= Pinephone = The pinephone is a cheap generic linux phone. == Gentoo == === Cross compiler === First, we will be compiling on a host gentoo system. To do this, first install crossdev and the needed toolchain (See [[cross_toolchain]]) {{{ emerge -av git ninja crossdev crossdev --target arm-none-eabi }}} === GPU Support === The pinephone pro uses a Mali T860 quadcore CPU, and therefore is run using the lima drivers. In the phones make.conf, be sure to add {{{ #/etc/portage/make.conf (chroot in phone) VIDEO_CARDS="lima" }}} In your global use, be sure to add {{{ #/etc/portage/make.conf (chroot in phone) USE="gles gles2-only" }}} This ensures that we will only compile programs using OpenGL ES, or OpenGL for embedded systems.