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2023-05-23 20:44:53 +00:00
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<title>FireflyService III AI Categorizer</title>
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<div class="container">
<h1>Firefly III AI Categorizer</h1>
<div id="mount"></div>
<!-- <article class="job">-->
<!-- <div><strong>Status:</strong> <span>queued</span></div>-->
<!-- <div><strong>Created:</strong>-->
<!-- <time>2023-05-21 15:50:00</time>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- <div><strong>Webhook UUID:</strong> <span>34zrurjd-44df-we4dtfds</span></div>-->
<!-- <div><strong>Destination name:</strong> <span>LIEFERANDO.DE LIEFERSERVI</span></div>-->
<!-- <div><strong>Description:</strong> <span>LIEFERANDO.DE LIEFERSERVI; AMSTERDAM NL; KARTE 8338; 40010075001 16052023; KDN-REF 000000986464</span>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- <div><strong>Prompt:</strong><br>-->
<!-- <pre>Given i want to categorize transactions on my bank account into this categories: Bargeld, Gas, Haushalt, Kino, Lebensmittel, Lieferdienst, ÖPNV, Restaurants, Rundfunkbeitrag, Strom-->
<!--In which category would a transaction from "LIEFERANDO.DE LIEFERSERVI" with the subject "LIEFERANDO.DE LIEFERSERVI; AMSTERDAM NL; KARTE 8338; 40010075001 16052023; KDN-REF 000000986464" fall into?-->
<!--Just output the name of the category. Does not have to be a complete sentence.</pre>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- <div><strong>Open AI's guess:</strong><br>-->
<!-- <pre>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- </article>-->
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return `<article class="job" data-job-id="${}">
<div><strong>ID:</strong> <span>${}</span></div>
<div><strong>Status:</strong> <span>${job.status}</span></div>
<time>${Intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {
dateStyle: 'medium',
timeStyle: 'medium'
}).format(new Date(job.created))}</time>
<div><strong>Destination name:</strong> <span>${ || ''}</span></div>
<div><strong>Description:</strong> <span>${ || ''}</span>
<div><strong>Guessed category:</strong> <span>${ ? : '<em>Not yet classified</em>'}</span>
${ ? `<div><strong>Prompt:</strong><br>
</div>` : ''}
${ ? `<div><strong>Open AI's response:</strong>
</div>` : ''}