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1281 lines
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import functools
import html
import json
import os.path
import re
import urllib.parse
from base64 import b64decode
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Optional
import gradio as gr
from fastapi.exceptions import HTTPException
from PIL import Image
from starlette.responses import FileResponse, JSONResponse, Response
from modules import errors, extra_networks, shared, util
from modules.images import read_info_from_image, save_image_with_geninfo
from modules.infotext_utils import image_from_url_text
from modules.ui_common import OutputPanel
from modules.ui_extra_networks_user_metadata import UserMetadataEditor
extra_pages = []
allowed_dirs = set()
default_allowed_preview_extensions = ["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "webp", "gif"]
class ListItem:
id [str]: The ID of this list item.
html [str]: The HTML string for this item.
def __init__(self, _id: str, _html: str) -> None:
self.id = _id
self.html = _html
self.node: Optional[DirectoryTreeNode] = None
class CardListItem(ListItem):
visible [bool]: Whether the item should be shown in the list.
sort_keys [dict]: Nested dict where keys are sort modes and values are sort keys.
search_terms [str]: String containing multiple search terms joined with spaces.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.visible: bool = False
self.abspath = ""
self.relpath = ""
self.rel_parent_dir = ""
self.sort_keys = {}
self.search_terms = ""
self.search_only = False
class TreeListItem(ListItem):
visible [bool]: Whether the item should be shown in the list.
expanded [bool]: Whether the item children should be shown.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.visible: bool = False
self.expanded: bool = False
class DirectoryTreeNode:
root_dir [str]: The root directory used to generate a relative path for this node.
abspath [str]: The absolute path of this node.
parent [DirectoryTreeNode]: The parent node of this node.
depth [int]: The depth of this node in the tree. (folder level)
is_dir [bool]: Whether this node is a directory or file.
item [Optional[dict]]: The item data dictionary.
relpath [str]: Relative path from `root_dir` to this node.
children [list[DirectoryTreeNode]]: List of direct child nodes of this node.
def __init__(
root_dir: str,
abspath: str,
parent: Optional["DirectoryTreeNode"] = None,
) -> None:
self.root_dir = root_dir
self.abspath = abspath
self.parent = parent
self.id = ""
self.depth = 0
self.is_dir = False
self.item = None
self.relpath = os.path.relpath(self.abspath, self.root_dir)
self.children: list["DirectoryTreeNode"] = []
# If a parent is passed, then we add this instance to the parent's children.
if self.parent is not None:
self.depth = self.parent.depth + 1
def add_child(self, child: "DirectoryTreeNode") -> None:
def build(self, items: dict[str, dict], include_hidden: bool = False) -> None:
"""Builds a tree of nodes as children of this instance.
items: A dictionary where keys are absolute filepaths for directories/files.
The values are dictionaries representing extra networks items.
include_hidden: Whether to include hidden directories in the tree.
self.is_dir = os.path.isdir(self.abspath)
if self.is_dir:
for x in os.listdir(self.abspath):
child_path = os.path.join(self.abspath, x)
# Skip hidden directories if include_hidden is False
if os.path.isdir(child_path) and os.path.basename(child_path).startswith(".") and not include_hidden:
# Add all directories but only add files if they are in the items dict.
if os.path.isdir(child_path) or child_path in items:
DirectoryTreeNode(self.root_dir, child_path, self).build(items, include_hidden)
self.item = items.get(self.abspath, None)
def flatten(self, res: dict, dirs_only: bool = False) -> None:
"""Flattens the keys/values of the tree nodes into a dictionary.
res: The dictionary result updated in place. On initial call,
should be passed as an empty dictionary.
dirs_only: Whether to only add directories to the result.
KeyError: If any nodes in the tree have the same ID.
if self.abspath in res:
raise KeyError(f"duplicate key: {self.abspath}")
if not dirs_only or (dirs_only and self.is_dir):
res[self.abspath] = self
for child in self.children:
child.flatten(res, dirs_only)
def to_sorted_list(self, res: list, dirs_first: bool = True) -> None:
"""Sorts the tree by absolute path and groups by directories/files.
