace them with instance version. if (!this.scroll_elem.isConnected || !this.content_elem.isConnected) { document.getElementById(this.scroll_id).replaceWith(this.scroll_elem); return true; } return false; } updateRows() { this.clusterize.refresh(); // If we don't have any entries to the list, then just clear the clusterize // area and return. if (this.data_obj_keys_sorted.length === 0 || !(this.data_obj_keys_sorted[0] in this.data_obj)) { this.clusterize.clear(); return; } if (this.fixElementDOM()) { // Add single item so we can calculate the dimensions without wasting time. this.clusterize.clear(); this.clusterize.update([this.data_obj[this.data_obj_keys_sorted[0]].element.outerHTML]); } this.updateItemDims(); // Clear the list before adding new items to prevent weird scrolling issues. this.clusterize.clear(); this.clusterize.update(this.filterRows(this.data_obj)); } nrows() { return this.clusterize.getRowsAmount(); } updateItemDims() { if (!this.enabled) { // Inactive list is not displayed on screen. Would error if trying to resize. return; } if (this.nrows() <= 0) { // If there is no data then just skip. return; } if (!this.content_elem.isConnected || this.content_elem.firstElementChild === undefined || this.content_elem.firstElementChild === null) { // Elements do not exist on page yet or content is empty. Skip. return; } // Calculate the visible rows and colums for the clusterize-content area. let n_cols = calcColsPerRow(this.content_elem); let n_rows = calcRowsPerCol(this.content_elem.parentElement, this.content_elem); n_cols = isNaN(n_cols) || n_cols <= 0 ? 1 : n_cols; n_rows = isNaN(n_rows) || n_rows <= 0 ? 1 : n_rows; if (n_cols != this.n_cols || n_rows != this.n_rows) { // Sizes have changed. Update the instance values. this.n_cols = n_cols; this.n_rows = n_rows; this.rows_in_block = this.n_rows; } } rebuild(force) { /** Rebuilds the clusterize object. * When force=true, the existing Clusterize instance is destroyed then * re-instantiated. When force=false or isnt passed, then we just * update the DOM's scroll element with this instance's scroll_elem. */ if (force) { this.clusterize.destroy(); // Get new references to elements since they may have changed. this.scroll_elem = document.getElementById(this.scroll_id); this.content_elem = document.getElementById(this.content_id); this.clusterize = new Clusterize( { rows: this.filterRows(this.data_obj), scrollId: this.scroll_id, contentId: this.content_id, rows_in_block: this.rows_in_block, blocks_in_cluster: this.blocks_in_cluster, show_no_data_row: this.show_no_data_row, no_data_text: this.no_data_text, no_data_class: this.no_data_class, callbacks: this.callbacks, } ); } else { // If association for elements is broken, replace them with this version. if (!this.scroll_elem.isConnected || !this.content_elem.isConnected) { document.getElementById(this.scroll_id).replaceWith(this.scroll_elem); } } // Apply existing sort/filter. this.applyFilter(); } } class ExtraNetworksClusterizeTreeList extends ExtraNetworksClusterize { constructor(...args) { super(...args); } getBoxShadow(depth) { // Generates style for a multi-level box shadow for vertical indentation lines. let res = ""; var style = getComputedStyle(document.body); let bg = style.getPropertyValue("--body-background-fill"); let fg = style.getPropertyValue("--border-color-primary"); let text_size = style.getPropertyValue("--button-large-text-size"); for (let i = 1; i <= depth; i++) { res += `calc((${i} * ${text_size}) - (${text_size} * 0.6)) 0 0 ${bg} inset,`; res += `calc((${i} * ${text_size}) - (${text_size} * 0.4)) 0 0 ${fg} inset`; res += (i + 1 > depth) ? "" : ", "; } return res; } updateJson(json) { var style = getComputedStyle(document.body); //let spacing_sm = style.getPropertyValue("--spacing-sm"); let text_size = style.getPropertyValue("--button-large-text-size"); for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(json)) { let div_id = k; let parsed_html = parseHtml(v)[0]; // parent_id = -1 if item is at root level let parent_id = "parentId" in parsed_html.dataset ? parsed_html.dataset.parentId : -1; let expanded = "expanded" in parsed_html.dataset; let depth = Number(parsed_html.dataset.depth); parsed_html.style.paddingLeft = `calc(${depth} * ${text_size})`; parsed_html.style.boxShadow = this.getBoxShadow(depth); // Add the updated html to the data object. this.data_obj[div_id] = { element: parsed_html, active: parent_id === -1, // always show root expanded: expanded || (parent_id === -1), // always expand root parent: parent_id, children: [], // populated later }; } // Build list of children for each element in dataset. for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(this.data_obj)) { if (v.parent === -1) { continue; } else if (!