.TH PINENTRY-DMENU 1 "DATE" pinentry-dmenu\-VERSION "pinentry-dmenu Manual" .SH NAME pinentry-dmenu - a pinentry program based on dmenu .SH DESCRIPTION .B pinentry-dmenu is a dmenu- and pinentry-based passphrase dialog called from the .BR gpg-agent (1) daemon. It is not intended to be invoked directly. .SH SYNOPSIS Set the .B pinentry-program in .IR ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf to .B pinentry-dmenu to use the program as the regular dialog for .BR gpg-agent . .PP The configuration is placed in .IR ~/.gnupg/pinentry-dmenu.conf . You can change the path to the config file with the environment variable .IR GNUPGHOME . .SH OPTIONS .TP .BI "monitor =" " -1" pinentry-dmenu is displayed on the monitor number supplied. Monitor numbers are starting from 0. .TP .BI "center =" " true" pinentry-dmenu appears in the center of the screen. .TP .BI "center_width =" " 1024" Defines the width for the 'center' menu. .TP .BI "bottom =" " false" pinentry-dmenu appears at the bottom of the screen. .TP .BI "embedded =" " false" Embed into window. .TP .BI "line_height =" " 22" Defines menu line of at least 'line_height' pixels tall. .TP .BI "border_width =" " 2" Defines the border width for the menu. .TP .BI "min_password_length =" " 32" The minimal space of the password field. This value has affect to the description field after the password field. .TP .BI "prompt_fg_alpha =" " 255" Defines the prompt foreground alpha value. Values between .IR 0 (transparent) and .IR 255 (opaque) are supported. .TP .BI "prompt_bg_alpha =" " 255" Defines the prompt background alpha value. .TP .BI "normal_fg_alpha =" " 255" Defines the normal foreground alpha value. .TP .BI "normal_bg_alpha =" " 230" Defines the normal background alpha value. .TP .BI "select_fg_alpha =" " 255" Defines the selected foreground alpha value. .TP .BI "select_bg_alpha =" " 255" Defines the selected background alpha value. .TP .BI "desc_fg_alpha =" " 255" Defines the description foreground alpha value. .TP .BI "desc_bg_alpha =" " 230" Defines the description background alpha value. .TP .BI "font =" " DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font:pixelsize=16:antialias=true:autohint=true" Defines the font or font set used. .TP .BI "prompt =" " """" Defines the prompt to be displayed to the left of the input field. .TP .BI "asterisk =" " *" Defines the symbol which is showed for each typed character. .TP .BI "prompt_fg =" " #cccccc" Defines the prompt foreground color. .IR #RGB , .I #RRGGBB and X color names are supported. .TP .BI "prompt_bg =" " #4185d7" Defines the prompt background color. .TP .BI "normal_fg =" " #cccccc" Defines the normal foreground color. .TP .BI "normal_bg =" " #000000" Defines the normal background color. .TP .BI "select_fg =" " #ffffff" Defines the selected foreground color. .TP .BI "select_bg =" " #4185d7" Defines the selected background color. .TP .BI "desc_fg =" " #cccccc" Defines the description foreground color. .TP .BI "desc_bg =" " #000000" Defines the description background color. .SH USAGE pinentry-dmenu is completely controlled by the keyboard. .TP .B Return Confirm input .TP .B Ctrl-Return Confirm input .TP .B Shift\-Return Confirm input .TP .B Escape Cancel input .TP .B C\-c Escape .SS Confirm Mode .TP .B Down Right .TP .B End Right .TP .B Home Left .TP .B Next Right .TP .B Prior Left .TP .B Up Left .TP .B g Cancel input .TP .B G Cancel input .TP .B h Left .TP .B j Left .TP .B k Right .TP .B l Right .TP .B n Confirm with no .TP .B N Confirm with no .TP .B y Confirm with yes .TP .B Y Confirm with yes .SS Pin Mode .TP .B End Move cursor to the line end .TP .B Home Move cursor to the line begin .TP .B C\-a Home .TP .B C\-b Left .TP .B C\-d Delete .TP .B C\-e End .TP .B C\-f Right .TP .B C\-g Escape .TP .B C\-h Backspace .TP .B C\-k Delete line right .TP .B C\-u Delete line left .TP .B C\-v Paste from primary X selection .SH EXAMPLES .sp .if n \{ .RS 4 .\} .nf monitor = -1; center = true; center_width = 1024; bottom = false; embedded = false; line_height = 22; border_width = 2; min_password_length = 32; prompt_fg_alpha = 255; prompt_bg_alpha = 255; normal_fg_alpha = 255; normal_bg_alpha = 230; select_fg_alpha = 255; select_bg_alpha = 255; desc_fg_alpha = 255; desc_bg_alpha = 230; font = "DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font:pixelsize=16:antialias=true:autohint=true"; prompt = ""; asterisk = "*"; prompt_fg = "#cccccc"; prompt_bg = "#4185d7"; normal_fg = "#cccccc"; normal_bg = "#000000"; select_fg = "#ffffff"; select_bg = "#4185d7"; desc_fg = "#cccccc"; desc_bg = "#000000"; .SH AUTHORS .B pinentry-dmenu is a fork of .B dmenu and uses the api of .B pinentry , a GnuPG tool. .PD 0 .P .PD .B pinentry-dmenu was written by mrdotx .RI < klassiker@gmx.de > .SH REPORTING BUGS Report pinentry-dmenu bugs to .SH SEE ALSO .BR dmenu (1), .BR dwm (1), .BR gpg-agent (1)