= C# = Purely object oriented language that relies on a JIT. Primary library is .NET C# is both portable and fast, and coupled with the .NET framework. == Types == * string * is an object, not a primative data type * char * single 16bit unicode char * byte * 8 bit unsigned int * short * 16 bit signed int * int * 32 bit signed int * long * 64 bit signed int * float (2.5F) * 32bit floating point * double (3.5) * 64bit double floating point * decimal (4.5M) * 128bit precise decimal * bool * 1 bit true false == Modifiers == * const * not modifiable at runtime == casting == casting works the same way as C/C++ * (int)3.14 Or call convert * Convert.ToInt32("50"); * Convert.ToDouble("50.0"); == strings == * indexing starts at zero * mystring.length * mystring[0] * haystack.IndexOf("Needle") * haystack.IndexOf("N") * haystack.Substring(2) * haystack.Substring(1,3) == operators == * normal + - * / * Order of operations is preserved * Modulous is % * Operations on ints give ints * += -= *= /= all work * ++ and -- work * Math.Pow(base, power) * Math.Sqrt(144) = 12 * Math.Round(2.7) = 3 == ArrayList == * in System.Collections {{{ ArrayList friends = new ArrayList(); friends.Add("Bob"); friends.Add("Mike"); }}} == Exceptions == {{{ try { int division = 10 / Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } catch(DivideByZeroException e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } catch(Exception e){ Console.WriteLine($"Unkown Error: {e}"); } }}} {{{ throw new DivideByZeroException("Cant add that... My Custom error is here"); }}} == Constructors == Called at creation of class, same as C/C++ constructors. this.xyz is also valid. == Abstraction == declare a class as `abstract`. To override a class add the modifier `override`. == [[interface]] == An interface is a fully abstract class that can be inherited by other classes. It provides some set functions to be implimented by the child class. {{{ public interface Animal{ void Speak(); } public class Dog : Animal { public void Speak(){ Console.WriteLine("Woof Woof"); } } public class Cat : Animal { public void Speak(){ Console.WriteLine("Meow"); } } }}} See [[interface]] == Examples == === Hello World === {{{ class Application { public static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello world!"); } } }}} == ASP.NET == See [[asp.net.wiki]] [[index]]