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Optional plugins, mods, and config attach points

There are optional volume paths that can be attached to supply content to be copied into the data area:

contents are synchronized into /data/plugins for Bukkit related server types. The source can be changed by setting COPY_PLUGINS_SRC. The destination can be changed by setting COPY_PLUGINS_DEST. Set SYNC_SKIP_NEWER_IN_DESTINATION=false if you want files from /plugins to take precedence over newer files in /data/plugins.
contents are synchronized into /data/mods for Fabric and Forge related server types. The source can be changed by setting COPY_MODS_SRC. The destination can be changed by setting COPY_MODS_DEST.
contents are synchronized into /data/config by default, but can be changed with COPY_CONFIG_DEST. The source can be changed by setting COPY_CONFIG_SRC. For example, -v ./config:/config -e COPY_CONFIG_DEST=/data will allow you to copy over files like bukkit.yml and so on directly into the server directory. Set SYNC_SKIP_NEWER_IN_DESTINATION=false if you want files from /config to take precedence over newer files in /data/config.

By default, the environment variable processing is performed on synchronized files that match the expected suffixes in REPLACE_ENV_SUFFIXES (by default "yml,yaml,txt,cfg,conf,properties,hjson,json,tml,toml") and are not excluded by REPLACE_ENV_VARIABLES_EXCLUDES and REPLACE_ENV_VARIABLES_EXCLUDE_PATHS. This processing can be disabled by setting REPLACE_ENV_DURING_SYNC to false.

If you want old mods/plugins to be removed before the content is brought over from those attach points, then add -e REMOVE_OLD_MODS=TRUE. You can fine tune the removal process by specifying the REMOVE_OLD_MODS_INCLUDE and REMOVE_OLD_MODS_EXCLUDE variables, which are comma separated lists of file glob patterns. If a directory is excluded, then it and all of its contents are excluded. By default, only jars are removed.

You can also specify the REMOVE_OLD_MODS_DEPTH (default is 16) variable to only delete files up to a certain level.

For example: -e REMOVE_OLD_MODS=TRUE -e REMOVE_OLD_MODS_INCLUDE="*.jar" -e REMOVE_OLD_MODS_DEPTH=1 will remove all old jar files that are directly inside the plugins/ or mods/ directory.

These paths work well if you want to have a common set of modules in a separate location, but still have multiple worlds with different server requirements in either persistent volumes or a downloadable archive.

For more flexibility with mods/plugins preparation, you can declare directories to use in the MODS variable

Auto-downloading SpigotMC/Bukkit/PaperMC plugins with Spiget

The SPIGET_RESOURCES variable can be set with a comma-separated list of SpigotMC resource IDs to automatically download SpigotMC resources/plugins using the spiget API. Resources that are zip files will be expanded into the plugins directory and resources that are simply jar files will be moved there.

NOTE: the variable is purposely spelled SPIGET with an "E"

The resource ID can be located from the numerical part of the URL after the shortname and a dot. For example, the ID is 9089 from

For example, the following will auto-download the EssentialsX and Vault plugins:

-e SPIGET_RESOURCES=9089,34315

Auto-download mods from Modrinth

Modrinth is an open source modding platform with a clean, easy to use website for finding Fabric and Forge mods. At startup, the container will automatically locate and download the newest versions of mod files that correspond to the TYPE and VERSION in use. Older file versions downloaded previously will automatically be cleaned up.

  • MODRINTH_PROJECTS : comma separated list of project slugs (short name) or IDs. The project ID can be located in the "Technical information" section. The slug is the part of the page URL that follows /mod/:
                                +-- project slug
    Also, specific version/type can be declared using colon symbol and version id/type after the project slug. The version id can be found at 'Metadata' section. Valid version types are release, beta, alpha. For instance:
      -e MODRINTH_PROJECTS=fabric-api,fabric-api:PbVeub96,fabric-api:beta
  • MODRINTH_DOWNLOAD_OPTIONAL_DEPENDENCIES=true : required dependencies of the project will always be downloaded and optional dependencies can also be downloaded by setting this to true
  • MODRINTH_ALLOWED_VERSION_TYPE=release : the version type is used to determine the newest version to use from each project. The allowed values are release, beta, alpha.

