2023-11-29 21:48:48 -05:00

73 lines
1.2 KiB

set vicmd=vim
set syscalls
set history=50
set sortnumbers
colorscheme Default
set wildmenu
set wildstyle=popup
set ignorecase
set smartcase
set incsearch
set slowfs=curlftpfs
nnoremap s :shell<cr>
fileview */ tree %c -L 3 -I .git -I *.o
filextype *.pdf
\ {Open in zathura}
\ zathura %f &,
filextype *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, *.tiff, *.gif, <image/*>
\ {Open with feh}
\ feh %f &,
filextype *.mp4, *.mkv, <video/*>
\ {Open with mpv}
\ mpv %f &,
filextype *.mp3, *.flac, <audio/*>
\ {Open with mpv}
\ mpv %f &,
filextype *.torrent
\ {Open with qbittorrent}
\ qbittorrent %f &,
filetype *.wiki
\ {Open with vim}
\ vim %f
filetype *.tex, *.latex, *.ms, Makefile
\ {Open with vim}
\ vim %f
filetype * xdg-open
fileviewer *.pdf
\ vifmimg pdf %px %py %pw %ph %c
\ %pc
\ vifmimg clear
fileviewer <video/*>
\ vifmimg video %px %py %pw %ph %c
\ %pc
\ vifmimg clear
fileviewer <image/*>
\ vifmimg draw %px %py %pw %ph %c
\ %pc
\ vifmimg clear
fileviewer <audio/*>
\ vifmimg audio %px %py %pw %ph %c
\ %pc
\ vifmimg clear
fileviewer <font/*>
\ vifmimg font %px %py %pw %ph %c
\ %pc
\ vifmimg clear