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= Maven =
Maven uses a Project object model to manage a software project. It manages
* reporting
* documentation
* building
Maven can
* build multiple projects together
* can manage:
* builds
* documentation
* reporting
* dependencies
* SCMs
* Releases
* distribution
* mailing lists
*All maven project structure is in an xml file called pom.xml*
For a quickstart, go to [[#Creating a project]]
Maven uses sensible defaults, requiring minimal configuration on the part of
the developer. Some defaults are below
| Item | Default |
| source | /src/main/java |
| resources | /src/main/resources |
| tests | /src/test |
| compiled byte code (.o) | /target |
| jar | /target/classes |
== pom.xml ==
This is the configuration file for maven, it lives in the base directory of the
project as pom.xml. There is a single POM file for each project
A POM requires a
* groupId
* artifactId
* version
With this notation, all projects are notated as
Example POM
<project xmlns = ""
xmlns:xsi = ""
xsi:schemaLocation = "">
=== Super POM ===
All POM files inheret from the Super POM, this file is the default
configuration of all projects.
To view the current configuration, run `mvn help:effective-pom`
== Creating a project ==
Maven uses archetype plugins to create projects. These are essentially
To create a simple java application, run the following command
mvn archetype:generate \
-DgroudId = \
-DartifactId = ProjectName \
-DarchetypeArtifactId = maven-archetype-quickstart \
-DinteractiveMode = false
This command specifies,
* the group
* the project
* the type of template to use (quickstarrt)
* to not be interactive
== Build lifecycle ==
The general lifecycle, or sequence of phases that maven takes are as follows
| phase | handles |
| prepare-resources | resource copying |
| validate | validate if all resources present |
| compile | compilation |
| test | testing with a framework |
| package | packaging (into jar) |
| install | installing in local repo |
| deploy | copy final package to remote repo |
== Plugins ==
All functionality in maven is in frameworks, making it modular. Maven built in
plugins due most basic operations including
* creating jar files
* create war file
* compile code files
* unit testing
* create documenation
* create reports
Some built in plugins include,
| name | job |
| clean | clean up target |
| compiler | compile java source |
| surefire | run JUnit tests |
| jar | build JAR file |
| war | build WAR file |
| javadoc | create javadoc |
| antrun | run ant tasks from any phase |
=== Site ===
Site is a plugin to create documentation to create reports, deploy site, etc
== Build profiles ==
Build profiles can be specified with the `-P` flag when `mvn` is called.
Profiles can be configured with the `<profiles>` tag. A more thurough example
is below
<copy file="src/main/resources/"
Note that at the `<tasks>` tag, you can specify what happens when that profile
is selected. In this instance, it copies a properties files to the correct
directory. The name of the profile that is passed on the command line is
configured with the `<id>` tag.
Activation elements can be added to build profiles with the `<activation>` tag.
This tag can take arguments or paramaters to check against in the enviroment it
is running, to automatically determine what profile to activate. Below are some
Via enviroment var
Via OS (the example tirrgers on Windows XP)
<name>Windows XP</name>
Via present/missing files (the example checks the path in the `<missing>` tag)
== Repositories ==
A repository in maven terminology is a directory where project jars, library
jars, plugins, etc are stored and used by maven. There are three types
* local
* central
* remote
=== Local ===
A local maven repo is created first time you run maven on your machine. When
`mvn build` is run for the first time, it downloads all dependency jars
=== Central ===
The central repo is one provided by the maven community, it contains common
libraries. When a dependency is not found in the local repo, it automatically
searches the central repo.
In general key concepts,
* managed by maven community
* not required to be configured
* must have internet
=== Remote ===
A remote repo is only searched when specified via the `<repositories>` tag in
the pom.xml file. It specifies a url for maven to search on. These repos are
usually internal repos maintained by companies internally.