import sys import upnpclient from lxml import etree # Try to import wake on lan wol = True try: import wakeonlan except ImportError as error: wol = False import logging # important information is passed through stdout so we need to supress # the output of the upnp client module logging.getLogger("upnpclient").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) logging.getLogger("ssdp").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) def wake(mac): if wol: try: wakeonlan.send_magic_packet(mac); print("packet sent") except: print("send failed") else: print("import failed") def info(url, id, count): device = upnpclient.Device(url) result = device.ContentDirectory.Browse(ObjectID=id, BrowseFlag="BrowseMetadata", Filter="*", StartingIndex=0, RequestedCount=count, SortCriteria="") root = etree.fromstring(result["Result"]) # Determine if we should be looking at items or containers list = root.findall("./item", root.nsmap) type = "item" if len(list) == 0: list = root.findall("./container", root.nsmap) type = "container" print(type) for t in list: print("") print(t.findtext("upnp:episodeNumber", "No Episode Number", root.nsmap)) print(t.findtext("dc:description", "No Description", root.nsmap).encode().decode("ascii", errors='ignore')) def browse(url, id, count): device = upnpclient.Device(url) result = device.ContentDirectory.Browse(ObjectID=id, BrowseFlag="BrowseDirectChildren", Filter="*", StartingIndex=0, RequestedCount=count, SortCriteria="") root = etree.fromstring(result["Result"]) list = {} # Determine if we should be looking at items or containers list["item"] = root.findall("./item", root.nsmap) list["container"] = root.findall("./container", root.nsmap) for type in list.keys(): print(type + "s:") for t in list[type]: print("") print(t.findtext("dc:title", "untitled", root.nsmap).encode().decode("ascii", errors='ignore')) print(t.get("id")) if type == "item": print(t.findtext("res", "", root.nsmap)) print("----") def list(timeout): devices = [] possibleDevices = for device in possibleDevices: if "MediaServer" in device.device_type: addToList = True for d in devices: if d.friendly_name == device.friendly_name: addToList = False break if addToList: devices.append(device) for device in devices: print("") print(device.friendly_name.encode().decode("ascii", errors='ignore')) print(device.location) def help(): print(" supports the following commands:") print("-h, --help Prints the help dialog") print("-v, --version Prints version information") print("-l, --list Takes a timeout in seconds and outputs a list of DLNA Media Servers on the network") print("-b, --browse Takes a DLNA url and the id of a DLNA element and outputs its direct children") print("-i, --info Takes a DLNA url and the id of a DLNA element and outputs its metadata") print("-w, --wake Takes a MAC address and attempts to send a wake on lan packet to it") if len(sys.argv) == 2: if sys.argv[1] == "-v" or sys.argv[1] == "--version": print(" Plugin Version 2.0.0") else: help() elif len(sys.argv) == 3: if sys.argv[1] == "-l" or sys.argv[1] == "--list": list(int(sys.argv[2])) elif sys.argv[1] == "-w" or sys.argv[1] == "--wake": wake(sys.argv[2]) else: help() elif len(sys.argv) >= 4: count = 2000 if len(sys.argv) == 5: count = sys.argv[4] if sys.argv[1] == "-b" or sys.argv[1] == "--browse": browse(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], count) elif sys.argv[1] == "-i" or sys.argv[1] == "--info": info(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], count) else: help() else: help()