AUTOMATIC ff0e17174f rework hires prompts/sampler code to among other things support different extra networks in first/second pass
rework quoting for infotext items that have commas in them to use json (should be backwards compatible except for cases where it didn't work previously)
add some locals from processing function into the Processing class as fields
2023-05-18 20:16:09 +03:00

443 lines
15 KiB

import base64
import io
import json
import os
import re
import gradio as gr
from modules.paths import data_path
from modules import shared, ui_tempdir, script_callbacks
from PIL import Image
re_param_code = r'\s*([\w ]+):\s*("(?:\\"[^,]|\\"|\\|[^\"])+"|[^,]*)(?:,|$)'
re_param = re.compile(re_param_code)
re_imagesize = re.compile(r"^(\d+)x(\d+)$")
re_hypernet_hash = re.compile("\(([0-9a-f]+)\)$")
type_of_gr_update = type(gr.update())
paste_fields = {}
registered_param_bindings = []
class ParamBinding:
def __init__(self, paste_button, tabname, source_text_component=None, source_image_component=None, source_tabname=None, override_settings_component=None, paste_field_names=None):
self.paste_button = paste_button
self.tabname = tabname
self.source_text_component = source_text_component
self.source_image_component = source_image_component
self.source_tabname = source_tabname
self.override_settings_component = override_settings_component
self.paste_field_names = paste_field_names or []
def reset():
def quote(text):
if ',' not in str(text) and '\n' not in str(text):
return text
return json.dumps(text, ensure_ascii=False)
def unquote(text):
if len(text) == 0 or text[0] != '"' or text[-1] != '"':
return text
return json.loads(text)
except Exception:
return text
def image_from_url_text(filedata):
if filedata is None:
return None
if type(filedata) == list and len(filedata) > 0 and type(filedata[0]) == dict and filedata[0].get("is_file", False):
filedata = filedata[0]
if type(filedata) == dict and filedata.get("is_file", False):
filename = filedata["name"]
is_in_right_dir = ui_tempdir.check_tmp_file(shared.demo, filename)
assert is_in_right_dir, 'trying to open image file outside of allowed directories'
filename = filename.rsplit('?', 1)[0]
if type(filedata) == list:
if len(filedata) == 0:
return None
filedata = filedata[0]
if filedata.startswith("data:image/png;base64,"):
filedata = filedata[len("data:image/png;base64,"):]
filedata = base64.decodebytes(filedata.encode('utf-8'))
image =
return image
def add_paste_fields(tabname, init_img, fields, override_settings_component=None):
paste_fields[tabname] = {"init_img": init_img, "fields": fields, "override_settings_component": override_settings_component}
# backwards compatibility for existing extensions
import modules.ui
if tabname == 'txt2img':
modules.ui.txt2img_paste_fields = fields
elif tabname == 'img2img':
modules.ui.img2img_paste_fields = fields
def create_buttons(tabs_list):
buttons = {}
for tab in tabs_list:
buttons[tab] = gr.Button(f"Send to {tab}", elem_id=f"{tab}_tab")
return buttons
def bind_buttons(buttons, send_image, send_generate_info):
"""old function for backwards compatibility; do not use this, use register_paste_params_button"""
for tabname, button in buttons.items():
source_text_component = send_generate_info if isinstance(send_generate_info, gr.components.Component) else None
source_tabname = send_generate_info if isinstance(send_generate_info, str) else None
register_paste_params_button(ParamBinding(paste_button=button, tabname=tabname, source_text_component=source_text_component, source_image_component=send_image, source_tabname=source_tabname))
def register_paste_params_button(binding: ParamBinding):
def connect_paste_params_buttons():
binding: ParamBinding
for binding in registered_param_bindings:
destination_image_component = paste_fields[binding.tabname]["init_img"]
fields = paste_fields[binding.tabname]["fields"]
override_settings_component = binding.override_settings_component or paste_fields[binding.tabname]["override_settings_component"]
destination_width_component = next(iter([field for field, name in fields if name == "Size-1"] if fields else []), None)
