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## Running with a custom server JAR
If you would like to run a custom server JAR, set `-e TYPE=CUSTOM` and pass the custom server
JAR via `CUSTOM_SERVER`. It can either be a URL or a container path to an existing JAR file.
If it is a URL, it will only be downloaded into the `/data` directory if it wasn't already. As
such, if you need to upgrade or re-download the JAR, then you will need to stop the container,
remove the file from the container's `/data` directory, and start again.
## Force re-download of the server file
`$FORCE_REDOWNLOAD` to some value (e.g. 'true) to force a re-download of the server file for
the particular server type. by adding a `-e FORCE_REDOWNLOAD=true` to your command-line.
For example, with PaperSpigot, it would look something like this:
docker run -d -v /path/on/host:/data \
-p 25565:25565 -e EULA=TRUE --name mc itzg/minecraft-server
## Running as alternate user/group ID
By default, the container will switch to user ID 1000 and group ID 1000;
however, you can override those values by setting `UID` and/or `GID` as environmental entries, during the `docker run` command.
-e UID=1234
-e GID=1234
The container will also skip user switching if the `--user`/`-u` argument
is passed to `docker run`.
## Extra Arguments
Arguments that would usually be passed to the jar file (those which are written after the filename) can be passed via the `EXTRA_ARGS` environment variable.
See [Custom worlds directory path](../misc/world-data.md#custom-worlds-directory-path) for an example.
## Interactive and Color Console
If you would like to `docker attach` to the Minecraft server console with color and interactive capabilities, then add
> **NOTES**
> This feature doesn't work via rcon, so you will need to `docker attach` to the container. Use the sequence Ctrl-P, Ctrl-Q to detach.
> This will bypass graceful server shutdown handling when using `docker stop`, so be sure the server console's `stop` command.
> Make to enable stdin and tty with `-it` when using `docker run` or `stdin_open: true` and `tty: true` when using docker compose.
> This feature is incompatible with Autopause and cannot be set when `ENABLE_AUTOPAUSE=true`.
## Server Shutdown Options
To allow time for players to finish what they're doing during a graceful server shutdown, set `STOP_SERVER_ANNOUNCE_DELAY` to a number of seconds to delay after an announcement is posted by the server.
!!! warning
Be sure to adjust Docker's shutdown timeout accordingly, such as using [the -t option on docker-compose down](https://docs.docker.com/compose/reference/down/) or set the [stop_grace_period](https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/05-services/#stop_grace_period) in the compose file.
## OpenJ9 Specific Options
The openj9 image tags include specific variables to simplify configuration:
- `-e TUNE_VIRTUALIZED=TRUE` : enables the option to
[optimize for virtualized environments](https://www.eclipse.org/openj9/docs/xtunevirtualized/)
- `-e TUNE_NURSERY_SIZES=TRUE` : configures nursery sizes where the initial size is 50%
of the `MAX_MEMORY` and the max size is 80%.
## Enabling rolling logs
By default the vanilla log file will grow without limit. The logger can be reconfigured to use a rolling log files strategy by using:
> **NOTE** this will interfere with interactive/color consoles [as described in the section above](#interactive-and-color-console)
## Timezone Configuration
You can configure the timezone to match yours by setting the `TZ` environment variable:
-e TZ=Europe/London
such as:
docker run -d -it -e TZ=Europe/London -p 25565:25565 --name mc itzg/minecraft-server
Or mounting `/etc/timezone` as readonly (not supported on Windows):
-v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
such as:
docker run -d -it -v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro -p 25565:25565 --name mc itzg/minecraft-server
## HTTP Proxy
You may configure the use of an HTTP/HTTPS proxy by passing the proxy's URL via the `PROXY`
environment variable. In [the example compose file](https://github.com/itzg/docker-minecraft-server/blob/master/examples/docker-compose-proxied.yml) it references
a companion squid proxy by setting the equivalent of
-e PROXY=proxy:3128
## Using "noconsole" option
Some older versions (pre-1.14) of Spigot required `--noconsole` to be passed when detaching stdin, which can be done by setting `-e CONSOLE=FALSE`.
## Explicitly disable GUI
Some older servers get confused and think that the GUI interface is enabled. You can explicitly
disable that by passing `-e GUI=FALSE`.
## Stop Duration
When the container is signalled to stop, the Minecraft process wrapper will attempt to send a "stop" command via RCON or console and waits for the process to gracefully finish. By default it waits 60 seconds, but that duration can be configured by setting the environment variable `STOP_DURATION` to the number of seconds.
## Setup only
If you are using a host-attached data directory, then you can have the image setup the Minecraft server files and stop prior to launching the server process by setting `SETUP_ONLY` to `true`.
## Enable Flare Flags
To enable the JVM flags required to fully support the [Flare profiling suite](https://blog.airplane.gg/flare), set the following variable:
Flare is built-in to Pufferfish/Purpur, and is available in [plugin form](https://github.com/TECHNOVE/FlarePlugin) for other server types.
## Enable support for optimized SIMD operations
To enable support for optimized SIMD operations, the JVM flag can be set with the following variable:
SIMD optimized operations are supported by Pufferfish and Purpur.
## Enable timestamps in init logs
Before the container starts the Minecraft Server its output is prefixed with `[init]`, such as
[init] Starting the Minecraft server...
To also include the timestamp with each log, set `LOG_TIMESTAMP` to "true". The log output will then look like:
[init] 2022-02-05 16:58:33+00:00 Starting the Minecraft server...