Since we are sorting a directory tree, we always want the directories to come
before the files. So we have to sort these two lists separately.
res: The list result updated in place. On initial call, should be passed
as an empty list.
files = sorted(
[x for x in self.children if not x.is_dir],
key=lambda x: shared.natural_sort_key(os.path.basename(x.abspath)),
dirs = sorted(
[x for x in self.children if x.is_dir],
key=lambda x: shared.natural_sort_key(os.path.basename(x.abspath)),
children = [*dirs, *files] if dirs_first else [*files, *dirs]
for child in children:
child.to_sorted_list(res, dirs_first)
def apply(self, fn: Callable) -> None:
"""Recursively calls passed function with instance for entire tree."""
for child in self.children:
class ExtraNetworksUi:
"""UI components for Extra Networks
button_save_preview: Gradio button for saving previews.
pages: Gradio HTML elements for an ExtraNetworks page.
pages_contents: HTML string content for `pages`.
preview_target_filename: Gradio textbox for entering filename.
related_tabs: Gradio Tab instances for each ExtraNetworksPage.
stored_extra_pages: `ExtraNetworksPage` instance for each page.
tabname: The primary page tab name (i.e. `txt2img`, `img2img`)
user_metadata_editors: The metadata editor objects for a page.
def __init__(self, tabname: str):
self.tabname = tabname
# Dict keys are "{tabname}_{page.extra_networks_tabname}"
self.pages: dict[str, gr.HTML] = {}
self.pages_contents: dict[str, str] = {}
self.stored_extra_pages: dict[str, ExtraNetworksPage] = {}
self.related_tabs: dict[str, gr.Tab] = {}
self.user_metadata_editors: dict[str, UserMetadataEditor] = {}
self.unrelated_tabs: list[gr.Tab] = []
self.button_save_preview: Optional[gr.Button] = None
self.preview_target_filename: Optional[gr.Textbox] = None
# Fetch the extra pages and build a map.
for page in pages_in_preferred_order(extra_pages.copy()):
self.stored_extra_pages[f"{self.tabname}_{page.extra_networks_tabname}"] = page
class ExtraNetworksPage:
def __init__(self, title):
self.title = title
self.name = title.lower()
# This is the actual name of the extra networks tab (not txt2img/img2img).
self.extra_networks_tabname = self.name.replace(" ", "_")
self.allow_prompt = True
self.allow_negative_prompt = False
self.is_ready = False
self.metadata = {}
self.items = {}
self.cards = {}
self.tree = {}
self.tree_roots = {}
self.nodes = {}
self.lister = util.MassFileLister()
# HTML Templates
self.pane_tpl = shared.html("extra-networks-pane.html")
self.card_tpl = shared.html("extra-networks-card.html")
self.tree_row_tpl = shared.html("extra-networks-tree-row.html")
self.btn_copy_path_tpl = shared.html("extra-networks-btn-copy-path.html")
self.btn_show_metadata_tpl = shared.html("extra-networks-btn-show-metadata.html")
self.btn_edit_metadata_tpl = shared.html("extra-networks-btn-edit-metadata.html")
self.btn_dirs_view_item_tpl = shared.html("extra-networks-btn-dirs-view-item.html")
self.btn_chevron_tpl = shared.html("extra-networks-btn-chevron.html")
def clear_data(self) -> None:
self.is_ready = False
self.metadata = {}
self.items = {}
self.cards = {}
self.tree = {}
self.tree_roots = {}
self.nodes = {}
def refresh(self) -> None:
# Whenever we refresh, we want to build our datasets from scratch.
def read_user_metadata(self, item, use_cache=True):
filename = os.path.normpath(item.get("filename", None))
metadata = extra_networks.get_user_metadata(filename, lister=self.lister if use_cache else None)
desc = metadata.get("description", None)
if desc is not None:
item["description"] = desc
item["user_metadata"] = metadata
def link_preview(self, filename):
quoted_filename = urllib.parse.quote(filename.replace("\\", "/"))
mtime, _ = self.lister.mctime(filename)
return f"./sd_extra_networks/thumb?filename={quoted_filename}&mtime={mtime}"
def search_terms_from_path(self, filename, possible_directories=None):
abspath = os.path.abspath(filename)
for parentdir in possible_directories if possible_directories is not None else self.allowed_directories_for_previews():
parentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(parentdir))
if abspath.startswith(parentdir):
return os.path.relpath(abspath, parentdir)
return ""
def build_tree_html_row(
tabname: str,
label: str,
btn_type: str,
btn_title: Optional[str] = None,
indent_html: Optional[str] = None,
data_attributes: Optional[dict] = None,
dir_is_empty: bool = False,
item: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> str:
"""Generates HTML for a single row of the Tree View
"txt2img" or "img2img"
The text to display for this row.
"dir" or "file"
Optional hover text for the row. Defaults to `label`.
Dictionary defining data attributes to add to the row's tag.
Ex: {"one": "1"} would generate <div data-one="1"></div>
Whether the directory is empty. Only useful if btn_type=="dir".
