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This docker image provides a Minecraft Server that will automatically download the latest stable, latest snapshot, or any specific server version.
To simply use the latest stable version, run
docker run -d -p 25565:25565 minecraft-server
where the default server port, 25565, will be exposed on your host machine.
In order to persist the Minecraft data, which you probably want to do for a real server setup, use the -v
argument to map a local path to the `/data' path in the container, such as
docker run -d -v /path/on/host:/data -p 25565:25565 minecraft-server
To use a different Minecraft version, pass the VERSION
environment variable, which can have the value
(or a specific version, such as "1.7.9")
docker run -d -e VERSION=SNAPSHOT -p 25565:25565 minecraft-server
docker run -d -e VERSION=1.7.9 -p 25565:25565 minecraft-server
The message of the day, shown below each server entry in the UI, can be changed with the MOTD
environment variable, such as
docker run -d -e 'MOTD=My Server' -p 25565:25565 minecraft-server