= FFmpeg = Command line tool for working with video. Also a library This is just a collection of common tasks == Rencode as another video == {{{ ffmpeg -i in.mkv out.mp4 }}} == Export clip from video == This will grab a clip starting at 30s that lasts for 10s All timestamps must be of format HH:MM:SS.xxx {{{ ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -ss 00:00:30.0 -c copy -t 00:00:10.0 out.mp4 }}} == Library == The C library for ffmpeg has poor documentation. It is also known as *libav* Movie files consist of several components in the FFMPEG model. - Container - The file itself - MKV, AVI, etc - Streams - Several streams in a container - IE audio stream, video stream, subtitle stream, etc - Frames - Elements or samples of a stream - Codec - Define how data is encoded and decoded - MP3, DivX, x264, etc - Packets - Bits of data in a stream that are decoded into raw frames [[index]]