destination_height_component = next(iter([field for field, name in fields if name == "Size-2"] if fields else []), None)
if binding.source_image_component and destination_image_component:
if isinstance(binding.source_image_component, gr.Gallery):
func = send_image_and_dimensions if destination_width_component else image_from_url_text
jsfunc = "extract_image_from_gallery"
func = send_image_and_dimensions if destination_width_component else lambda x: x
jsfunc = None
outputs=[destination_image_component, destination_width_component, destination_height_component] if destination_width_component else [destination_image_component],
if binding.source_text_component is not None and fields is not None:
connect_paste(binding.paste_button, fields, binding.source_text_component, override_settings_component, binding.tabname)
if binding.source_tabname is not None and fields is not None:
paste_field_names = ['Prompt', 'Negative prompt', 'Steps', 'Face restoration'] + (["Seed"] if shared.opts.send_seed else []) + binding.paste_field_names
fn=lambda *x: x,
inputs=[field for field, name in paste_fields[binding.source_tabname]["fields"] if name in paste_field_names],
outputs=[field for field, name in fields if name in paste_field_names],
def send_image_and_dimensions(x):
if isinstance(x, Image.Image):
img = x
img = image_from_url_text(x)
if shared.opts.send_size and isinstance(img, Image.Image):
w = img.width
h = img.height
w = gr.update()
h = gr.update()
return img, w, h
def find_hypernetwork_key(hypernet_name, hypernet_hash=None):
"""Determines the config parameter name to use for the hypernet based on the parameters in the infotext.
Example: an infotext provides "Hypernet: ke-ta" and "Hypernet hash: 1234abcd". For the "Hypernet" config
parameter this means there should be an entry that looks like "ke-ta-10000(1234abcd)" to set it to.
If the infotext has no hash, then a hypernet with the same name will be selected instead.
hypernet_name = hypernet_name.lower()
if hypernet_hash is not None:
# Try to match the hash in the name
for hypernet_key in shared.hypernetworks.keys():
result =
if result is not None and result[1] == hypernet_hash:
return hypernet_key
# Fall back to a hypernet with the same name
for hypernet_key in shared.hypernetworks.keys():
if hypernet_key.lower().startswith(hypernet_name):
return hypernet_key
return None
def restore_old_hires_fix_params(res):
"""for infotexts that specify old First pass size parameter, convert it into
width, height, and hr scale"""
firstpass_width = res.get('First pass size-1', None)
firstpass_height = res.get('First pass size-2', None)
if shared.opts.use_old_hires_fix_width_height:
hires_width = int(res.get("Hires resize-1", 0))
hires_height = int(res.get("Hires resize-2", 0))
if hires_width and hires_height:
res['Size-1'] = hires_width
res['Size-2'] = hires_height
if firstpass_width is None or firstpass_height is None:
firstpass_width, firstpass_height = int(firstpass_width), int(firstpass_height)
width = int(res.get("Size-1", 512))
height = int(res.get("Size-2", 512))
if firstpass_width == 0 or firstpass_height == 0:
from modules import processing
firstpass_width, firstpass_height = processing.old_hires_fix_first_pass_dimensions(width, height)
res['Size-1'] = firstpass_width
res['Size-2'] = firstpass_height
res['Hires resize-1'] = width
res['Hires resize-2'] = height
def parse_generation_parameters(x: str):
"""parses generation parameters string, the one you see in text field under the picture in UI:
girl with an artist's beret, determined, blue eyes, desert scene, computer monitors, heavy makeup, by Alphonse Mucha and Charlie Bowater, ((eyeshadow)), (coquettish), detailed, intricate
Negative prompt: ugly, fat, obese, chubby, (((deformed))), [blurry], bad anatomy, disfigured, poorly drawn face, mutation, mutated, (extra_limb), (ugly), (poorly drawn hands), messy drawing
Steps: 20, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 965400086, Size: 512x512, Model hash: 45dee52b
returns a dict with field values
res = {}
