= GnuRadio = GNU Radio is a program allowing for radio signals to be processed by creating drag and drop flow charts. == Install == === Gentoo Install === NOTE gentoo install is somewhat broken. Here is how to reproduce my setup 1) sudo emerge net-wireless/gnuradio-9999 - This will give errors most likely. Change the accpect keyword to allow this to install the cutting edge version 2) sudo emerge dev-qt/qtopengl - This is to be run after the above command fails (if it does fail) 3) sudo emerge net-wireless/gnuradio-9999 === Arch install === On arch it is in the default repos and is realtivly easy to install. Be sure to install (by hand) 1) pip install pycairo 2) pip install python-gobject After you install those it should work fine == FM radio == To recieve data from a radio you must use a osmocom source to get the info from the reciever into the flow chart