Dictionary containing item data such as filename, hash, etc.
if btn_type not in ["file", "dir"]:
raise ValueError("Invalid button type:", btn_type)
if data_attributes is None:
data_attributes = {}
label = label.strip()
# If not specified, title will just reflect the label
btn_title = btn_title.strip() if btn_title else f'"{label}"'
action_list_item_action_leading = self.btn_chevron_tpl.format(extra_classes="")
action_list_item_visual_leading = "🗀"
action_list_item_visual_trailing = ""
action_list_item_action_trailing = ""
if dir_is_empty:
action_list_item_action_leading = self.btn_chevron_tpl.format(extra_classes="invisible")
if btn_type == "file":
action_list_item_visual_leading = "🗎"
# Action buttons
if item is not None:
action_list_item_action_trailing += self.get_button_row(tabname, item)
data_attributes_str = ""
for k, v in data_attributes.items():
if isinstance(v, (bool,)):
# Boolean data attributes only need a key when true.
if v:
data_attributes_str += f"{k} "
elif v not in [None, "", "''", '""']:
data_attributes_str += f"{k}={v} "
res = self.tree_row_tpl.format(
"data_attributes": data_attributes_str,
"search_terms": "",
"indent_spans": indent_html,
"btn_type": btn_type,
"btn_title": btn_title,
"tabname": tabname,
"extra_networks_tabname": self.extra_networks_tabname,
"action_list_item_action_leading": action_list_item_action_leading,
"action_list_item_visual_leading": action_list_item_visual_leading,
"action_list_item_label": label,
"action_list_item_visual_trailing": action_list_item_visual_trailing,
"action_list_item_action_trailing": action_list_item_action_trailing,
res = res.strip()
res = re.sub(" +", " ", res.replace("\n", ""))
return res
def get_button_row(self, tabname: str, item: dict) -> str:
"""Generates a row of buttons for use in Tree/Cards View items."""
metadata = item.get("metadata", None)
name = item.get("name", "")
filename = os.path.normpath(item.get("filename", ""))
button_row_tpl = '<div class="button-row">{btn_copy_path}{btn_edit_item}{btn_metadata}</div>'
btn_copy_path = self.btn_copy_path_tpl.format(clipboard_text=filename)
btn_edit_item = self.btn_edit_metadata_tpl.format(
btn_metadata = ""
if metadata:
btn_metadata = self.btn_show_metadata_tpl.format(
return button_row_tpl.format(
def create_card_html(
tabname: str,
item: dict,
div_id: Optional[str] = None,
) -> str:
"""Generates HTML for a single ExtraNetworks Item.
tabname: The name of the active tab.
item: Dictionary containing item information.
template: Optional template string to use.
HTML string generated for this item.
Can be empty if the item is not meant to be shown.
style = f"font-size: {shared.opts.extra_networks_card_text_scale*100}%;"
if shared.opts.extra_networks_card_height:
style += f"height: {shared.opts.extra_networks_card_height}px;"
if shared.opts.extra_networks_card_width:
style += f"width: {shared.opts.extra_networks_card_width}px;"
background_image = ""
preview = html.escape(item.get("preview", "") or "")
if preview:
background_image = f'<img src="{preview}" class="preview" loading="lazy">'
button_row = self.get_button_row(tabname, item)
filename = os.path.normpath(item.get("filename", ""))
# if this is true, the item must not be shown in the default view,
# and must instead only be shown when searching for it
show_hidden_models = str(shared.opts.extra_networks_hidden_models).strip().lower()
if show_hidden_models == "always":
search_only = False
# If any parent dirs are hidden, the model is also hidden.
search_only = any(x.startswith(".") for x in filename.split(os.sep))
if search_only and show_hidden_models == "never":
return ""
sort_keys = {}
for sort_mode, sort_key in item.get("sort_keys", {}).items():
sort_keys[sort_mode.strip().lower()] = html.escape(str(sort_key))
description = ""
if shared.opts.extra_networks_card_show_desc:
description = item.get("description", "") or ""
if not shared.opts.extra_networks_card_description_is_html:
description = html.escape(description)
data_name = item.get("name", "").strip()
data_path = os.path.normpath(item.get("filename", "").strip())
data_attributes = {
"data-div-id": f'"{div_id}"' if div_id else '""',
"data-name": f'"{data_name}"',
"data-path": f'"{data_path}"',
"data-hash": item.get("shorthash", None),
"data-prompt": item.get("prompt", "").strip(),
"data-neg-prompt": item.get("negative_prompt", "").strip(),
"data-allow-neg": self.allow_negative_prompt,
if self.__class__.__name__ == "ExtraNetworksPageCheckpoints":
data_attributes["data-is-checkpoint"] = True
data_attributes_str = ""
for k, v in data_attributes.items():
if isinstance(v, (bool,)):
# Boolean data attributes only need a key when true.
if v:
data_attributes_str += f"{k} "
elif v not in [None, "", "''", '""']:
data_attributes_str += f"{k}={v} "
return self.card_tpl.format(
def generate_cards_view_data(self, tabname: str) -> dict:
"""Generates the datasets and HTML used to display the Cards View.
