= 2m = The 2 meter band lies between 144Mhz and 148Mhz. It is part of VHF and used for local communications. | Freq | Offset | CT | Notes | | 146.52 | | | National CQ Freq | | | | | | == Simplex freq == | Freq | Notes | | 146.52 | National CQ Freq (FM) | | 146.4 | simplex | | 146.415 | simplex | | 146.43 | simplex | | 146.445 | simplex | | 146.460 | simplex | | 146.475 | simplex | | 146.490 | simplex | | 146.505 | simplex | | 146.535 | simplex | | 146.550 | simpelx | | 146.565 | simplex | | 146.580 | simplex | | 146.595 | simplex |