1. Download and install [Homebrew](https://brew.sh).
2. Run `brew install boost` in your terminal.
3. Create a new XCode project (macOS -> Command Line Tool).
4. Change the following project settings:
=== "Multiple Headers"
1. Add header search paths for crow's include folder and boost's folder (`/usr/local/include`, `/usr/local/Cellar/boost/include`, and where you placed Crow's `include` folder)
2. Add linker flags (`-lpthread` and `-lboost_system` if you're running an old version of boost)
You'll need to install GCC via `brew install gcc`. the Clang compiler should be part of Xcode or Xcode command line tools.
You can use arguments like `-DCROW_ENABLE_DEBUG`, `-DCROW_ENABLE_COMPRESSION -lz` for HTTP Compression, or `-DCROW_ENABLE_SSL -lssl` for HTTPS support, or even replace g++ with clang++.
If you're using a version of boost prior to 1.69, you'll need to add the argument `-lboost_system` in order for you Crow application to compile correctly.