= Pascals Triangle = == Construction == Pascals triangle is constructed via staggering numbers in rows, and making each entry equal to the sum of the two entries above it. For some entry `(i,j)` where `i` is the row and `j` is the column, the value can be calculated via `f(i,j) = f(i-1, j-1) + f(i-1,j)` == Patterns == * The sum of elements in a row is twice the sum of the row proceeding it. Or in other words, the sum of the elements in row `n` is `2^n`. * The sum of the square of the elements of row `n` is equal to the middle element of row `2n` * For some row `n` where `n` is prime, all terms in that row except for the 1s are multiples of `n` * To count odd terms in a row `n`, convert `n` to binary. Let `x` be the number of 1s in the binary value (popcnt) Then the number of odd terms will be `2^x` These values are known as [[goulds_sequence]] * Every entry in row `2^(n-1) for n>=0` is odd. * Diagonals along left and right edges contain only 1s * Diagonals next to the edge of the diagonals count upward * Next diagonal inward contains the [[triagnular_numbers]]