= Malware = == Types == === Advanced Persistent Threat === Cybercrime directed at a business and political targets, using variety of intrusion techs and malware, applied persistently Often state sponsored. === Adware === Advertising that is integrated into software. Makes popup ads or redirection of a browser to commercial site === Attack kit === Set of tools for generating new malware automatically using a variety of supplied propagation and payload mechanisms (metasploit) === Auto-rooter === Malicous tools to break into new machines remotely === Backdoor (trapdoor) === Any mechanism that bypasses a normal security check; it may allow unauthorized access to functionality in a program, or onto a compromised system. === Downloaders === Code that installs other items on a machine that is under attack. Included in malware code first inserted onto a compromised system to import a larger malware system. === Drive by download === Attack using code on a comprisimised website that exploits a browser vulnerability to attack a client system when the site is viewed. === Exploits === Code sepcific to a single vulnerability === Flooders === Generate a large volume of data to attack a networked computer system, carrying out some DOS attack === Keyloggers === Capture keystrokes on a compromised system === Logic Bomb === Code inserted into malware by intruder. Lies dormant until a condition is met, then code triggers some payload. === Macro virus === Virus using macro scripting code, typically embedded in a document or document template, and triggered when the document is viewed/edited, to run and replicate into other documents. === Mobile code === Software that can be shipped unchanged to a htereogenous colelctions of platforms and execute with identical semantics. === Rootkit === Tools used after a system has been compromised to gain root level access === Spyware === Software that monitors keystrokes, screen data, and/or network traffic, or scans files for sensitive information, and sends it back to some Controler server. === Trojan horse === Appears to have useful function, but has hidden and malicous purpose and evades security machanisms, sometimes by exploiting legit authorizations of system entity that invoked it === Virus === Malware that when executed, attempts to replicate itself and propigate itself. === Worm === Malware that can run independently and can propagate a complete working version of itself onto other hosts on a network, by exploiting software vulns in the target system, or using capture credentials