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= AI =
AI or artifical intelligence is the art of making intelligent machines.
== Goals ==
* Expert systems
* exhibit itlligent behaviours in one field, (IE chess AIs beat humans)
* Human intelligence
* behave, think, and learn like humans
== Types ==
* AI
* Machines which mimic human behaviour
* not even close as of currently
* [[machine_learning]]
* Allow machines to find statistical relationships in data to mimic patterns
* Deep learning
* Subset of Machine Learning, makes multilayer neural networks feasible
== Agents ==
An agent is anything that perceives its enviroment thorugh some sensors and
acts upon the enviroment throught some actuators.
Some types of agents
* Simple reflex
* Model-based reflex agent
* Goal based agents
* utility agesnts
* learning agents
Example, taxi driver,
* Precepts
* Cameras, GPS, microphone, etc
* Action
* Steet, accelerate, break, etc
* Goal
* safe, fast legal comfortable trip, maxmize profit
* Enviroment
* Roads, traffic, pedestrians, customers