A dictionary containing necessary info for the client.
search_keys: array of strings,
sort_<mode>: string, (for various sort modes),
visible: True, // all cards are visible by default.
Return does not contain the HTML since that is fetched by client.
res = {}
# Cards require a different sorting method than tree/dirs. We want to present
# cards where files in a directory are listed before the contents of subdirectories.
# Thus we need to sort each tree node again and provide the dirs_first=False flag.
# We then create a mapping between these results and the self.nodes div_ids for sorting.
sorted_nodes = []
for node in self.tree_roots.values():
_sorted_nodes = []
node.to_sorted_list(_sorted_nodes, dirs_first=False)
_sorted_nodes = [x for x in _sorted_nodes if not x.is_dir]
nodes = {}
div_id_to_idx = {}
for i, node in enumerate(sorted_nodes):
nodes[node.id] = node
# Mapping from the self.nodes div_ids to the sorted index.
div_id_to_idx[node.id] = i
for node in nodes.values():
card = CardListItem(node.id, "")
card.node = node
item = node.item
card.html = self.create_card_html(tabname=tabname, item=item, div_id=node.id)
sort_keys = {}
for k, v in item.get("sort_keys", {}).items():
sort_keys[k.strip().lower().replace(" ", "_")] = html.escape(str(v))
# Manual override the "path" sort key using our sorted path indices.
sort_keys["path"] = div_id_to_idx[node.id]
search_terms = item.get("search_terms", [])
show_hidden_models = str(shared.opts.extra_networks_hidden_models).strip().lower()
if show_hidden_models == "always":
search_only = False
# If any parent dirs are hidden, the model is also hidden.
filename = os.path.normpath(item.get("filename", ""))
search_only = any(x.startswith(".") for x in filename.split(os.sep))
card.abspath = os.path.normpath(item.get("filename", ""))
for path in self.allowed_directories_for_previews():
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(path))
if card.abspath.startswith(parent_dir):
card.relpath = os.path.relpath(card.abspath, parent_dir)
card.sort_keys = sort_keys
card.search_terms = " ".join(search_terms)
card.search_only = search_only
card.rel_parent_dir = os.path.dirname(card.relpath)
if card.search_only:
parents = card.relpath.split(os.sep)
idxs = [i for i, x in enumerate(parents) if x.startswith(".")]
if len(idxs) > 0:
card.rel_parent_dir = os.path.join(*parents[idxs[0]:])
print(f"search_only is enabled but no hidden dir found: {card.abspath}")
self.cards[node.id] = card
if self.cards is None or not self.cards:
return {}
# Sort card div_ids for all sort modes.
keys_sorted = {}
sort_modes = self.cards[next(iter(self.cards))].sort_keys.keys()
for mode in sort_modes:
keys_sorted[mode] = sorted(
key=lambda k, sm=mode: shared.natural_sort_key(str(self.cards[k].sort_keys[sm])),
# Now that we have sorted, we can create the cards dataset.
for div_id, card in self.cards.items():
res[div_id] = {
**{f"sort_{mode}": keys_sorted[mode].index(div_id) for mode in card.sort_keys.keys()},
"rel_parent_dir": card.rel_parent_dir,
"search_terms": card.search_terms,
"search_only": card.search_only,
"visible": not card.search_only,
return res
def generate_tree_view_data(self, tabname: str) -> dict:
"""Generates the datasets and HTML used to display the Tree View.
