= Python docx = Python docx is a library for generating a .docx file with python code == Setup == {{{ from docx import Document from docx.shared import Inches }}} == Metadata == There is document metadata, stored in `Document.core_properties`. Edit these values to change metadata. == Functions == === Add headings === `add_heading(text, level)`, where text is the text to add, and level is the size, 0-9, where 0 is the largest. === Add paragraphs === `add_paragraph(text, style)` where text is the text to add, and style is the style to apply. Note that `\n`, `\r`, etc work in the text field. === Page break === `add_page_break()` adds a page break. == Style == === Lists === There are two built in lists, `List Number` and `List Bullet`. `List Number` incremements each time it is added to a paragraph and creats a numbered list. Same applied to `List Bullet`. == Tables == Tables are added via the `add_table(rows, cols, style)` function of the `Document` class.