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2021-09-23 17:54:24 +00:00
= Arduino Nano =
A very small arduino product, better for hobby embedding
see [[arduino_techniques|Programming Techniques]]
== Features ==
* ATMEL AVR ATmega328P microcontroller
* 8 bit @16Mhz
* 2Kbytes SRAM
* 32Kbytes flash
* 1Kbytes EEPROM
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* Three on board LED's * 20 IO pins
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* 6 PWM and 6 ADC
== Notes ==
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- this is the atmega328old for BOARD_SUB in the makefile
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=== Memory ===
* AVR instructions are 16 or 32bits wide, therefore the flash is 16K x 16
* EEPROM has endurance of ~10000 write cycles
* Program counter is 14 bits wide
* First 32 memory locations (0x0000 - 0x001F) are registers
* Next 64 registers are standard IO (0x0020 - 0x005F)
* Next 160 are extended IO (0x0060 - 0x00FF)
* Everything else is SRAM (0x0100 - 0x08FF)
=== IO ===
* GPIO pins
* Have a Data Direction Register (DDR)
- Sets if data should go in or out
* Is kept up via a [[multiplexer]] to decide which bit
=== Pins ===
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Pins are controller by the atmega's ports. Each port has different port
registers. Each bit of the 8 bit register controls a single pin. Port D
controls pins 0 through 7, C controls the analog pins, and B controls 8 through
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* PortC
- Port C data regiser
- 0x28
- R/W 8bits
- Port C data direction register
- 0x27
- R/W 8bits
- Port C input pints address
- 0x26
- R 8bits
* PortB
- Port B data register
- 0x25
- R/W 8bits
- Port B data direction register
- 0x24
- R/W 8bits
- Port B Input pins address
- 0x23
- R 8bit
Same pattern:
* PortD
- 0x2B - 0x29
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=== Interrupts ===
Interrupts are the same as OS typical interrupts, controlled by the Interrupt
lookup table. On this device the ILT is instead a control register.
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The External Interrupt Control Regsiter (EICR 0x69) is a register that allows you to set
the behaviour of the two built in interrupts. The Behaviour is set via setting
two bits. Bits 3-2 are for Interrupt 1 on pin D3, and Bits 1-0 are for
Interrupt 0 on pin D2. Below is a table of the values and their behaviour
| Bits | Description |
| 00 | Low level makes an interrupt |
| 01 | Any logical change makes an interrupt |
| 10 | Falling edge makes an interrupt |
| 11 | Rising edge makes an interrupt |
To enable the interrupt, you must write a one (1) to the appropriate bit in the
External Interrupt Mask Register (EIMSK 0x3D). Bit 0 set INT0, and Bit 1 sets
NOTE external activity on the pin, once the EIMSK bit is set, will cause an
interrupt even if the pin is set as an output pin.
Once an interrupt is triggered, the External Interrupt Flag Register (EIFR
0x3C) will have a one (1) written to the corresponding bit for that interrupt.
The flag is set automatically, and cleared once the interrupt has concluded.
The flag can be cleared by writing to it manually. Bit0 controlls INT0 and Bit
1 controlls INT1.
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Finally, for interrupts to be enabled at all, a one (1) must be written to the
Status Register (SREG 0x5F). Bit 7 is the global interrupt enable flag, and
must have a one (1) written to it in order for interrupts to occour, regardless
of the state of the EIMSK register.
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To implement an interrupt in code, see the following C example
//enable the interrupts as explained above
//perform interrupt task
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=== Clock ===
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The ATMega328P has 3 timers, two 8bit timers and one 16bit timer. These timers
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can be used for PWM for motors and the like.
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The timers are controlled by the General Timer/Counter Control Register (GTCCR
0x43). Bit 7 is the Timer/Counter sync Mode (TSM) and when set, halts the
timers so that they do not increment during configuration.
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The Timer Counter 1 Control Register A (TCCR1A 0x80) is the register for
controlling Timer/Counter 1, along with Timer Counter 1 Control Register B
(TCCR1B 0x81). The high sets of two bits (bits 7-6 and 5-4), control the
compare output mode for channel A and B respectivly. These are controlled with
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2 bit combinations as shown below.
NOTE These settings only apply to normal mode
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| Bits | Description |
| 00 | Normal Port operation, Comp register disconnected |
| 01 | Toggle OC1A/OC1B on compare match |
| 10 | Clear OC1A/OC1B on compare match (set output low) |
| 11 | Set OC1A/OC1B on compare match (set output high) |
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TCCRB1B also can change the behaviour of the clock. Bit 7 sets the Input
Capture Noise Canceler (ICNC1). This will eliminate noise on the pin, and
delay the input caputre by 4 clock cycles. Bit 6 is the Input Capture Edge
Select 1 (ICES1). (To write about).
The lower 3 bits (2-0) determine the clock source. The possible vlaues are
shown below.
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| Bits | Description |
| 000 | No clock source (off) |
| 001 | CLK I/O / 1 (no prescale) |
| 010 | / 8 Prescaler |
| 011 | / 64 Prescaler |
| 100 | / 256 Prescaler |
| 101 | / 1024 Prescaler |
| 110 | External Clock source on T1 (falling edge) |
| 111 | External Clock source on T1 (rising edge) |
NOTE T1 will trigger the clock even if the pin in configured as output.
While in normal mode the Timer/Counter 1 Register counts up (inremental) and no
counter clear is done. The counter will overflow when the max 16 bit value
(0xFFFF) is reached. The registers that contain the counter values are The
Timer/Counter 1 Register (TCNT1H:TCNT1L 0x85[15:8] and 0x84[7:0], together TCNT1).
The Output Compare Register 1 A (OCR1AH:OCR1AL 0x89[15:8] and 0x88[0:7], together OCR1A)
and Output Compare Register 1 B (OCR1BH:OCR1BL 0x8B[15:8 and 0x8A[0:7]], together OCR1B)
contain 16 bit values are contantly compared to the TCNT1 register. A compare operation is
performed, and a match generates an interupt.
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These Interrupts can be turned on/off using the Timer/Counter 1 Interrupt Mask
Register (TIMSK1 0x6F). This register acts similary to the EIMSK register. Bit
5 enables Timer/Counter1 Input capture Interrupt (ICIE1), and the corresponsing
interrupt is triggerd when the ICF1 flag in TIFR1 is set.
Bits 2-0 enable the interrupts for Matches with Output Compare B, A, and
overflow resepectivly. When Bit 2 is set, the corresponding interrupt is
triggered only when the OCF1B flags in TIFR1 is set. This same principle
applies for OCF1A in TIFR1 for Bit 1, and TOV1 in TIFR1 for Bit 0. For more
info on TIFR1, refer below.
THe Timer/Counter 1 Interrupt Flag Register (TIFR1 0x36) is the register that holds
flags when Counter 1 (TCNT1) reaches the values in OCR1A and OCR1B. Bit 5 is
set when The input capture set by WGM to be used as the TOP value. Bits 2-0 are
set when TCNT1 matches the value in OCR1B, OCR1A, when when TCNT1 overflows,