= Periodic Table = Way we organize the elements == Entries == * Element Symbol - one or two letters * Atomic number - number of protons * Atomic mass - Average of all occuring sums of nutrons + protons == Organization == * Columns in table called groups/families - 18 total * Rows called periods - 7 total === Groups === * Alkali metals - Group 1 - +1 charge - Lithium - Sodium - Potasium - etc. * Alkali earth metals - Group 2 - +2 charge - Berillium - magneisum - calcium * Boron family - Group 13 - +3 charge - Boron - Aluminum - Galium * Carbon family - Group 14 - Carbon - Silicon * Nitrogen family - Group 15 - Charge -3 - Nitrogen - Phospherous - Arsenic * Chalcogens - Group 16 - -2 charge - Oxgyen - Sulfer * Halogens - Group 17 - -1 charge - Florine - Chlorine * Noble Gases - Group 18 - Helium * Transition Elements - Center groups 3-12 * Inner transition - Lower section of elements [[index]]