3 Installation
Henrique Dias edited this page 2018-12-30 18:06:39 +00:00

There are some different ways you can use to install File Browser on your computer or server. You can choose on the following. After having it installed, take a look at the configuration.

One-step Script

If you're running a Linux distribution, macOS or any other platform where curl or wget commands are available, you can use our special script - made by Kyle Frost - to download the latest version of File Browser and install it on /usr/local/bin.

With curl:

curl -fsSL https://filebrowser.github.io/get.sh | bash

Or using wget:

wget -qO- https://filebrowser.github.io/get.sh | bash

If you're on Windows, you can use PowerShell to install File Browser too. You should run the following command as administrator since it needs permissions to add the executable to the PATH:

iwr -useb https://filebrowser.github.io/get.ps1 | iex


The easiest way to get started is using this with Caddy web server. You just need to download Caddy from its official website with http.filemanager plugin enabled. For more information about the plugin itself, please refer to its documentation.

If you're building Caddy from source, you should import github.com/filebrowser/caddy/filemanager for File Browser, github.com/filebrowser/caddy/hugo for Hugo and github.com/filebrowser/caddy/jekyll for Jekyll.


File Browser is also available on Docker through Docker Hub. To install it, run:

docker pull filebrowser/filebrowser

The paths you need to bind to do your own configuration are:

  • Config: /etc/config.json
  • Database: /etc/database.db
  • Base scope: /srv

By default, the image uses the configuration file (which is also our recommendation). The defaults are:

  "port": 80,
  "address": "",
  "database": "/etc/database.db",
  "scope": "/srv",
  "allowCommands": true,
  "allowEdit": true,
  "allowNew": true,
  "commands": []

Using the configuration file:

docker run \
    -v /path/to/sites/root:/srv \
    -v /path/to/config.json:/config.json \
    -v /path/to/database.db:/database.db \
    -p 80:80 \

Using command line arguments:

docker run \
    -v /path/to/sites/root:/srv \
    -v /path/to/database.db:/database.db \
    -p 80:80 \
    --port 80
    --database /database.db
    --scope /srv
    --other-flag other-value