
137 lines
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// Tyler Perkins
// 8-23-21
// Board defintions
#pragma once
#include "config.hpp"
#include "util/lru.hpp"
#include <functional>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_image.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_ttf.h>
namespace dashboard {
struct font_and_size {
std::string _font;
size_t _ptsize;
bool operator==(const font_and_size&) const;
bool operator!=(const font_and_size&) const;
bool operator> (const font_and_size&) const;
bool operator< (const font_and_size&) const;
bool operator>=(const font_and_size&) const;
bool operator<=(const font_and_size&) const;
struct string_and_font {
std::string _string;
font_and_size _fs;
bool operator==(const string_and_font&) const;
bool operator!=(const string_and_font&) const;
bool operator> (const string_and_font&) const;
bool operator< (const string_and_font&) const;
bool operator>=(const string_and_font&) const;
bool operator<=(const string_and_font&) const;
struct font_and_size_hash {
std::size_t operator()(const font_and_size&) const;
struct string_and_font_hash {
std::size_t operator()(const string_and_font&) const;
typedef std::string texture_path;
class SDL_Texture_Wrapper {
SDL_Texture_Wrapper(const std::string&, const font_and_size&);
SDL_Texture_Wrapper(const string_and_font&);
SDL_Texture_Wrapper(const texture_path&);
SDL_Texture* texture() const;
SDL_Texture* _texture;
typedef std::string font_path;
class SDL_Font_Wrapper {
SDL_Font_Wrapper(const font_path&, const size_t);
SDL_Font_Wrapper(const font_and_size&);
TTF_Font* font() const;
TTF_Font* _font;
class board {
board(const bool = true);
//sdl setup function
int init();
//start main loop
void start();
inline static SDL_Window* getWindow();
inline static SDL_Renderer* getRenderer();
//memory functions (also globals)
//these are called by other objects to get their memory
inline static SDL_Texture* getString(const std::string&, const font_and_size&);
inline static SDL_Texture* getImage (const std::string&);
inline static TTF_Font* getFont (const font_and_size&);
//setup memory management with
//all const resrouces
void initConstResources();
//setup static memory. These are run in initConstResources()
SDL_Texture* setString(const std::string&, const font_and_size&);
SDL_Texture* setImage (const std::string&);
TTF_Font* setFont (const font_and_size&);
//containers for resources
inline static std::unordered_map<std::string, SDL_Texture_Wrapper> _textures;
inline static std::unordered_map<font_and_size,
SDL_Font_Wrapper, font_and_size_hash> _fonts;
inline static std::unordered_map<string_and_font, SDL_Texture_Wrapper,
string_and_font_hash> _strings;
static clortox::LRUCache<string_and_font,
SDL_Texture_Wrapper, string_and_font_hash> _dynamic_strings;
//TODO: Dynamic images?
//TODO: Dynamic Fonts?
//local pointers to the globals
SDL_Window* _window;
SDL_Renderer* _renderer;