= Crow = Crow is a fast, [[flask]]-like C++ microframework == Apps == Crow provides a `crow::App` type that comes in two flavors * `crow::SimpleApp` * no middle ware * `crow::App` * uses m1, m2, etc. middleware Some other usefule interfaces * `bindaddr(` * takes an IP addr to bind to * `.port(443)` * takes an int port to listen on * `.multithreaded()` * enable multithreaded request handling * `.run()` * Run the app * Run is blocking, use `run_async` for non blocking == Routes == Routes assign URLs to function calls. To assign a route, use the macro `CROW_ROUTE(app, url)` where, * `app` is the app class to assign the route to * `url` is the relative path is assigned to the route * paths can take paramaters * `/hello/` * paramaters can be * `int` * `uint` * `double` * `string` * `path` HTTP methods can also be changed on routes via the `.method()` call, appended to the `CROW_ROUTE` macro. HTTP methods include * `crow::HTTPMethod::GET` * `crow::HTTPMethod::PATCH` * `crow::HTTPMethod::POST` === Catchall route === By default, crow will return a 404 page for not defined routes. However the special `CROW_CATCHALL_ROUTE(app)` macro can be used the same as other routes, however the catchall route will be used to catch all undefined routes == JSON == Crow has built in JSON support. Json values are broken into a read and write object, `rvalue` and `wvalue`. They can take * bool * Number * double * int * unsigned int * std::string * std::vector (LIST) * Object (`crow::json::wvalue` or `crow::json::rvalue`) `rvalue` is used for taking a JSON string and parsing it into `crow::json`. You can only READ from a `rvalue`. To write to one, convert to `wvalue`. This is done via `crow::json::wvalue wval(rval);`, where `rval` is the `rvalue` you want to convert. Assign values to a `crow::json` value via the index operator. You can return a `wvalue` in a route handler, and the type is automatically casted and the header Content-Type header is automatically set to `application/json`. == Mustache == See [[Mustache]] An HTML page template with mustache tags is loaded into a `crow::mustache::template_t`. The file needs to be in a templates directory. These templates are read at runtime, and therefore need to be available to the binary. A global templates directory can be set via `crow::mustache::set_global_base("new_template_dir")`. == Query Strings == A query string is part of a URL that has a `?` char at the end, with the same format as a POST request. In a handler you will have access to a `crow::request::url_params`. It supports * `get(name)` * get `name` and return value as a `char*` * if not found return `nullptr` * `get_list(name)` * return a `std::vector` of values if key in query string is of format `key[]=val1&key[]=val2` * `get_dict(name)` * return a `std::unordered_map` of values for dict style query string All of the above `get_*` operation has a `pop_*` counterpart that modifies the object. Note that the provided `crow::request::url_params` object is `const` by default, and therefore you will not be able to call `pop_*` on it unless a copy is made. == Compression == Compression is disabled by default. To enable it be sure to include `-DCROW_ENABLE_COMPRESSION` in your compilation calls. Then call `use_compression(crow::compression::algorithm)` on your `crow::App` or `crow::SimpleApp` object. Also be sure to include ZLIB as a dependency. The compression algorithms provided include `crow::compression::algorithm::DEFLATE` and `crow::compression:algorithm::GZIP`.