= Schneiderman's 8 golden rules = * Consistency * Make the UI consistent * Same icons, same arrangement * same layout across suite of applications * shortcuts * great for power users * Make them consistent * informative feedback * give feedback to user about action being/about to be performed * folders are highlighted when clicked * dialogue * something to get attention of user * provide simple options to resolve issue * error handling * gracefully deal with errors * keep the user still engaged * Permit reversal of actions * IE ctrl z * Support internal locus control * double check that the user wants to perform dangerous actions * reduce short term memory load * Make common actions easily accessible * Don Norman * author of the design of everyday things * devised two gulfs * execution * evaluation * questions to ask * What to accomplish? * What are alternatives * what can i do? * How do i do it? * What happened * what does it mean? * Is it okay? * Principles * discoverable * easy to determine possible actions * feedback * give full and continuous feedback about results * conceptual * design projects all the info to create a good model of the system * lend itself to understanding and control * affordance * proper affordances with desired possible actions * signifiers * make feedback well communicated and intelligible * mappings * relationship between controls and actions * constraints * providing constraints to not allow user to do certain things * ask user before dangerous actions