= Cia Do and Donts = This is the CIA list of dos and donts. == General == * DO obfuscate and encrypt strings; Deobfuscate in memory when needed * DO wipe deobfuscated strings once done * DONT decrypt string data upon execution * DO remove encryption keys, shellcode, etc from memory * DO utilize deployment time unique key for deobfuscation of data * DONOT rely on OS to cleanup strings for you * DO strip all debug symbols, build paths, dev usernames, etc from binary * DO strip all debug output from final build of tool * DONOT import/call functions that are not consistent with tools cover usage * DONOT export sensitive functions names, use benign cover names * DONOT generate crashdumps or signs of error when crashing * DO attempt to crash a program during a unit test * DONOT perform operations that will make a computer hang * DO make all effort to minimize binary size without the use of compression Less than 150kb is ideal for a full tool * DO provide a means to uninstall tools and all artifacts * DO document all artifacts of program and how to undo it * DONOT leave dates and times like compile timestamps, access times, etc that relate to your time zone * DONOT leave data in the binary that indactes you * DONOT leave data that has "dirty words" (hacker terms) in binary == Network == * DO use E2EE for network comms * NEVER use network protocols that break E2E principle with respect to encrypted payloads * DONOT rely soley on SSL/TLS to secure data in transit * DONOT allow network traffic to be replayable * DO use ITEF RFC compliant network protocols as a blending layer. The actual data should be tunneled through a well known, standard protocol like HTTPS * DONOT break compilance of an RFC protocol being used as a blending layer * DO use variable size and timing jitter of packets, beacons, and communications * DONOT send data with fixed size and timing * DO properly clean up network connections == Disk I/O == * DO document disk forensic footprint that could created by tool * DONOT read, write, or cache data to disk for no reason * DONOT write plain text collected data to the disk