A dictionary containing necessary info for the client.
parent: None or div_id,
children: list of div_id's,
visible: bool,
expanded: bool,
Return does not contain the HTML since that is fetched by client.
res = {}
show_files = shared.opts.extra_networks_tree_view_show_files is True
# Generate indentation for row
def _gen_indents(node):
if node.parent is None:
return []
_tpl = "<span data-depth='{depth}' data-parent-id='{parent_id}'></span>"
_res = [_tpl.format(depth=node.depth, parent_id=node.parent.id)]
return _res
for node in self.nodes.values():
tree_item = TreeListItem(node.id, "")
# If root node, expand and set visible.
if node.parent is None:
tree_item.expanded = True
tree_item.visible = True
# If direct child of root node, set visible.
if node.parent is not None and node.parent.parent is None:
tree_item.visible = True
tree_item.node = node
parent_id = None
if node.parent is not None:
parent_id = node.parent.id
indent_html = _gen_indents(node)
indent_html = "".join(indent_html)
indent_html = f"<div class='tree-list-item-indent'>{indent_html}</div>"
if node.is_dir: # directory
if show_files:
dir_is_empty = node.children == []
dir_is_empty = all(not x.is_dir for x in node.children)
tree_item.html = self.build_tree_html_row(
"data-div-id": f'"{node.id}"',
"data-parent-id": f'"{parent_id}"',
"data-tree-entry-type": "dir",
"data-depth": node.depth,
"data-path": f'"{node.relpath}"',
"data-expanded": node.parent is None, # Expand root directories
self.tree[node.id] = tree_item
else: # file
if not show_files:
# Don't add file if files are disabled in the options.
item_name = node.item.get("name", "").strip()
data_path = os.path.normpath(node.item.get("filename", "").strip())
data_attributes = {
"data-div-id": f'"{node.id}"',
"data-parent-id": f'"{parent_id}"',
"data-tree-entry-type": "file",
"data-name": f'"{item_name}"',
"data-depth": node.depth,
"data-path": f'"{data_path}"',
"data-hash": node.item.get("shorthash", None),
"data-prompt": node.item.get("prompt", "").strip(),
"data-neg-prompt": node.item.get("negative_prompt", "").strip(),
"data-allow-neg": self.allow_negative_prompt,
# Special case for checkpoints since they need to switch model on click.
# The JS code uses this flag to determine if it needs to swith model.
if self.__class__.__name__ == "ExtraNetworksPageCheckpoints":
data_attributes["data-is-checkpoint"] = True
tree_item.html = self.build_tree_html_row(
self.tree[node.id] = tree_item
if show_files:
children = [x.id for x in tree_item.node.children]
children = [x.id for x in tree_item.node.children if x.is_dir]
res[node.id] = {
"parent": parent_id,
"children": children,
"visible": tree_item.visible,
"expanded": tree_item.expanded,
return res
def create_dirs_view_html(self, tabname: str) -> str:
"""Generates HTML for displaying folders."""
res = []
div_ids = sorted(self.nodes.keys(), key=shared.natural_sort_key)
for div_id in div_ids:
node = self.nodes[div_id]
# Only process directories. Skip if file.
if not node.is_dir:
if node.parent is None:
label = node.relpath
# Strip the root directory from the label to reduce size of buttons.
parts = [x for x in node.relpath.split(os.sep) if x]
label = os.path.join(*parts[1:])
"extra_class": "search-all" if node.relpath == "" else "",
"tabname_full": f"{tabname}_{self.extra_networks_tabname}",
"title": html.escape(node.abspath),
"path": html.escape(node.relpath),
"label": html.escape(label),
return "".join(res)
def create_html(self, tabname: str, *, empty: bool = False) -> str:
"""Generates an HTML string for the current pane.
The generated HTML uses `extra-networks-pane.html` as a template.
tabname: The name of the active tab.
empty: create an empty HTML page with no items
HTML formatted string.
self.metadata = {}
items_list = [] if empty else self.list_items()
self.items = {x["name"]: x for x in items_list}
# Populate the instance metadata for each item.
for item in self.items.values():
metadata = item.get("metadata")
if metadata:
self.metadata[item["name"]] = metadata
if "user_metadata" not in item:
# Setup the tree dictionary.
tree_items = {os.path.normpath(v["filename"]): v for v in self.items.values()}
# Create a DirectoryTreeNode for each root directory since they might not share
# a common path.
for path in self.allowed_directories_for_previews():
abspath = os.path.abspath(path)
if not os.path.exists(abspath):
self.tree_roots[abspath] = DirectoryTreeNode(os.path.dirname(abspath), abspath, None)
