2022-06-23 13:19:47 +03:00

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Crow contains some middlewares that are ready to be used in your application.
Make sure you understand how to enable and use middleware.


Include: crow/middlewares/session.h
Examples: examples/middlewares/session.cpp

This middleware can be used for managing sessions - small packets of data associated with a single client that persist across multiple requests. Sessions shouldn't store anything permanent, but only context that is required to easily work with the current client (is the user authenticated, what page did he visit last, etc.).


Session data can be stored in multiple ways:

  • crow::InMemoryStore - stores all data in memory
  • crow::FileStore - stores all all data in json files
  • A custom store

Always list the CookieParser before the Session

using Session = crow::SessionMiddleware<crow::InMemoryStore>;
crow::App<crow::CookieParser, Session> app {Session{

Session ids are stored in cookies and are signed with a secret key. After the key changes, all cookies are invalidated. Check the example for more details about expiration management and customization.


A session is basically a key-value map with support for multiple types: strings, integers, booleans and doubles.

auto& session = app.get_context<Session>(request);

session.get("key", "not-found"); // get string by key and return "not-found" if not found
session.get("int", -1);
session.get<bool>("flag"); // returns default value(false) if not found

session.set("key", "new value");
session.string("any-type"); // return any type as string representation
session.keys(); // return list of keys

Session objects are shared between concurrent requests, this means we can perform atomic operations and even lock the object.

session.apply("views", [](int v){return v + 1;}); // this operation is always atomic, no way to get a data race
session.mutex().lock(); // manually lock session

The session is created as soon as it is written to, but we can check whether it already exists. We can also request a specific id for the session when it is created. This is only useful for custom stores that will support equal ids on multiple clients. Because the cookie is signed, any id is secure.

if (!session.exists()) {


Expiration can happen either by the cookie expiring or the store deleting "old" data.

  • By default, cookies expire after 30 days. This can be changed with the cookie option in the Session constructor.
  • crow::FileStore automatically supports deleting files that are expired (older than 30 days). The expiration age can also be changed in the constructor.

The session expiration can be postponed. This will make the Session issue a new cookie and make the store acknowledge the new expiration time.



Include: crow/middlewares/cookie_parser.h
Examples: examples/middlewares/example_cookies.cpp

This middleware allows to read and write cookies by using CookieParser. Once enabled, it parses all incoming cookies.

Cookies can be read and written with the middleware context. All cookie attributes can be changed as well.

auto& ctx = app.get_context<crow::CookieParser>(request);
std::string value = ctx.get_cookie("key");
ctx.set_cookie("key", "value")

!!! note

Make sure `CookieParser` is listed before any other middleware that relies on it.


Include: crow/middlewares/cors.h
Examples: examples/middlewares/example_cors.cpp

This middleware allows to set CORS policies by using CORSHandler. Once enabled, it will apply the default CORS rules globally.

The CORS rules can be modified by first getting the middleware via #!cpp auto& cors = app.get_middleware<crow::CORSHandler>();. The rules can be set per URL prefix using prefix(), per blueprint using blueprint(), or globally via global(). These will return a CORSRules object which contains the actual rules for the prefix, blueprint, or application. For more details go here.

CORSRules can be modified using the methods origin(), methods(), headers(), max_age(), allow_credentials(), or ignore(). For more details on these methods and what default values they take go here.

auto& cors = app.get_middleware<crow::CORSHandler>();
    .headers("X-Custom-Header", "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests")
    .methods("POST"_method, "GET"_method)