2022-05-01 18:13:06 +08:00

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# Sync Ignoring Large Files
Initially, the plugin does not ignore large files.
From the new version in May 2022, it can ignore all files with some sizes. But we need some rules to make the function compatible with existing conditions.
1. If users are using E2E password mode, then the file sizes are compared on the **encrypted sizes**, rather than the original unencripted file sizes. The reasons are: the encrypted ones are in transferations, and the encrypted sizes can be computed from unencrypted sizes but not the reverse.
2. Assuming the file A, is already synced between local device and remote service before.
- If the local size and remote size are both below the threshold, then the file can be synced normally.
- If the local size and remote size are both above the threshold, then the file will be ignored normally.
- If the local size is below the threshold, and the remote size is above the threshold, then the plugin **rejects** the sync, and throws the error to the user.
- If the local size is above the threshold, and the remote size is below the threshold, then the plugin **rejects** the sync, and throws the error to the user.
- When it somes to deletions, the same rules apply.
The main point is that, if the file sizes "cross the line", the plugin does not introduce any further trouble and just reject to work for this file.