# Now use tree roots to generate a mapping of div_ids to nodes.
# Flatten roots into a single sorted list of nodes.
# Directories always come before files. After that, natural sort is used.
sorted_nodes = []
for node in self.tree_roots.values():
_sorted_nodes = []
for i, node in enumerate(sorted_nodes):
node.id = str(i)
self.nodes[node.id] = node
# Generate the html for displaying directory buttons
dirs_html = self.create_dirs_view_html(tabname)
sort_mode = shared.opts.extra_networks_card_order_field.lower().strip().replace(" ", "_")
sort_dir = shared.opts.extra_networks_card_order.lower().strip()
dirs_view_en = shared.opts.extra_networks_dirs_view_default_enabled
tree_view_en = shared.opts.extra_networks_tree_view_default_enabled
return self.pane_tpl.format(
"tabname": tabname,
"extra_networks_tabname": self.extra_networks_tabname,
"data_sort_dir": sort_dir,
"btn_sort_mode_path_data_attributes": "data-selected" if sort_mode == "path" else "",
"btn_sort_mode_name_data_attributes": "data-selected" if sort_mode == "name" else "",
"btn_sort_mode_date_created_data_attributes": "data-selected" if sort_mode == "date_created" else "",
"btn_sort_mode_date_modified_data_attributes": "data-selected" if sort_mode == "date_modified" else "",
"btn_dirs_view_data_attributes": "data-selected" if dirs_view_en else "",
"btn_tree_view_data_attributes": "data-selected" if tree_view_en else "",
"tree_view_style": f"flex-basis: {shared.opts.extra_networks_tree_view_default_width}px;",
"cards_view_style": "flex-grow: 1;",
"dirs_html": dirs_html,
def create_item(self, name, index=None):
raise NotImplementedError()
def list_items(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def allowed_directories_for_previews(self):
return []
def get_sort_keys(self, path):
List of default keys used for sorting in the UI.
pth = Path(path)
mtime, ctime = self.lister.mctime(path)
return {
"date_created": int(mtime),
"date_modified": int(ctime),
"name": pth.name.lower(),
"path": str(pth).lower(),
def find_preview(self, path):
Find a preview PNG for a given path (without extension) and call link_preview on it.
potential_files = sum([[f"{path}.{ext}", f"{path}.preview.{ext}"] for ext in allowed_preview_extensions()], [])
for file in potential_files:
if self.lister.exists(file):
return self.link_preview(file)
return None
def find_embedded_preview(self, path, name, metadata):
Find if embedded preview exists in safetensors metadata and return endpoint for it.
file = f"{path}.safetensors"
if (
and "ssmd_cover_images" in metadata
and len(list(filter(None, json.loads(metadata["ssmd_cover_images"])))) > 0
return f"./sd_extra_networks/cover-images?extra_networks_tabname={self.extra_networks_tabname}&item={name}"
return None
def find_description(self, path):
Find and read a description file for a given path (without extension).
for file in [f"{path}.txt", f"{path}.description.txt"]:
if not self.lister.exists(file):
with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8", errors="replace") as f:
return f.read()
except OSError:
return None
def create_user_metadata_editor(self, ui, tabname) -> UserMetadataEditor:
return UserMetadataEditor(ui, tabname, self)
def allowed_preview_extensions_with_extra(extra_extensions=None):
return set(default_allowed_preview_extensions) | set(extra_extensions or [])
def allowed_preview_extensions():
return allowed_preview_extensions_with_extra((shared.opts.samples_format,))
def register_page(page):
"""registers extra networks page for the UI
recommend doing it in on_before_ui() callback for extensions
allowed_dirs.update(set(sum([x.allowed_directories_for_previews() for x in extra_pages], [])))
def get_page_by_name(extra_networks_tabname: str = "") -> "ExtraNetworksPage":
"""Gets a page from extra pages for the specified tabname.
HTTPException if the tabname is not in the `extra_pages` dict.
for page in extra_pages:
if page.extra_networks_tabname == extra_networks_tabname:
return page
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail=f"Page not found: {extra_networks_tabname}")
def fetch_file(filename: str = ""):
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="File not found")
if not any(Path(x).absolute() in Path(filename).absolute().parents for x in allowed_dirs):
raise ValueError(f"File cannot be fetched: {filename}. Must be in one of directories registered by extra pages.")
ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower()[1:]
if ext not in allowed_preview_extensions():
raise ValueError(f"File cannot be fetched: {filename}. Extensions allowed: {allowed_preview_extensions()}.")
# would profit from returning 304
return FileResponse(filename, headers={"Accept-Ranges": "bytes"})
def fetch_cover_images(extra_networks_tabname: str = "", item: str = "", index: int = 0):
page = get_page_by_name(extra_networks_tabname)
metadata = page.metadata.get(item)
if metadata is None:
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="File not found")
cover_images = json.loads(metadata.get("ssmd_cover_images", {}))
image = cover_images[index] if index < len(cover_images) else None
if not image:
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="File not found")
image = Image.open(BytesIO(b64decode(image)))
buffer = BytesIO()
image.save(buffer, format=image.format)
return Response(content=buffer.getvalue(), media_type=image.get_format_mimetype())
except Exception as err:
raise ValueError(f"File cannot be fetched: {item}. Failed to load cover image.") from err
def init_tree_data(tabname: str = "", extra_networks_tabname: str = "") -> JSONResponse:
"""Generates the initial Tree View data and returns a simplified dataset.
