### Tyler Perkins (Clortox) I'm a software developer at Etactics, located in the Cleveland area. I love software design and development, mechanical/electrical engineering, and metalworking. Kent State Unviersity Alumni, persuing a Masters in Computer Science from Georgia Tech University. #### Neat projects _Independently created projects that are free and open source_ - [Kubernetes Cluster](https://git.clortox.com/Infrastructure/Gluttony-Cluster) - A K3S cluster on my personal server rack in my home, hosting several services for friends, family, and myself - [Human Call Stack](https://git.clortox.com/tyler/HumanCallStack) - A TODO app based on the concept of a callstack - [Filebrowswer Sidecar](https://git.clortox.com/Infrastructure/Filebrowser) - A sidecar application providing a webui to the contents of persistent volumes - k8s native with easy configuration using environment variables - An extension of [filebrowser](https://filebrowser.org) #### Private Projects _These are projects I can't share the source of due to school/work agreements, however I still think they are worth bragging about_ - [Multipaxos with stable leaders](https://github.com/emichael/dslabs/tree/master/labs/lab3-paxos) - An implementation of multipaxos with stable leader elections - Resilient to minority node failure, network partitions, and dropped/duplicate packets - Includes PAXOS log garbage collection and proposal batching to reduce memory usage and reduce consensus latency - Self hosted realtime transcription for the deaf - Real time transcription application leveraging whisper to provide near-instant transcription for deaf family members - Provides speaker differentiation, tiemstamps, and supports call transcription - Optimized to run on low power portable boards such as the jetson nano #### Links - [Personal Website](https://www.tylerperkins.xyz) - [Personal Gitea](https://git.clortox.com) - This is where most of my development happens - [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/tyler-perkins-xyz/) #### Contact - [Email (hello@clortox.com)](mailto:hello@clortox.com) - [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/tyler-perkins-xyz/) *Note that none of my work here or my opinions or actions are reflections on my employer or any education instiution, past or present*