Downloadable mod/plugin pack for Forge, Fabric, and Bukkit-like Servers

Like the WORLD option above, you can specify the URL or path of a "mod pack" to download and install into mods for Forge/Fabric or plugins for Bukkit/Spigot. To use this option pass the environment variable MODPACK, such as

docker run -d -e MODPACK= ...

NOTE: The referenced URL must be a zip file with one or more jar files at the top level of the zip archive. Make sure the jars are compatible with the particular TYPE of server you are running.

You may also download or copy over individual mods using the MODS environment variable. MODS contains a comma-separated list of

ForgeAPI usage to use non-version specific projects

NOTE: This potentially could lead to unexpected behavior if the Mod receives an update with unexpected behavior.

This is more complicated because you will be pulling/using the latest mod for the release of your game. To get started make sure you have a CursedForge API Key. Then use the environmental parameters in your docker build.

Please be aware of the following when using these options for your mods:

  • Mod Release types: Release, Beta, and Alpha.
  • Mod dependencies: Required and Optional
  • Mod family: Fabric, Forge, and Bukkit.

Parameters to use the ForgeAPI:

  • MODS_FORGEAPI_KEY - Required
  • MODS_FORGEAPI_RELEASES - Default is release, Options: [Release|Beta|Alpha]
  • MODS_FORGEAPI_DOWNLOAD_DEPENDENCIES - Default is False, attempts to download required mods (releaseType Release) defined in Forge.
  • MODS_FORGEAPI_IGNORE_GAMETYPE - Default is False, Allows for filtering mods on family type: FORGE, FABRIC, and BUKKIT. (Does not filter for Vanilla or custom)
  • REMOVE_OLD_FORGEAPI_MODS - Default is False

Example of expected forge api project ids, releases, and key:


Example of expected ForgeAPI file format.

Field Description:

  • name is currently unused, but can be used to document each entry.
  • projectId id is the id found on the CurseForge website for a particular mod
  • releaseType Type corresponds to forge's R, B, A icon for each file. Default Release, options are (release|beta|alpha).
  • fileName is used for version pinning if latest file will not work for you.
      "name": "fabric api",
      "projectId": "306612",
      "releaseType": "release"
      "name": "fabric voice mod",
      "projectId": "416089",
      "releaseType": "beta"
      "name": "Biomes o plenty",
      "projectId": "220318",
      "fileName": "BiomesOPlenty-1.18.1-",
      "releaseType": "release"

Generic pack files

To install all the server content (jars, mods, plugins, configs, etc.) from a zip or tgz file, then set GENERIC_PACK to the container path or URL of the archive file. This can also be used to apply a CurseForge modpack that is missing a server start script and/or Forge installer.

If multiple generic packs need to be applied together, set GENERIC_PACKS instead, with a comma separated list of archive file paths and/or URLs to files.

To avoid repetition, each entry will be prefixed by the value of GENERIC_PACKS_PREFIX and suffixed by the value of GENERIC_PACKS_SUFFIX, both of which are optional. For example, the following variables


would expand to,

If applying large generic packs, the update can be time-consuming. To skip the update set SKIP_GENERIC_PACK_UPDATE_CHECK to "true". Conversely, the generic pack(s) can be forced to be applied by setting FORCE_GENERIC_PACK_UPDATE to "true".

The most time consuming portion of the generic pack update is generating and comparing the SHA1 checksum. To skip the checksum generation, set SKIP_GENERIC_PACK_CHECKSUM to "true.

Mod/Plugin URL Listing File

As an alternative to MODS, the variable MODS_FILE can be set with the path to a text file listing a mod/plugin URL on each line. For example, the following

 -e MODS_FILE=/extras/mods.txt

would load from a file mounted into the container at /extras/mods.txt. That file might look like:
# This and next line are ignored

!!! note

Blank lines and lines that start with a `#` will be ignored

[This compose file]( shows another example of using this feature.

It is recommended to combine this option with `REMOVE_OLD_MODS=TRUE` to ensure the mods/plugins remain consistent with the file's listing.

Remove old mods/plugins

When the option above is specified (MODPACK) you can also instruct script to delete old mods/plugins prior to installing new ones. This behaviour is desirable in case you want to upgrade mods/plugins from downloaded zip file. To use this option pass the environment variable REMOVE_OLD_MODS=TRUE, such as

docker run -d -e REMOVE_OLD_MODS=TRUE -e MODPACK= ...

!!! danger

All content of the `mods` or `plugins` directory will be deleted

before unpacking new content from the MODPACK or MODS.