The data returned does not contain any HTML strings.
Status Codes:
200 on success
404 if data isn't ready or tabname doesn't exist.
page = get_page_by_name(extra_networks_tabname)
data = page.generate_tree_view_data(tabname)
return JSONResponse({"data": data, "ready": data is not None})
def init_cards_data(tabname: str = "", extra_networks_tabname: str = "") -> JSONResponse:
"""Generates the initial Cards View data and returns a simplified dataset.
The data returned does not contain any HTML strings.
Status Codes:
200 on success
404 if data isn't ready or tabname doesn't exist.
page = get_page_by_name(extra_networks_tabname)
data = page.generate_cards_view_data(tabname)
return JSONResponse({"data": data, "ready": data is not None})
def fetch_tree_data(
extra_networks_tabname: str = "",
div_ids: str = "",
) -> JSONResponse:
"""Retrieves Tree View HTML strings for the specified `div_ids`.
div_ids: A string with div_ids in CSV format.
Status Codes:
200 on success
404 if tabname doesn't exist
page = get_page_by_name(extra_networks_tabname)
res = {}
missed = []
for div_id in div_ids.split(","):
if div_id in page.tree:
res[div_id] = page.tree[div_id].html
return JSONResponse({"data": res, "missing_div_ids": missed})
def fetch_cards_data(
extra_networks_tabname: str = "",
div_ids: str = "",
) -> JSONResponse:
"""Retrieves Cards View HTML strings for the specified `div_ids`.
div_ids: A string with div_ids in CSV format.
Status Codes:
200 on success
404 if tabname doesn't exist
page = get_page_by_name(extra_networks_tabname)
res = {}
missed = []
for div_id in div_ids.split(","):
if div_id in page.cards:
res[div_id] = page.cards[div_id].html
return JSONResponse({"data": res, "missing_div_ids": missed})
def clear_page_data(extra_networks_tabname: str = "") -> JSONResponse:
"""Returns whether the specified page is ready for fetching data.
Status Codes:
200 on success
404 if tabname doesnt exist or other errors.
page = get_page_by_name(extra_networks_tabname)
return JSONResponse({})
def page_is_ready(extra_networks_tabname: str = "") -> JSONResponse:
"""Returns whether the specified page is ready for fetching data.
Status Codes:
200 on success. response contains ready state.
404 if tabname doesnt exist.
page = get_page_by_name(extra_networks_tabname)
return JSONResponse({"ready": page.is_ready})
def get_metadata(extra_networks_tabname: str = "", item: str = "") -> JSONResponse:
page = get_page_by_name(extra_networks_tabname)
except HTTPException:
return JSONResponse({})
metadata = page.metadata.get(item)
if metadata is None:
return JSONResponse({})
# those are cover images, and they are too big to display in UI as text
# metadata = {i: metadata[i] for i in metadata if i != 'ssmd_cover_images'}
return JSONResponse({"metadata": json.dumps(metadata, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)})
def get_single_card(
tabname: str = "",
extra_networks_tabname: str = "",
name: str = "",
div_id: str = "",
) -> JSONResponse:
page = get_page_by_name(extra_networks_tabname)
item = page.create_item(name, enable_filter=False)
page.items[name] = item
except Exception as exc:
errors.display(exc, "creating item for extra network")
item = page.items.get(name, None)
if item is None:
return JSONResponse({})
page.read_user_metadata(item, use_cache=False)
item_html = page.create_card_html(tabname=tabname, item=item, div_id=div_id)