prompt = ""
negative_prompt = ""
done_with_prompt = False
*lines, lastline = x.strip().split("\n")
if len(re_param.findall(lastline)) < 3:
lastline = ''
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith("Negative prompt:"):
done_with_prompt = True
line = line[16:].strip()
if done_with_prompt:
negative_prompt += ("" if negative_prompt == "" else "\n") + line
prompt += ("" if prompt == "" else "\n") + line
res["Prompt"] = prompt
res["Negative prompt"] = negative_prompt
for k, v in re_param.findall(lastline):
if v[0] == '"' and v[-1] == '"':
v = unquote(v)
m = re_imagesize.match(v)
if m is not None:
res[f"{k}-1"] =
res[f"{k}-2"] =
res[k] = v
# Missing CLIP skip means it was set to 1 (the default)
if "Clip skip" not in res:
res["Clip skip"] = "1"
hypernet = res.get("Hypernet", None)
if hypernet is not None:
res["Prompt"] += f"""<hypernet:{hypernet}:{res.get("Hypernet strength", "1.0")}>"""
if "Hires resize-1" not in res:
res["Hires resize-1"] = 0
res["Hires resize-2"] = 0
if "Hires sampler" not in res:
res["Hires sampler"] = "Use same sampler"
if "Hires prompt" not in res:
res["Hires prompt"] = ""
if "Hires negative prompt" not in res:
res["Hires negative prompt"] = ""
# Missing RNG means the default was set, which is GPU RNG
if "RNG" not in res:
res["RNG"] = "GPU"
return res
settings_map = {}
infotext_to_setting_name_mapping = [
('Clip skip', 'CLIP_stop_at_last_layers', ),
('Conditional mask weight', 'inpainting_mask_weight'),
('Model hash', 'sd_model_checkpoint'),
('ENSD', 'eta_noise_seed_delta'),
('Noise multiplier', 'initial_noise_multiplier'),
('Eta', 'eta_ancestral'),
('Eta DDIM', 'eta_ddim'),
('Discard penultimate sigma', 'always_discard_next_to_last_sigma'),
('UniPC variant', 'uni_pc_variant'),
('UniPC skip type', 'uni_pc_skip_type'),
('UniPC order', 'uni_pc_order'),
('UniPC lower order final', 'uni_pc_lower_order_final'),
('Token merging ratio', 'token_merging_ratio'),
('Token merging ratio hr', 'token_merging_ratio_hr'),
('RNG', 'randn_source'),
('NGMS', 's_min_uncond'),
def create_override_settings_dict(text_pairs):
"""creates processing's override_settings parameters from gradio's multiselect
Example input:
['Clip skip: 2', 'Model hash: e6e99610c4', 'ENSD: 31337']
Example output:
{'CLIP_stop_at_last_layers': 2, 'sd_model_checkpoint': 'e6e99610c4', 'eta_noise_seed_delta': 31337}
res = {}
params = {}
for pair in text_pairs:
k, v = pair.split(":", maxsplit=1)
params[k] = v.strip()
for param_name, setting_name in infotext_to_setting_name_mapping:
value = params.get(param_name, None)
if value is None:
res[setting_name] = shared.opts.cast_value(setting_name, value)
return res
def connect_paste(button, paste_fields, input_comp, override_settings_component, tabname):
def paste_func(prompt):
if not prompt and not shared.cmd_opts.hide_ui_dir_config:
filename = os.path.join(data_path, "params.txt")
if os.path.exists(filename):
with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf8") as file:
prompt =
params = parse_generation_parameters(prompt)
script_callbacks.infotext_pasted_callback(prompt, params)
res = []
for output, key in paste_fields:
if callable(key):
v = key(params)
v = params.get(key, None)
if v is None:
elif isinstance(v, type_of_gr_update):
valtype = type(output.value)
if valtype == bool and v == "False":
val = False
val = valtype(v)
except Exception:
return res
if override_settings_component is not None:
def paste_settings(params):
vals = {}
for param_name, setting_name in infotext_to_setting_name_mapping:
v = params.get(param_name, None)
if v is None:
if setting_name == "sd_model_checkpoint" and shared.opts.disable_weights_auto_swap:
v = shared.opts.cast_value(setting_name, v)
current_value = getattr(shared.opts, setting_name, None)
if v == current_value:
vals[param_name] = v
vals_pairs = [f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in vals.items()]
return gr.Dropdown.update(value=vals_pairs, choices=vals_pairs, visible=len(vals_pairs) > 0)
paste_fields = paste_fields + [(override_settings_component, paste_settings)]
outputs=[x[0] for x in paste_fields],