(v.parent in this.data_obj)) { console.error("parent not in data:", v.parent); } else { this.data_obj[v.parent].children.push(k); } } // Handle expanding of rows on initial load for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(this.data_obj)) { if (v.parent === -1) { // Always show root level. this.data_obj[k].active = true; } else if (this.data_obj[v.parent].expanded && this.data_obj[v.parent].active) { // Parent is both active and expanded. show child this.data_obj[k].active = true; } else { this.data_obj[k].active = false; } } this.applyFilter(); } removeChildRows(div_id) { for (const child_id of this.data_obj[div_id].children) { this.data_obj[child_id].active = false; this.data_obj[child_id].expanded = false; delete this.data_obj[child_id].element.dataset.expanded; this.removeChildRows(child_id); } } addChildRows(div_id) { for (const child_id of this.data_obj[div_id].children) { this.data_obj[child_id].active = true; if (this.data_obj[child_id].expanded) { this.addChildRows(child_id); } } } } class ExtraNetworksClusterizeCardsList extends ExtraNetworksClusterize { constructor(...args) { super(...args); this.sort_mode_str = "path"; this.sort_dir_str = "ascending"; this.filter_str = ""; } updateJson(json) { for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(json)) { let div_id = k; let parsed_html = parseHtml(v)[0]; // Add the updated html to the data object. this.data_obj[div_id] = { element: parsed_html, active: true, }; } this.applyFilter(); } filterRows(obj) { let filtered_rows = super.filterRows(obj); let res = []; for (let i = 0; i < filtered_rows.length; i += this.n_cols) { res.push(filtered_rows.slice(i, i + this.n_cols).join("")); } return res; } sortByName() { this.data_obj_keys_sorted = Object.keys(this.data_obj).sort((a, b) => { return STR_COLLATOR.compare( this.data_obj[a].element.dataset.sortName, this.data_obj[b].element.dataset.sortName, ); }); } sortByPath() { this.data_obj_keys_sorted = Object.keys(this.data_obj).sort((a, b) => { return STR_COLLATOR.compare( this.data_obj[a].element.dataset.sortPath, this.data_obj[b].element.dataset.sortPath, ); }); } sortByCreated() { this.data_obj_keys_sorted = Object.keys(this.data_obj).sort((a, b) => { return INT_COLLATOR.compare( this.data_obj[a].element.dataset.sortCreated, this.data_obj[b].element.dataset.sortCreated, ); }); } sortByModified() { this.data_obj_keys_sorted = Object.keys(this.data_obj).sort((a, b) => { return INT_COLLATOR.compare( this.data_obj[a].element.dataset.sortModified, this.data_obj[b].element.dataset.sortModified, ); }); } setSortMode(btn_sort_mode) { this.sort_mode_str = btn_sort_mode.dataset.sortMode.toLowerCase(); } setSortDir(btn_sort_dir) { this.sort_dir_str = btn_sort_dir.dataset.sortDir.toLowerCase(); } applySort() { this.sort_reverse = this.sort_dir_str === "descending"; switch (this.sort_mode_str) { case "name": this.sort_fn = this.sortByName; break; case "path": this.sort_fn = this.sortByPath; break; case "created": this.sort_fn = this.sortByCreated; break; case "modified": this.sort_fn = this.sortByModified; break; default: this.sort_fn = this.sortByDivId; break; } super.applySort(); } applyFilter(filter_str) { if (filter_str !== undefined && filter_str !== null) { this.filter_str = filter_str.toLowerCase(); } else { this.filter_str = this.txt_search_elem.value.toLowerCase(); } for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(this.data_obj)) { let search_only = v.element.querySelector(".search_only"); let text = Array.prototype.map.call(v.element.querySelectorAll(".search_terms"), function (t) { return t.textContent.toLowerCase(); }).join(" "); let visible = text.indexOf(this.filter_str) != -1; if (search_only && this.filter_str.length < 4) { visible = false; } this.data_obj[k].active = visible; } this.applySort(); this.updateRows(); } }