
2.1 KiB

Enable Bukkit/Spigot server mode by adding a -e TYPE=BUKKIT or -e TYPE=SPIGOT to your command-line.

docker run -d -v /path/on/host:/data \
    -e TYPE=SPIGOT \
    -p 25565:25565 -e EULA=TRUE --name mc itzg/minecraft-server

If the downloaded server jar is corrupted, set FORCE_REDOWNLOAD to "true" to force a re-download during next container startup. After successfully re-downloading, you should remove that or set to "false".

If you are hosting your own copy of Bukkit/Spigot you can override the download URLs with:


You can build spigot from source by adding -e BUILD_FROM_SOURCE=true

Plugins can either be managed within the plugins subdirectory of the data directory or you can also attach a /plugins volume. If you add plugins while the container is running, you'll need to restart it to pick those up.

You can also auto-download plugins using SPIGET_RESOURCES.

!!! note

Some of the `VERSION` values are not as intuitive as you would think, so make sure to click into the version entry to find the **exact** version needed for the download. For example, "1.8" is not sufficient since their download naming expects `1.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest` exactly.



Canyon is a fork of CraftBukkit for Minecraft Beta 1.7.3. It includes multiple enhancements whilst also retaining compatibility with old Bukkit plugins and mods as much as possible.


!!! note

Only `VERSION=b1.7.3` is supported. Since that version pre-dates the health check mechanism used by this image, that will need to be disabled by setting `DISABLE_HEALTHCHECK=true`.

By default, the latest build will be used; however, a specific build number can be selected by setting CANYON_BUILD, such as