Update for 03-11-21 15:15

This commit is contained in:
Tyler Perkins 2021-11-03 15:15:01 -04:00
parent 5865a60940
commit 921348243e

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@ -107,8 +107,31 @@ Status Register (SREG 0x5F). Bit 7 is the global interrupt enable flag, and
must have a one (1) written to it in order for interrupts to occour, regardless
of the state of the EIMSK register.
To implement an interrupt in code, see the following C example
//enable the interrupts as explained above
//perform interrupt task
=== Clock ===
The ATMega328P has 3 timers, two 8bit timers and one 16bit timer. These timers
can be used for PWM for motors and the like.
The Timer Counter 1 Control Register A (TCCR1A 0x80) is the register for
controlling Timer/Counter 1, along with Timer Counter 1 Control Register B
(TCCR1B 0x81). The high sets of two bits (bits 7-6 and 5-4), control the
compare output mode for channel A and B respectivly. These are controlled with
2 bit combinations as shown below.
| Bits | Description |
| 00 | Normal Port operation, Comp register disconnected |
| 01 | Toggle OC1A/OC1B on compare match |
| 10 | Clear OC1A/OC1B on compare match (set output low) |
| 11 | Set OC1A/OC1B on compare match (set output high) |