# Update the card's HTML in the page's dataset.
page.cards[div_id].html = item_html
return JSONResponse({"html": item_html})
def add_pages_to_demo(app):
app.add_api_route("/sd_extra_networks/thumb", fetch_file, methods=["GET"])
app.add_api_route("/sd_extra_networks/cover-images", fetch_cover_images, methods=["GET"])
app.add_api_route("/sd_extra_networks/metadata", get_metadata, methods=["GET"])
app.add_api_route("/sd_extra_networks/get-single-card", get_single_card, methods=["GET"])
app.add_api_route("/sd_extra_networks/init-tree-data", init_tree_data, methods=["GET"])
app.add_api_route("/sd_extra_networks/init-cards-data", init_cards_data, methods=["GET"])
app.add_api_route("/sd_extra_networks/fetch-tree-data", fetch_tree_data, methods=["GET"])
app.add_api_route("/sd_extra_networks/fetch-cards-data", fetch_cards_data, methods=["GET"])
app.add_api_route("/sd_extra_networks/page-is-ready", page_is_ready, methods=["GET"])
app.add_api_route("/sd_extra_networks/clear-page-data", clear_page_data, methods=["GET"])
def quote_js(s):
s = s.replace("\\", "\\\\")
s = s.replace('"', '\\"')
return f'"{s}"'
def initialize():
def register_default_pages():
from modules.ui_extra_networks_checkpoints import ExtraNetworksPageCheckpoints
from modules.ui_extra_networks_hypernets import ExtraNetworksPageHypernetworks
from modules.ui_extra_networks_textual_inversion import ExtraNetworksPageTextualInversion
def pages_in_preferred_order(pages):
tab_order = [x.lower().strip() for x in shared.opts.ui_extra_networks_tab_reorder.split(",")]
def tab_name_score(name):
name = name.lower()
for i, possible_match in enumerate(tab_order):
if possible_match in name:
return i
return len(pages)
tab_scores = {page.name: (tab_name_score(page.name), original_index) for original_index, page in enumerate(pages)}
return sorted(pages, key=lambda x: tab_scores[x.name])
def create_ui(interface: gr.Blocks, unrelated_tabs, tabname):
ui = ExtraNetworksUi(tabname)
ui.unrelated_tabs = unrelated_tabs
for tabname_full, page in ui.stored_extra_pages.items():
with gr.Tab(page.title, elem_id=tabname_full, elem_classes=["extra-page"]) as tab:
with gr.Column(elem_id=f"{tabname_full}_prompts", elem_classes=["extra-page-prompts"]):
page_elem = gr.HTML(
page.create_html(tabname, empty=True),
ui.pages[tabname_full] = page_elem
editor = page.create_user_metadata_editor(ui, tabname)
ui.user_metadata_editors[tabname_full] = editor
ui.related_tabs[tabname_full] = tab
ui.button_save_preview = gr.Button(
"Save preview",
ui.preview_target_filename = gr.Textbox(
"Preview save filename",
for tab in ui.unrelated_tabs:
for tabname_full, page in ui.stored_extra_pages.items():
tab = ui.related_tabs[tabname_full]
f"'{tabname_full}', "
f"{str(page.allow_prompt).lower()}, "
def refresh(tabname_full):
page = ui.stored_extra_pages[tabname_full]
page.is_ready = False
ui.pages_contents[tabname_full] = page.create_html(ui.tabname)
page.is_ready = True
return list(ui.pages_contents.values())
button_refresh = gr.Button(
fn=functools.partial(refresh, tabname_full),
fn=lambda: None,
fn=lambda: None,
def create_html():
for tabname_full, page in ui.stored_extra_pages.items():
page.is_ready = False
ui.pages_contents[tabname_full] = page.create_html(ui.tabname)
page.is_ready = True
def pages_html():
if not ui.pages_contents:
return list(ui.pages_contents.values())
interface.load(fn=pages_html, inputs=[], outputs=list(ui.pages.values()),).then(
fn=lambda: None,
return ui
def path_is_parent(parent_path, child_path):
parent_path = os.path.abspath(parent_path)
child_path = os.path.abspath(child_path)
return child_path.startswith(parent_path)
def setup_ui(ui: ExtraNetworksUi, gallery: OutputPanel):
def save_preview(index, images, filename):
# this function is here for backwards compatibility and likely will be removed soon
if len(images) == 0:
print("There is no image in gallery to save as a preview.")
return [page.create_html(ui.tabname) for page in ui.stored_extra_pages.values()]
index = int(index)
index = 0 if index < 0 else index
index = len(images) - 1 if index >= len(images) else index
img_info = images[index if index >= 0 else 0]
image = image_from_url_text(img_info)
geninfo, items = read_info_from_image(image)
is_allowed = False
for page in ui.stored_extra_pages.values():
if any(path_is_parent(x, filename) for x in page.allowed_directories_for_previews()):
is_allowed = True
assert is_allowed, f"writing to {filename} is not allowed"
save_image_with_geninfo(image, geninfo, filename)
return [page.create_html(ui.tabname) for page in ui.stored_extra_pages.values()]
_js="function(x, y, z){return [selected_gallery_index(), y, z]}",
inputs=[ui.preview_target_filename, gallery, ui.preview_target_filename],
for editor in ui.user_metadata_editors.values():