= Primes = A Prime is a natural number that is only divisible by one and itself. == Prime factorization == Everynumber is either a Prime or a product of several primes together. This is called prime factorization. == Euclid's Proof == Euclid Prooved that that are infinitely many primes in existance. The proof is as follows 1) Let p,,1,, , p,,2,, , p,,3,, , etc be an infinite list of primes 2) Let P be the product of all of those primes, and q be P + 1 3) If q is a prime then there is at least one more prime that is not in the list, namely, q 4) If q is not prime, then some prime factor p divides into q. If this factor p were in the list, then it would divide P; However p also divided P+1=q. If p divides P and also q, then p must also divide the difference of the two numbers, which is (P+1)-P, or 1. Since no prime divides 1, p cannot be on the list. This means at least one more prime exists beyond those in the list